June 1938 School Magazine

lune, I938

Brisbone Girls' Grcmmar School Mcaozine

Miss R'oberts, o missionory {rom Tongcrnyikct' gove dn in- terestins ond informotive tolk on the worl< of the missions ond their schools in thot port of Afrlco' The Schooi derived greot pieosure from o music recitol very grdciously given ott t"t"v 19th, by Mlss Kesslovo ond t"{is. Potlock. The recitoi wGS cpened with two movements from o suite {or plono ond violin by Korl Goldmork' At the "on"tr.rrion of o delisht{ul ofternoon's music' Miss Kesslowo ;;;;.;ted with o touquet of red roses, while lv{iss Pollock's bonquet wos of roses ond cornoticns, both bouquets being tied with royol blue ribbon. We would like ogcrin to express our thonks ior the very greot pleosure given to the School' We were very somy to lose N{iss Duncon who reslgned crt the end of lost yecr to return to Victorio, where she is now on in" Stott o{ the Church of Enslond Girls' Grommqr Schocl at G".lonq. Miss Duncon hod been Science Mistress ot the School for ten yeors ond tolces with her our good wishes for the future. We would like to welcome to the Stof{ Miss Mitchell who hos come from Sydney to teoch the Science subjects' - D.A.B. MRS. A. J. P. GREEN. In November of lost yeor the School heord with sorrow of the decrth in Brisbone of Mrs. A' l' P' Green' o Iormer member of Sto{f. Mrs. Green, on Enqlish womon who hod been educoted in Germony ond wos widely trovelled' hoving tousht for mony yeors in South Africo ond lived in Americo' joined the Stoff of the School in Julv, 1921' At the end of 1929 she retired becouse of poor heolth oi the iime, but continued to do some cooching in ionguoges in which she wcrs so fluent' She moin- toined her wide interests in public of{oirs ond her interest in the School by frequent visits to \4iss Lilley crnd the Stoff' omonq whom she hod mony friends' She will be remembered with oflection by oll who come in contoct with her' either os chilCren or os oduits, ond is one of those who hos l-^ft o iostinq influ'ence on ihe School.

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