June 1938 School Magazine
JUNE, 1938
Registered ot tho G.P.O., Brisbme, for trmsmission by po8t qs q Perlodi.cl.
Oprningsfor the Priuate Secretary (tw1> \ZOUNG people who enter Business to-dov r connot expect much success unless they hcrve previously received the requisite technicql trqinins. Especially does this crppiv to the Privote Secretary. Depcntmental Heods crnd, the chiefs o{ Professionoi qnd Commercicrl ,orgqnizctions qll insist thot those who qci for them in q secretcnial ccrpccity must be thorough- ly ccrpcrble. For this reqson, leoding City men fcrvour Groduates from Stoti's Business Collese' The Free Ernployment Deportmeni inqin- tqined by Stott's reports thcrt last yecn 641 posi- tions in the leoding offices of Brisbcrne were ploced ct the disposcl of the Collese Students' Stott's Collese Buildins is locqted crt 290 Adelcide Street (midwqy between Creek crnd Whcrrf Streets). Pqrents ond intendins students qre invited to coll ond discuss the motter with the Principcrl, Mr. K H. S. Kerr, F.I.C.A.
Sro. ATTAT{ & STARI( f o, J our Jchoo I fuquir ements They Have Everything from A to Z * SIIK BTOUSE
Boilinq Silk Blouse (osillustroted)llll PRiCE SERGE SKIRT Good Quolity Novy Serse Sl Novy School Felt with Novy Ribbon bcrnd, oll heod sizes. PR]CES 5ln, 6lttr , 101 6 Allan & Stark Ltd, QUEEN and ADELAIDE STREETS, BRISBANE The Best in Sporting GOOdg-.fu asonably pr ice d. "Everything Good in Sporting Goods" is our slogon, so no motter whot Sport you follow, get complete sotisfociion ond long service by buyinq your equipment from ihe BRISBANE SPORTS DEPOT_ Lcrge Stocks oI Malerial lor- TENNIS VIGORO GOLF CNICKET HOCKEY BASKET BALL, etc. Specicrl Discounts Offered lo Schools ond Clubs All Sportinq Repoirs Promptly crnd Efficiently Attended to. Price Lists of A1l Goods Free on Applicotion. BRISBANE SPORTS DEPOT "Everything Good in Sportinq Goods" 342 QUEEN STREET BRISBANE ' If it's for Tennis, Iet BOB HOOD 'Phones; B 8705 crrd I 3780 l0Hil HtsLoP er SONS Qremation and Ql'uneral "Directors 544 QUEEN STREET BRISBANE and 17 PEEL STREET SOUTH BRISBANE the populor Tennis Ployer Advise you obout oll mot- ters reloting to Tennis SPECiAL SCHOOLS Restrins onlv 7 /5, ond the Motchflyer Rocket sells at 2l/-, complete wj.th cr nice cover, ot TAYL0R & W|[S0N SPORTS DEPOT 158 Adelqide Street City B 7905 SANI}GATM BUS SBISVIOT' BIue and White Line MONDAY to FRIDAY. SUNDAYS qnd Public Holidcys. SATURDAYS Leqves ShorncIiIJe Leoves Shorncliffe 830 ** 12.0 ncon 1.30 p.m. c cn 4.3C ,, o lq *Vic Ascot on Asqol Rqce DcYs. SANDGATE CENTRAT 15 MINUTES TATER THAN SHORNCLIFFE TIMES. Nudgee College and Virginicr GolI Links, crpproxirnctely 30 minutes lqter thcrn Brisbcrne cnd Shornclille stcrting times. Leqves Ecgle St. 8.30 on 10.3 0 12.30 p.m. 2.O 3.3 0 5.0 5.45 I eorres Eoqle St- tO-O ".-. 11.30 1.30 n.m. 3.0 4.30 6.45 I0.r5 Leoves Ecgle St. 9-0 .* I0.0 I 1.30 12.40 p.m. 1.30 'r, 4.50 p.m. 7.25 a.m 8.20 10.15 *12.5 p.m 3.45 5.0 Speciol Trips Coiered for ot Reosonoble Rotes Tickets qre Inlerchangecrble on either ol these lwo lines. Black and White Buses BUS LEAVES BRIGHTON (Duddington's Store) BUS LEAVES BRISBANE (Ecqle Streei) Leoves ShorncliIJe 7.25 9.0 9"35 11.40 r.45 3.30 ,5.0 Sundqys ond Holidcys 930 ** - 1r .0 2.0 p.m. Mondoy to Fridoy 9n* 10.0 I 1.30 1.0 p.m. Sundoys ond Holicioys Monday to Fridoy -^; / ./J A.m- 8.30 10.0 i 1.0 12.45 p.m. 2.r5 A ai _O"1t 8.0 ".-. 9.30 12.30 p.m 4.0 7.?,5 a.m L30 i'12.0 noon 3.15 p.m 6.15 5.1 5 6.25 7.15 9.15 3.0 4.4 r 4.45 s.40 ,, I rr.o 6.15 8.15 'Viq Ascol on Asqot Rcce DcYs. FARES: 2/3 Children, l/3 itlinimum Return Sinola vrrrYru Holf-price r/- I. T. FORD, Yundah St,, Sandgate Phone: Scndgcte 423 CANNON & CRIPPS (remation and Funeral Directors ADELAIDE STREET, CITY (Opposite City Hall) 'Phone B t97t WICKHAM ST., VALLEY 'Phone B lg72 45-47 r52 5OI STANLEY ST. SOUTH BRISBANE 'Phone 12007 52 STONE,S CORNER 'Phone I6357 * f, Copging lleuice for Euerg Usq NO MATTEfl #trar your business, your cornmonest need is lor I to 100 copies.-And this is c "Ditto" Job. The "Ditto" copying device provides up to eiqht colours lrom hqnd-written, type-written, or drqwn mqster sheets, qnd these mqster sheets mqy be mqde Irom the Iollowing mediums;- "Ditto" cqrbon pcper, "Ditto" writing inks, "Ditto" pencils, "Ditto" tYpe- writer ribbons, "Ditto" printing ink. AU in eight colours: red, blcck, blue, green, orqnge. purple, yellow, brown. "Ditto" is c simple nethod of dupli- cating, qnd there is no ink used on the mqchine. The "Ditto" Hcndy Kit is especiolly de- signed lor the smqll users ot "Dilto", such qs Chulches, Tennis Clubs, Schools, Sporting bodies. This set comprises all stcndcrd equipment with two "Dillo" Iilms. Price,42/-. l}ris compacl liltle set provides reclly wonderlully cleqr work. W. R. SMITH & PATERSON Pty. Ltd. MARSHATL STREET. THE VAttEY, BRISBANE, N I. Telephone: B 3438 (3 lines) OFFICE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT KING TEA Tender, dew-loderr leoves, oll plucked in the eorly }lorning Sun- shine ol the Eosi. So it comes to yor-r iis excellence of flovour ond oromcr hoving origin in the tiny leqves thot qre especiolly pluck' ed for KINIG TEA only. illnE IER GOOD TO THE I,AST DROP (Pocked in Queenslond) You will Ileaer Regret the time ond money spent on books if you reod wisely, for good books ore friends who ..vill never forsoke you. They will prove o help ond inspirotion in yor-rr bottle with life ond o joy with which you moy spend your leisure hours. For books to study ond books to reod, coll or send to A. McLEOD Brisbqne's Best Bookstore IO7 ELIZABETFtr STREET BBISBANE