June 1938 School Magazine

Brisbqne Glrls' Grommcr School Mcgczine

June, 1938

15th April- To Mr. ond Mrs. A. Beok (nee peqgy peok)-,o doughter. 16th April-to Mr. ond lvlrs. W. R. IVicDonold (nee Olive Henley)- o doughter. Sih Moy-To Mr. ond Mrs. A. D. Thomson (nee Nell pownoll)- o doughter. 6th Moy-To Mr. ond Mrs. H. Crowford (nee Moido Coxen) _o son. lSth Moy-To Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryce (nee Rene Wotson)-o son.

DEATHS. On Jonuory 2nd, 1938, Mrs. D. Corrie (nee Vero Boynes).

On Jonuory 7th, occidentolly killed ot Burns point, N.S.W., Kitiy Siork. Kitty Stork entered the School in 1921, possing her Junior in 1924, ond Senior in 1926. with her mother, she did outstonding work for the Girr Guide movement in Queenslond, being one of its eorliest of{icers. After she leJt schcol she devoted herself to sociol work, o task for which she wos eminentry od.opted. For some time she octed os Austrolion Secretory for the Leogue t{ Noiiorr" Union, ond took o very ocilve port in the sociol liIe of Sydney. To those of us who heord her speck ot the Reunion Dinner oncl who were struck bv her vivid personolity, her deoth come os o personol bereovement. On Jonuory lSth, Mrs. G. Henzell (nee Annie Campbell). Mrs. Henzell wos o very old girl ond took on octive port in ihe very eorry doys of the Associo- tion. She hod o brilliont scholostic coreer, toking, omong others the Foirlox Medols, the hiqhest qword in both the sydney Junior ond Senior Exominotions. After leoving school, she octed os c mistress ior some time, ond, on her mor rioge seitled ot Doyboro. Here she did wonderful work {or the women on the lond. In ihe eorly doys she held o sundoy School in her own home, ond in loter yeors, she wos o tower of strength to the Country Women,s Associotion. Severol of her doughiers hove since possed through the schoor ond the firrest thing thot con be soid of her is thot she wos o reor citizen qnd o true friencr to oi1. On the llh Februory, Modge Roe. Miss Roe firsi joined the Associotion jn 1910, qncl for mony yeors she ployed for the OId Girls' in ihe A tennis teom. She wos one oJ those who helped to moke the School whot it is to-dov.


IJon. Sec.-Treos.,



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