BETWEEN DANCES - NO mcrtter. where you go.,toqdqnce.. o party or even to school . . hcrve briqht . . heclthy . . neqt cnd tidy hair. Use Queen Mcccrsscr Oil. Avcilcble in altraclive boltles in lwo shades, RED-{or Dork hoir GOLDEhT-{or foir hoir. Price 2/- gottte 2 MUTU,A.L ADMIRATION They both use OUEEN MACASSAR OIL AT AI,L CHEMISTS AND STORES 69 THE FLOUR THAT NEVER FAITS SIMPSON'S SELF RAISING FLOUR 4l- in the $ Discount off all DIAM0NIIS Sove Money ! Buy Direct from Queens- l Lloyd's lnsurance covers you lor the full purchcse price of ihe ring qgqinsl TheIt. Loss or Dqmqge. WALLACE IIISHOP'S ALBERT SQUARE, BRISBANE Also ot 228 Queen Sireet" Brisbqne B'a'rker's Bookstore New cnd Second-Hcrnd Booksellers Stcrtioners, etc. WE SPECIALISE IN TEXT BOOKS ON ALL SUBtrECTS Coll, Write or Phon.e to Kelvin House BRISBANE P.O. Box, 1676V ADELAIDE STREET Phones: 82401 M7667 r'*ffi.:F A. Nicholson Wholescle Fruit Merchqn! qnd Produce and Grower's Agenl Country Orders Supplied All Business under my Personol Supervision Section 39 NOMA STREET MARKETS BRISBANE 'Phone B 4743 PTAYERS SPORTSWEAR 345-347 QUEEN ST., BRISBAI{E, B"5 We moke lo meosure ql no extrc chcrEe Ior ligures under 30 inch Wcist ond 40 inch Bust Personcl littings are 2/5 exlrc per Garmenl CATALOGUE SELF-MEASUREMENT FORMS AND PATTERNS FCRWARDED Post Free on Request G.27-Adjustoble Bonnet, ideollv lor sport or holidoy. In Ploin White PiqLe or with brim lrn^o with - 111 coo- or-en linen. F s o.i sz- 5l I I G.28 ldeol Sports Cordigon in sofi brush g"Ti; *:::"'fi:":'l"o,ii"":T l7 lIl Gro-n, Fqwn, aic. ........ G.22-"Skirted-Shorts', comprising white ll:;?"Tt"#'j: ";l',? "::I 7 I ll G,23- Pleoted Shorts, one buttoned plocket, box-pleoted sqme ot bqck os Jront. White p'que or novy, brown or wh:te 4 l1 1 s.lk /l LI shcdv Stott, Hoare & Dobefl's Business College CREEK STREET, BRISBANE (OnIy Address) (opp. E.S. & A. Bonk) 'Phone: B 1806 OIIers the Best Commerciql Trctining lor Young Lcdies. When your doughter leoves school, ossute het fuiure by giving her o sound BUSINESS TRAINING. There is o constont demond for our quolified students io fill positions in the leoding Business Houses of Brisbone. Subjecls Touqht-Individuql Tuilion Shorthqnd, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercicl English, Arithmetic; clso Complometer, Wqhl, qnd Cross Adder Tuition. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ALL COMMERCiAL SUBIECTS, olso SHOW CARD AND TICKET WRITING osk for porticulors. Thorough Troining all Office Routine Correspondence Course qll Subjecis. Free Prospeclus on crpplication. Principcl: (Miss) C. Il. MARTIN Gimber of Qualiry At th.e Lowest Cosr Experience hos en- obled us to supply the right kind ol Timber thoi will give losting sotisfoction for ony poriiculor ;ob. When building or modernising your home, use our Queenslond LUSTER Flooring. Looks beoutiful, ond mokes floor coverings unnecessory. We hove it seosoned in sizes 3 x I ond 4 x l. Richmond Timber Co. Pty. Ltd. For all Building Timbers crnd Plywood STANLEY STREET (next Dry Dock) SOUTH BRISBANET Phones: I 1536 ond I 1537 Gicnt Lusler Loq - Jrom Loq to Seqsoned Flooring @,\e if//';agazinB sf @L1e l9tixbane GirIx' (Eranrmar firLlnnI EDITORIAL. Aw Moy 271h, there wqs unveiled the Queenslond memorial \-/ ro Kin.g George \r. whose jusL ond l lune, I938 Brisbone Girls' Grcmmar School Mcaozine Miss R'oberts, o missionory {rom Tongcrnyikct' gove dn in- terestins ond informotive tolk on the worl< of the missions ond their schools in thot port of Afrlco' The Schooi derived greot pieosure from o music recitol very grdciously given ott t"t"v 19th, by Mlss Kesslovo ond t"{is. Potlock. The recitoi wGS cpened with two movements from o suite {or plono ond violin by Korl Goldmork' At the "on"tr.rrion of o delisht{ul ofternoon's music' Miss Kesslowo ;;;;.;ted with o touquet of red roses, while lv{iss Pollock's bonquet wos of roses ond cornoticns, both bouquets being tied with royol blue ribbon. We would like ogcrin to express our thonks ior the very greot pleosure given to the School' We were very somy to lose N{iss Duncon who reslgned crt the end of lost yecr to return to Victorio, where she is now on in" Stott o{ the Church of Enslond Girls' Grommqr Schocl at G".lonq. Miss Duncon hod been Science Mistress ot the School for ten yeors ond tolces with her our good wishes for the future. We would like to welcome to the Stof{ Miss Mitchell who hos come from Sydney to teoch the Science subjects' - D.A.B. MRS. A. J. P. GREEN. In November of lost yeor the School heord with sorrow of the decrth in Brisbone of Mrs. A' l' P' Green' o Iormer member of Sto{f. Mrs. Green, on Enqlish womon who hod been educoted in Germony ond wos widely trovelled' hoving tousht for mony yeors in South Africo ond lived in Americo' joined the Stoff of the School in Julv, 1921' At the end of 1929 she retired becouse of poor heolth oi the iime, but continued to do some cooching in ionguoges in which she wcrs so fluent' She moin- toined her wide interests in public of{oirs ond her interest in the School by frequent visits to \4iss Lilley crnd the Stoff' omonq whom she hod mony friends' She will be remembered with oflection by oll who come in contoct with her' either os chilCren or os oduits, ond is one of those who hos l-^ft o iostinq influ'ence on ihe School. Brisbcrne Girls' Grammqr School lVlcgczine !une. 1938 woolcocK ESSAY. 1937. "Come the ihree corners of the world in orms, And we sholl shock them: nought sholl moke us rue, I{ Enqlond to iiself remcrin but true.'' O Lord Almiqhty, turn not from Thy people But hove compossion on our helplessness Our eyes ore flesh, we see but dorkly: Smoll ore our heqrts, we cqnnot guess One tithe ol Thy godness or Thy wisdom Nor holf Thine oll forgiving gentleness This greot, smoll world is troubied very sorely. The notions know not whom to trust or feor. They wotch olert, they listen without ceosing Like beosts thot crouch ond tremble os thev h.-oor The shomeless fooisteps of the lowless roijer, His prey's deoth shrieks; nor dore to interlere. 'Tis perilous to grosp the hond of friendship Who knows but ii moy drog us to our doom? A11 foith twixt us is fled. Forgotten those thot bled Aird Icr our welfore found on eorlv tomb And some there cre who soy to me of Engicnd Thot she must {ollow where her peers ore gone, Thot she too must sufier devostotion, And drink the woters of oblivion. And her brove spirit thot hos burned so briqhtty, A guiding stor unto the world so long, Sholl fode, ond freeze, ond choke itsel{ with csh:s; And oli her glory be txringuish^d uile i1 . And her nome be unknown upon the eorth. "Sholi she", they soy, "olone be spored to triumph?,' For where is oncient Rome's imperiol swoy? .A.nd Hellos, wher^ is sh^ ho: ..oy hcrh conquer^d And hoth not Macedonio possed owcy? For oll greot empires thot on eorth hove ruled Hove wox^d slroag oro rpaned loworcj their {oll imogining in their heort's pride, "J on orrd there s no ^ oeside'. Exceeding wise ore they in their own eyes, Until within dissension fierce is borne; He-lene wi h H^llen^ horl v 6s, And Romqn conquers Rome. Or. drunken with the glory they hove won, And dizzy with the heights thot .ihey hove scoled. Ti ey rEqk r ot 1or rho stoi^ but lor hemselves, Till, by o mightier pou/er ot length ossoiled, Their ruins ore mode level wlth the giound.,, But Lord, Thou const preserve. We do not proy Thot Thou should'st keep in us mere breoth olone; But this sholl be our proyer, "Of.i os we stroy They would enjoy the friuts of victoryi And, with luxurlous surfeitinq regoled, -Shokespeore. t? _J=ry Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmor School Mqgczine From Thy strict low, O seek us in Thy lovel Chostise us thot we leove iniquiiy Cost out the eye thot covets, ond d.issever The hond thot strikes ihe poor mon privily. Con{ound us in our pride ond moke us humble; Moke us to wolk uprighlly in Thy sight; Let us not {o11 owoy from our troditions, The excmple thot our Jothers set, o{ right. Let not our generotion shome the couroge Of Alfred, Coeur de Lion, ond of More. Moy Sidney's, Droke's ond Nelson's feorless spirlts Glow reincornoie in our lond once more And ihey who died thot we mlght e'er live peocefully O! sirive towcrd their qool with might cnd moin. But this we connot reoch Unless thot oLl ond eoch Hold fost Thy low within their heorts enshrined, And in ihe love of Thee ond o11 Thy works Will cleove together inseporobly uniied And do Thy will with glodness in their heorts. So Englond ne'er need {eor onnihilotion The while her children to their nome o)e true Resolving firm ihot they will o11 be worthy, And them their lond sholl ne'er hove couse to rue: While Enqlishmcn to Englishmon is Ioith{ul. Betroying not his brother io the foe, Per{orming without grudge, noy joy{ully, His duties io the world, his 1ond, his home, And holdinq still olofi ihe floming sworC Of foith in Thee ond knowledge of Thy will, And, os his fothers, seeking truih O Lordl Moke us to seek nought else, ond our heorts fill. With greoter understonding of Thy love, Thy beouty, ol1 Thine excellence, uniil, Come oll the povuers o{ the world ogcinst us, With Pleosure, Lust of Empire, Pride ond ol1 The domning crowd of this world's voin eniicements To lure us on till self destroyed we foll, And we sholl rise triumphont lrom their boti'ring l,ike some lone rock the seo oli night o'erwhelms, Thot lifts iis summii with the storm's oboiing, Secure ond uncrfroid, io foce the Down.'' T}IE TROPICS. The trees ore green, ond ihe vines between Donce in lhe wonton breeze, The polm }eoves sigh when the winds go by The siqh comes bock from the seos. The stors ore bright in the jungle night, And the moonlight on the streom, As it ripples olong ond sings its songs, Comes io houni you like c dreom. On the corol sond, by the breokers grond The mermoids socrt so free; And the mounioin {oce, where the ferns enloce, Looms dork by the silver seo Elizobeth Armstrong. E. Stenzel, \'l 74 Queenslond Universiiy Senior Fublic Excrmincrtions, 1937. ir E o o o 9. a o Armstrong, E. F. .. .. B Bosworth, U. B. .. .. C Derrington, B. .. .. .. B Driguine,H... .. .. .. B Foster, G. N. .. . . .. .. A Frome, C. M. .. .. . . B Govers, M. .. . C Grice, M. A. .. .. .. A Homilton,H... .. .. .. B Holyooke, A. K. .. . . .. C Lethbridse, F. G. .. .. B Money, B. l. M. . . .. A Poyne, F. J. .. .. .. .. B Piliinser, M. H. .. .. .. C Rohmonn, M. M. .. .. B Schmidl, E. T. .. .. .. B Shollcross, O. M. .. .. C lMatson, L. H. .. .. .. C Webb, A. E. .. .. .. B C C C C A B C C B B A C B B B C B C C B C A A B B B A A B C C B C C A C A B A B C C C A B C B A A A A C C A C C B B C C B B C C C C A B Queenslqnd University Junior Public Examincrtions, 1937. bd .c A fi6 < -€ o o Fo h e - : t I'r*3 H ;>i9 J: o . * l ' tE.;"i"9-E : 3 {r,-*a8 t ! E i s : e g u x 4gLi, o E fl : 3 F E I - ? e ; is ; E 5 i o < < o C E € i E < d6fiE E H g 0n4 oi+o rLJ9 CC BB Aird, N. I. .. .. .. .. B C a-a Aitken, M. A. .. .. .. A C A A B A A B A BAA B CCBC A]len,V.F... .. .... Andersen, E. G. .. .. Arthur, D. L .. A C A C B A A A B A B A B B Baldwin, B. G. .. .. .. D C Bollontine, B. l. .. .. C Bollontine, M. O. .. .. C Beck,K.M..... .... B C C BB BCAAB C B BCC C B CC UD BC C C B C C Bell, I. L. 15 Queenslond University Junior Public Exqmincrtions, 1937. r, i E: T: ioo .r,E $ FEgHE 3 tr,'Fd 3 I € s r I F f € s F I _ f ; : ifi F g s c'e i I P 3 : o 3 -3 i r g i ; .i c o o u b i () u () o * 3 6 f { t 5 & SAai t - i -s t o i i -E : Bow,J.E. C C C B C C C Chombers,H.R.......B BB Clorke, M. E. .. .. .. C C Cornelins,E.A....... B C CB BC B C C B C BB CC B A A C C Crois,J.E......... B B C C C Crowe,N. C B A C C B B B C B B C Curren,I.E... .. .. .. C B Dcvidson,.t.L....... B Douslos,M.J..... .. C Eorle, E. P. .. .. .. .. C Edqe-Wiilioms, K. M. .. B Edwords, L. .. .. .. .. B Enslonci,E.M... .... .A B C Evons,J.E... .. .. .. C Fletcher, P. E. .. .. .. C Furness,R.M....... C C C Gole, B. I. .. .. .. .. C C Given, B. M. .. .. .. C C B Godfrey, l. E. .. . .. B C Goldinq,C.G....... A B C B A Eden,M. B C A A C Eshensky, A. .. B,B B C C A. B B C C C C C C B B C C B C CB B C C C C B A B A B B A B C C B B B C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C B C C B C A C C C B BA B B A C Grohorn, B. I. .. .. .. B Green, O. M, .. .. .. C Grimes,L.E......... A C Groves, P. .. , Hirst,A.L......... Holyooke,E. ll....... Hume, M. H. .. Hobort, E. A. .. .. .. B C B B C Hunier, Z. B. .. .. .. B C Innes,J.R..... .. .. B Jockson, H. R. .. .. .. C Johnson,S.G....... A B A Jones,F.F.M..... .. B C B Jensen, G. J. .. C B A C B C C C C B A B C A A B BA CB A A A A B B B C B C B B C A A C C C C B C B B C B A B C B C C C B B CC C C C C C B A B A B A C C B C C B C B C C C A C CCCAB .. B C C Jorgensen, M. I. B Koshiwosi, M. .. .. .. B B ABC Kinq,M.E......... Kinq,N.R......... B B B C B C A A C A A C I-ombert,D.M... .. .. A B A A B C Llewellyn,M.A. C B B B 16 Queenslqnd University Junior Public Exqmincrtions, 1937. *d E st o. €st *qg 3l>.qE6 "'En e;.; 5;sl ! #ro :;toi;-q ; n: g BB BBC B BAA 'iD BB C BA B BAB I o : q ._: o b {9 ; " F € : . i : 'tl E g g : {roFq atts b : E h L .: .9 n'f, b;1 io fi O < < o o ia < { Hr!ilU Lovegrove, C. de M. .. B B A Low, D. F. .. .. .. .. B B A Modsen, l. M. .. . .. B B Mopleston, M. B. C McCobe, E. .. .. .. .. A McDonold, B. O. j. . . C C Mcleilon,M.i....... C Middleton, E. M. .. .. C Miller, J. E. .. .. .. .. C Moorhouse, N. C. .. .. B Morris, M. E. .. .. .. B C B Oxley,A.E.G....... Peltisrew, M. i. .. .. B Pickering, L. G. .. .. C C Mohr,J. B Roberison,H..l.. . .. B C R.fiFrq\/CCB Ruddell, E. C. .. .. .. D Shonohon, I. V. .. .. .. D C Shonnon, N. L. .. .. .. C C Shepherd, P. G. .. .. B Smith,M.J....... .. C Seorle, l. .. .. B Porter,J. Price,R. ....,A D B BC BB BB CB BB B Ats CC CA B B C C A B C C B C B C A B C C C BBiJ C B C C B C B C B B B C C B C C C B C B B B C C A A A A B C A C C C C C B C CA B B AB BB C B B C u' C A r- L] B CA C C C A BB A B B B C C C B A B B C B B B B B C C C .. tl Ste1ey,H. I....... C Stewort, l. A. .. .. .. B C C1 B B C C B C Stil],V.N.... C C B C Stringer, I. S. .. .. .. A B B B C C B B B C Trudsion,N.Il. C .C B C C C Wotts, A. B. .. .. .. A Whe1lon, M. E. .. .. .. C Wiliaton, I.A.\1..... B Willioms, A.. M. .. .. C Wilson, J. M. .. .. . ' C B CL] C C B C C C C B C CA C C CB B B C Wood,D. B B C Yellond,M.E... .. .. B C B B .A CA AA Bosworth,U.B.... .. Pillinser,M.H... .. .. Brisbane Girls' Grcmmcr School Mcgczine lune. 1938 PREFECTS, 1938 P. GOODALL, A. GRANT, K. CALLAGHAN N. DEIINIS, D. BOWDEN (Hecd Girt), l. IACKSON Brisbcne Girls' Grcmmcr School Mcgczine fune, 1938 LYRIC PRIZE IN THIRD AND FOURTH FORI\iIS, 1937. THE TH{JiSDER.STORM. The sun wos shining: oll wos well. I heord o jongling builock-bell Out in the poddock. In ihe dell The wild {lowers nodded. Petols fell A crinkling cloud oppeored. It gre-w- Ever it chonged its shope. i knew Thot soon the sun woulC hide from view- The clouds would overcost the blue. A flosh of lightning--then the thunderl The god of storm will reop his plunder. Down comes the roin, breoking ossunder Flowers {rom their stems. All must go under. Ten minute's wrolh-the storm is over The sun shines bright- From out the clover Bees stort onew- Noture, the lover Of o11 the Eorih, Siorm's wreck sholl cover. -Julio Strinqer THE WAVE. A slow green wove, for out from shore, Come rolling in toword ihe mognet edge Of lond. Heovy it wos, ond ohvoys more JMoter orose behind to push ii on. The roller, stirred by wind, ond woxing wroih While scorce o furlong out, before its time Begqn io curl, ond showed o swirl of froth Edglng its forceful green with creomy white. With swirling strength it hostened on ihe tide, Then, in o flurried smother of disturbed foom, Towering too high, it felI, ond scottered wide, And soon wos drown down in on underiow. --Julio Stringer. ]UD]TH CLOWES, IN.E fune, 1938 Brisbme Girls' Grammar School Mcgczine cold is ihe seo:::T""" And the ice-bergs closhing Grinding, grooning, {loshing In the weory Arciic night Strong is the wind ond {ierce And the storm wrock flYing Scudding, lleeing, dYinq In the drenching Arctic roin. Sod is the wond'rer's heort And his senses ) eornin 1 Croving, longing, burning In the icy Arctic blost. Worm is his heorth ond home And the firelight doncing Flick'ring, shining, gloncing- From the Arciic wostes ofor' ., Julio Stringer. OF GARDENS. Everyone loves to wonder oround o well-kept gorden, cd- miring the qoy fiowers, trim green lowns with here ond there o potch oJ dorker green clover, ond neot poths, to wotch for the firsi buds on the spring {lowers, or the {irst timid green shoots of the winter bulbs, to smell the deliqht{ul scent of eorth freshly wotered, ond to see the dew sporkling on the leoves, the gross ond the spider's webs in the eorly morning. To be o good ond e{ficient gqrdener, one must hove o delinite temperoment, potient, ond {ree from impetuosity. A11 the disoppointments of the hobby-plonts dying becouse oI poor soil or insufficient moisture, onts eoting ihe seeds one has corefully sown, ond numerous other petty onnoyonces--crll must be borne potiently if one is to succeed in the end. Beverley Nichols, in his book "Down the Gorden Path", gives cr very omusing occount of his ottempis to moke c gor- den. He tells one entertoinins story of his attempts to build o fish pond. He duq the hole himself, ond succeeded in build- inq quite o creditoble pond, when his neiqhbour domped his spirits by oskinq whot he intended to do with the huse mound of soil he had dus out o{ the hole. Noihinq dounted, he replied thoi it wos going to be q rockery, ond to mqke his boost good, he ordered the stones, of which he eventuolly bouqht q ton, there beinq o reduction in price for lorge quontities. At lcrst, ofter mony poinful incidents, his rockery wos built, ond wos imposing indeed. Consisting of d ton of stones ond much soil, it towered crbove the {ish-pond whence it originoted, ond hod to be removed ofter ol1. 20 june, !930 Brisbcne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgczine Althouqh rother exosserqted, this is typicol of the seibocks experienced in gordening. Usuolly one hos two or three tries before the plonts will grow ot ol1, ond then the flowers ore dis- crppointinqly smoll. \4r. Nichols tells of some red-hot pokers he tried to cultivote from q penny pocket of seed. When they finolly grew ond blossomed they were very smoll, cnd, as he puis it, "merely luke-worm", while thos-^ in his neighbour's gorden, olso olleged to be grown from o penny pocket, were lcrrqe ond red. He could not understond why, until one doy, crfter both hers ond his or,vn hod ceosed to bloom, he visiied her, ond found her diqqinq oui rows ond rows of pots from the gorden, eoch one contoining o red hot pol Thursdoy, l9th Moy, ot 3.15 p.m. PIANOFORTE AND VIOLIN RECITAL lJy REBE KESSLOVA (Violiniste) IEAN POLLOCK (Pioniste) Suite for Violin ond Piono "Edword" Bollode Rhopsody in G. Minor Sicilienne Reel Scherzo in B flot Minor Jordin sous 1o pluie Liebesfreud Perpetuum Mobile Corl Goldmork Brohms Brohrrs Boch Stonford Chopin Debussy Kreisler Novocek 21 1"-s=:9!:jtgg1lrlsE=g!Ysesq. _ rune. re38 NOCTUNNE. It is outumn. The oir is crisp qnd to_morow morning the {irst frosis wiil be touna ,n-ihe "IffJuJ. The qlorious colours of the settinq sun going to rest below the biue mountqins. qrive one " th.iil "thot con never be for_ sotten. Eoch little cloud seems to "oi"t ..lections of ihe briqht lisht; untit out obove rh. ;;;;'il.""k;'; .._es q deticote peorl pink, blendins sentiy with th" llu;'tfli. Heovens obove. The creek which bobbles ot th" folioiln". ,..o,r,_,toin, winds its woy :t'#Lt,?:ffs.the ploin, ;;i, ;;in"'i=."i,, it rows into-til; .;, ^ ^ The lost roys of ihe dyinq sun ripple ponse, mokins ihe wqter The silver-eye cqn be heord twitterinq.in ond w'h one losr decisive ;;;k,' thot of the burcher bird os ii ;;;;i;" .r'in" The home cot sits qozinq,ot-;i*ril_, most secluded port ocross its broqd ex_ o sheet ot-'jJ)dinq whiieness. the bush neqr_bv ""#fril foa crqwls into ihe of. ihe lonrono. fl" ,.r.ort beouiiful cry is f-ri"f-r #,r"1.., oirJ. fr"""rro eyes os the licruid "ri". echo comes fjootinq even hquntins notes come steojinq thr;n;-i;=" clecrr qir, until H?flf.rl*e up the colt on"d .""n. Soon it will be dork., Then to the south the Cross will horrcr "f .;;.-f,;?ri'in. strife ond t.;ili; this tond :i_it"-;""rffi,d Now it is quite dork. All is ot rest. _M. Hetherinqton, lV.D. THE END OF DAY. Sunset- Th^ sun sers in rhe sL,, Homins fi,a" To iheir nest, With the sun o burning orb In the west. The moon obr ve lhe rise Mounts higher in the skies; In the blue, Myriods of twinkling stors Sporkle throuqh. "U.ul *J rf, Moonrise- ]V.A -l.M.P., '22 Brishqne Girls' Grcmmar School Mcgczine tune, l93E (D cr) o) F E r-l O C O F-l t4 .j ca a t i o a at! O t2 iune, 1938 Brisbqne Girls' Grqrnmor School Magczine ffi q"d*&: ffiu,- $f ;sF dYao \#^' dffi,. ''S#"" s#'" q{i## #'Fa* *qfi#"' @ O) F & t4 O z o (-) ljl u J co { q t i o O J o o O a &, #ry,. ".' ffi"". W ffi w;T "*,l' :#4F &*&.**l' @: d: %tr ffi:* q#s #S*a* \d#* #.*" dry*" \.*#:* !tf: M'., WS's l:' ' **dd&& &fu*!F @"". %w #r*" dF""" ***r* tlu ffi ry ils, w #* &e{$e *w June, 1938 Brisbane Girls' Grqmmor School Mclgczine CETEBRATING ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEANS OF AUSTRAII.A.'S FOUNDATION IN SYDNEY. It wos o beoutiful doy, the woters of ihe Harbour spcrkled in the sunlisht, ond the ferry b'oots went bocl< ond forth in the "troio* of itte qreot bridqe. On this doy, Austrolio's Mqrch to Notionhood wqs to be unfolded os q pqseont. The clock at the Generql Post Office chimed ten, qnd for down Mocquorie Street the crowd cheered. A troop of New South Woles Mounted Police led the proces- sion, ond they were follor,r'ed by four mounted herolds in sporklinq siiver choin moil. Then. cqme floats, on the first of which wqs represented the storY of primitive Austrolia;-the originol inhobitonts, the oborigines, were shown, some sittinq outside the qunyqh cook- lng, others in wor-point woving bomerongs cnd nuilcr-nullas' Next, Coptoin Cook wos seen lcndinq ot Boiany Bay crnd beins sreeted Ly crborioines. As the Coptoin Cook floot pcssed on, ihe Coptoin Phillip floot wqs seen with Collins ond Boll crnd the morines dressed in red ond white coots qnd white breeches, three cornered \ots crnd block boots, ond lost come the convicts, slouching qlons, some singing, others grumbling. Models of the "Sirius" ond the "Supply" followed. Mony floats followed, representing mony scenes: The Pioneers in coloured shirts cieored the lcnd for cultiva- tion ond built los homes; the New South Woles Army Corps, whlch once coused so much trouble, now ployed o stirring morch; Bcrss ond Flinders soiled cmong the "greot woves" in the "Tom Thumb", just os thev did in 1795. Then we were shown the Tonk strecrm, once Sydney's woter supply, anC the discovery of cool qt Newcostle by Lieutencrnt Shoitlcnd. John Mqcorthur, founder of the wool industry, wos show1, o.rd th.tt c sociql gothering qt Ccmden. Next' Governor Blish wos "depcrting", not, crs the slonderous story once told, beinq drogged {rom under c feother bed. Then Wentworth, BIox- lcnd, ond Lcrwson were seen crossing the BIue Mountoins in 1813. Here, the spirit of couroge ond odventure were mogni- ficently reccptured. Mccquorie, the roqd builder, then opened the first rood from Sydney to Bothurst. The representotion of the discovery of qold by Hqrsreoves wcs followed by one of the qold rushes, where men, women crnd children were seen in cll kinds of conveyonces on their wcy to the qoldfields. Models of the first Post Office ond the present one were seen side by side. The first troin, trqm ond fer4', "penny- forthinss", ond the Wentworth cooches were also in the pro- cession. Bti"l*r Gi"I"'ct. ___- =='-_I!"", fggg "Silver" qlittered qbove the other floots representins noturol resources, ond the droperies of the riders were in the colour of this metol which hos helped to enrich Austrolio. "Federqtion" wos inspiring, with huqe cornucopios pouringr out ripe fruits. Queen Victorio was seen signing ihe preclous document which mode Ausiroliq one. "Britqnnio" rode with her escort of lions; ond close behind come "Peoce" led by a dove with outspreod wings. And so concluded the One Hundred ond Fifty yeors o{ Austrolio's lt4orch to Notionhood; truly o wondeifui record, vividly portroyed. " ]oon Godfrey, V. tIFE Our life is like o blozing fire briqht, Thot kindled is ot first by one smoll sporr, Which fed, continues still to grow eoch dov Unril it reoches such tronscendoni light Thot o11 qround ore wormed by its glow; And men qre thonkful for its wormth ond 1ight. Like to the.shivering noked mon Who crouches o'er the fire low ot night, And from its heot derives his soving breoth, His wormih, his food, ond oye, his very life, And in the morn lvhen he is gorie his wov. He blesses it with fervour, in his heort; So do these comrodes cluster round its bloze, And go their woy, up-lified in their souls, And proising God who sent thot cheer{ul flome, To light them in their weoriness ond toil. But not for ever con this {ire burn, For soon its flome begins to Ilicker low, And, costing but o feeble light oround, ii slowly burns itseif owoy, until A heop of briqht qnd glowing embers ore Of thot bright {Iome, the only poor remoins. And they, too soon,. begin to fode ond die, And oli the glow goes out, ond leoves them cold. So thus it is with us, our course is run. Our fleeting footsteps corry us olor Into the lond where o1l the spirits go, To live ot length in everlosting peoce. N. Moorhouse, V. B. N. CURTIS, NI.E. zo SICILIAN DANCE, Y.W.C.A. Jubilee Concert, 1938. B. Baker, D' Bowden. N. Shqnnon. Brisbone Girls' Grcmmcr School Mogozine fune, lg3g DAWN OVEN THE SEA. The woves were gently lopping, As they broke in ploylul donce Upon the silv'ry seo shore, just ot down. The sun, while slowly rising O'er the wide, dork blue exponse, Touched with golden fingers the grey morn. And os she trovelled slowly O'er the dim ond misty sky She left behind o trock of golden light, First sign of doy-thot sunbeom Driving dorkness from on high, Cost oside the curtoin of the niqht. -June Chrystql, IV.E I --' K Loawn lv\n'Joc 2B Brisbane Girls' Grqmmor School Ygsc,i1" :}as&^ ;. .;-' ::"" il HUNGAR]AN DANCE Y. \l/.C.A. IUBILEE CONCERT, 1938 L. MATOR, A. BROTHERTON. June, 1938 Brisb ane ci'r'' G'"t-g' s9!IlIgnjlll":=-: AUTHOR OR ARTIST. "Now don't forget your mogozine contributions' girls'" The words echced, ond re-echoed in my mind' n".'i"ltf.zuffv promised' ond who recrlly wonls must begin to write something for the mogozine' Hoving procured pcrper ond pen' whot sholl I write? Ah, I knowl Somethins soothing' and verY descriptive:-- "T'he heovenly orb slowly sonk below the sea of iridescent bt'". "i;;;;rt-.iv -- er' the soft skY"' Oh bother, whot did the skv do? '-- ond besides' Yl-1:*tt"- *;r;'d;*r Xo,'"o*ttni"n in the wov of odventure rnrqnl be better.- "I swung into the sclddle of mY restless mount' ond brovely qolioped ccross the wide open spoces' Acronizing thouqhts floshed throuqh *v t-i"--!r'""iir-rt,in time? - or should I be too lote?" rtt i'i'i""r* *rt"Ii-grt l'm in trouble osoin! T hoven't the {ointest ti"" *fttiit"t'o"d *hy 1 wos so recklessiy qollopins. . --. Let's try crsoin ' ' ' ' ' Ahl Inspirotionl Whv not o poem L They ore so simple' Aii;;t h;t"i" do is to jot cr.{ew worcs down __ just os rtrrn cr=ifl"to tftomt' Iike-qood ond bod' Ch' I meon good ond *;cld" - ot =omethinq like thot' Let's see-- "The boy stood on the burnins deck"' No somehow thcrt doesn't sound o'lsi;f''" I "*"=t t""t heord it somewhere' AnywoY here's onother trY- "The down, tht;;*; the beoutiful down' '- (oh' much better). As one who to, i simPl'1 How qlod om I thot I om born' To see the qlorY of the morn And to smell the new-mown ccrn' No thot doesn't sound riqht' -i'm sure ond I'm.r".v dott'titios to whether it hos cr Thot hos exhousted three themes' I know! i'11 DRAW somethinsi Somethins think of the ' '"'']Ct"J"tt"f i forqot'-I']l Thhk of tr," o*" ?t'a they don't mow corn' smell' er er reolly futuristic' ";J;;;ii;"- of mv fellow school sirls' hove io coll it 30 lune, 1938 Brisbane Girls' Grammqr School Mcgczine somethingl I con't just drow -- or should I soy creote - squores ond circles ond blots without interpreting them. Whoi ccn it represent? "A school qirl wrestllnq with on ottempt to write somethinq for the Mogozine!" -V. N{unro, IV.c. HA,TS. The hols ol to-doy moke the gentlemen smirk They furnish the critics with meoi Thot is food {or o topic mid work ond mid ploy, And offord oll the preochers o treot. When you're next wolking out in the hurrying street, Toke o glonce os you're ombling by; From the midst of o veil on o tqll hoi so neot. You'li be lucky if you see one.eye. Oh. there's toll hots, ond short hots, ond squot hots, ond smol}, Wiih ridiculous trimmings ond bows, We're lucky if we see the hot ot ol1, For the ribbon, the tossel, the rose. -Jeon Lowson, iV.A. 31 Brisbane Girls' Grcmmqr School Mcgcrzine June, 1939 LIBRARY DAY. I hope thot some of the more innocent members of the school will noie ond benefit by this worning. Bewore of swinging librory doors ond borriers of {orms ploced in front of them. To my sorrow i hove olreody leornt to do so ond I odvise my {ellow schoolmotes to lecrrn speedily. Cn s certoin Mondoy lasi term, I decided to chonge my librory book. I ventured into the librory room ond stood peer- ing into the bookcose in secrrch of scme fovourite outhor. But I did not continue my quest for long. Suddenly I wos rudel1. inlerrupted by the form which wqs to be used os o borrier being puiihed into my mid-riff. "Cuch!" I ejoculoted. "Sorry old thinq, but i couldn't help it," remorked the sixth former who wos monipuloting the form. When ot lost the borrier wos in position in front of the book-cose, I looked eogerly forwqrd to the opening of the doors. "About time," I thouqht srumpily when the giris in chorge begon to unlock them, for os you con understond, my feelinss were rother ru{fled. However, my misfortunes were for {rom over. A door swinging on its hinges, unkindly rushed forword ond bcxed my left eor while i wos reochins for ihe desired book. "Cw", I mooned, "how much more of this do I hove to stond. Reolly you know", sternly oddressing the inoffensive looking door, "there ore limitsl" Eventuolly, I escoped with my book, ond went to hunt for my cord. When I finolly obtoined it, I discovered thot I hod occidentolly put the book I wos returnins bock into the book- ccrsq. Resiqnedly I returned qnd brovely dored the drogon osoin. Fixinq thot swinqing d'oor with o belliqerent eye, I mode o chqrge post it, grcrsped the book, ond flunq myself bock qoin, without, I moy proudly odd, fcllinq over the borrier. \Mhen my cord wcs doted, I of lost monoged to escope from thot ploce where I seemed doomed to be brutqlly os- soulted. Mutterinq "Never Aqoin", I rushed out into the gor- den to regoin my equilibrium. But on the followinq Mondoy I wos bcrck for onother book. -Moris Kinq, V. 32 June, 1938 Brisbane Girls' Grammcr School Mcgczine TIIE FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL. Whot o huge, stronqe world school is to newcomers? As I entered the gotes of the Brisbone Girls' Grommor School for the first tirne, I reoliscC the true meoninq of the word "lon.ely"' Fourth, Fifth ond Sixth Formers stood in sroups relotins holidoy experiences, while we, the new "Thirds", were stonCing round strongeiy olone, knowing nothinq of this mysterious secondqry school life. "Whot do we do?" "Where do we qo?" "Whot percentooe did you get in the scholorship?" "Whcrt subjects ore you tckins?" Th"r" were but o few of the unonswered quesiions which 'were pcssed from one to the other. None hod ony time 1o onswer the others' questions, they o11 wished to osk quesiions them- selves. The noisy bwzz of conversotion wos interrupted by the ring- inq o{ ihe sch'ool bell whose sound directed us to the Assembly Holl. After Miss Lilley hcrd oddressed us, she divided Lrs up into lorms, cnd we were sent to our clossroom. Whot omusement we found lookincJ round cri the vctrious qirls, ond forming our opinons ol eoch ond choosinq which we should like to be our intimote {riendsl I wos very fortunoie to know well four sirls in the form. Our survey of our clqss- moies rivos interrupted by the entry of our Form Mistress who told us thot her nome wos Miss Pork. Then the rnistresses come to exploin the course our studies were to toke while we were qt the School. After lunch we were dismissed so thot we could go home to mork oll our books ond uniforms. Whot pride we felt as we left the school for the first time weoring our new school uni- forms, ond how well we behcved so cs not to cost ony slur on the good nome of OUR school - The Brisbone Girls' Grcm- mqr School. Now thot the second term hos olmost finished, sone is the shyness which qssoiled us on the first doy. \Me hove found new friends cnd feel thot we ore now c port of this school with o greot trcrdition, ond we look forword to mony ho-opy yeors of tokinq port in its history. --Moureen Hissins, 3,{. aa Brisbcne Girls' Grsmmqr School Mcrgczine !Ile' 1919 THE WATERFALL. Fointly it {olls, os dew on o lcwn. Like o veil of finest silk It ripples in the eorlY morn; Goily it drops o'er moss ond rock - Murmuring o musicol song Tt sollies down to o torn beneoth, Where it {lows owoY owoY to ihe sec Nevermore to leop ogoin. Iro Thurlbv, lll.C , OUR ENTERTAINER. Our entertoiner resides in o house opposite the schocl' Sometimes, he entertoins us with o wireless progromme, ond ot others with o cornei. While we opprecioie his eflorts on our beholf, it is rother o mixture when you ore trying to think why one ongle equols onother ongle, ond you crre told by the wireless, "You've got to smile, when you soy qood-bye"' I expect mony of us would like to sdy "qood-bye" to some cf the onqlesl Another difficult occosion is when you ore trying to leorn Geoqrophy ond your entertoiner tries to reoch top "C" on his cornet (which sounds rother flot to me). Just when you remem- ber where thot wretched town is situoted, he comes down the scole ogoin, ond so do you, for the town hos crgoin vonished {rom vour memory' -vero Killick, Form III.B. June, 1938 Brisbcne Girls' Grommcrr School Mcgcrzine OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION NOTES. So lorge ond enthusiqstic wos the qothering ot the Annuo1 Generol Meetinq held in the Assemblv Holl on Fridoy, llth Februory, thot the lote comers went without the customory ice creom. This meeting wos o promise of the interest which hos been shown in Associotion functions so for this yeor, ond which we hope will be continued. Mrs. Risson presided ond the Annuol Report recorded o foirly sotis{octory yeor's work' A stort hod been mode ot buiidinq up the Librory Furnishinq Fund, tentotive plons of the proposed olteroticns being shown to those present. It wos ogreed thot cr Fete should be held in the Sch'ool-qrounds loter in the yeor to ossist this {und, crbout which further informotion will be lound loter on. The ll4usic Club Report wos reod by Miss Evelyn McKellor. The winners of the Cld Girls' Prlzes for i937 were: -- Dorothy Arthur (Form IV.), Helen Drigvine (Llpper School Drcrw- ins ond Desiqn), Ann Gront (Llpper School Gymnostics)' The Winner of the Annie Mockoy Bursory for 1937 wos Betty Froser. The election of officers for 1938 resulted os follows:- President: Mrs. T. Benclce. C'ommittee: Miss Lilley, Mrs. J. E. Homley, Mrs. R. Pcrle- thorpe, Misses Burmc Ford, Hozel Muirheod, ond Shirley Thom. in Moy, Mrs. Homley wds forced to resiqn from the Com- mittee owing to her tronsfer from Brisbone cnd i\4iss Nell Comp- bell hos been elected to {i11 her ploce. We ioke this opporiun- ity o{ expressing our oppreciotion of the qocd work done by Mrs. Homley on the Committee ond of her keen interest in the work of the Associotlon. Fifty-nine new members hove been enrolled this yeor cnd two hove rejoined ofter on obsence {rom Brisbone, so thot our numbers now siond of six hundred ond three. ANNUAL DINNER, 1937. The Second Reunlon Dinner, held in Rowe's Bctnqueting Holl on Fridoy evenins 3rd December, 1936, mointoined the in- terest creoted in 1937, despite the {oct thot severol members were missing crs they hcrd been owoiting speciol invitotions. Mrs. Risson, who received the guests, wos presented with o sheof of qlodioli ond delphiniums, ond there were severol post Vice-President: Dr. Dorothy Llill. Hon. Sec.-Treos.: Miss Joon Allsop. Assisl. Sec.: \4iss .Ioon Pollock. 35 Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgczine . Itlr_19?9 mistresses present. Miss Brockr,vcry, -v,ieil remembered by mony of the older members, wos unoble to come, but sent olong her best wishes io those who stiil remember her. The guests of the evening were Dr. Dorothy Hill, who spoke inter- estinsly on "Student Llfe oi Combridse", ond the lote Miss Kitty Stork who gove o vivid tolk on the work of the Leoque o{ Noiions Union in Sydney. REUNION DAY" The Annuol Motches osoinst the Schooj were held on Scturdoy, 2nd April, the Associoiion beins the hostesses for the ofternoon. Three tennis teoms were orronged by Mrs. Polethorpe, ond three nelboll teoms by Miss Joon Pollock. l,4otches were ployed on the school courts os well os on severol ot the Boys' School, kindly lent to us by \4r. Corson Co'olinq. A lorge ond welcome number of spectotors wos present ond severol hund- red Doy Girls. The Sixth Form, os usucrl, copobly took chorqe of the ofternoon teo orrongements, under the direction of Mlss Jones, in orrcrnging ihe three sittinqs thcrt were {ou,nd necessory. The Commlitee of{ers them our sincere thonlcs ond oppreciotion. For some time, the Committee hos felt thot this doy of the Annuol N4otches should be mode much more oJ o reunion for OId Girls thon it hos been in the post, so thot sev*orol new feotures were introduced this yeor. These proved s,o success- ful ond met wiih such opprovol thot il is hoped io moke them o permonenl leoture o{ our progromme. Those who hod been present during the ofternoon qnd severol who hod been ploying in outside fixiures, numhering over seventy in o11, greotly enjoyed o Tliqh Tecr thot wos pro- vided by the Committee with the help of o smoji bcLnd of en- thusiosis. The whole menu w-os ihe work cf these members ond those who showed their cooking obilities for the occosion ore to be hiqhly conqrotuloted. Their efforts went o lonqr woy towords moking the function the success it rvcrs. We ore deeply indebted to Miss Vero Coitew for the splen- did exhlbition of school drowins qnd desiqn which she so kindly orrqnged in the Librory for us. Both in the ofternoon ond of nisht there wos o constont streom of onlookers who hod nothinq but proise for the excellent work on show. It rs o fine thinq ihoi members ,oJ the Stoff ore olwoys so willinq to co-operote with the Cld Girls. By B o'clock the Assembly Holl wos filled to the lost seot for the evening performonce ond we were pleosed, on this occosion, to welcome ihe mole friends ond husbonds o{ our 36
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