June 1938 School Magazine
Brisbcne Girls' Grammor School Mcgczine
June. 1938
lTth july Doris Ferguson to Mr. R. Burns. lsi Sept. --Mollie Groom to Mr. T. Bencke. 4ih Dec. Mory Edgor to Mr. G. Finemore. 10th Dec. Betty Gubby to Mr. S. W. Bowden. 14th Dec. Beryl Brier to NIr. C. Colledge. l4th Dec.-Helen Shield to Mr. A. H. Johnson. 16th Dec.-Hozel Sincloir to Mr. H. Young. 18th Dec. Ethel Brook to Mr L. H. Colville. lSth Dec.-Enid Dunlop io Mr. C. Ernsi. 22nd Dec.-Lilo Wilson to Mr. \,A/. E. Fendley. 28th Dec. Borboro Robson to iv4r. W. Speed. 28th Dec.-Winifred Storey tc Mr. J. Enriqht. 5ih Jon. Jeon Wogner to N4r. A. W. Howorci. Bth Jon.-Ednc Finloyson to Mr. E. R. H. Wveth. llth lon. Modge Crookey to Rev. A. L. Shorwo:ci. l5th Jon. Esther Clelond to ltlr. H. M. Miller. 15th Jon.-Mory Dixon to Mr. E. C. Nunn. 20th Feb. Christino Low io Mr. C. J. Gormley. 12th Morch-Doris Grigg to Mr. L. J. Willioms. 16th lvlarch Eno Smoll to Mr. W. Bowyer. 2nd April Ethel Lowth,.r to Mr. A. V. Toylor. Bth April-lsobello Cormichoel to Mr. H. E. Crow. 9th April Dorothy Price to Mr. L. J. Green. 18th April-Doreen Scunders to Mr. P. A. Furlong. 23rd. April-Lorno Moguire io Mr. A. Finloyson. 27th April Heother Clccher to Mr. R. \l/. Comboge. 14ih Moy-Ailsc Robinson to llr. M. Collom. 28th Moy-Jeon Shield to Mr. A. E. W. Woldron. 28th Moy Eileen Mocdonnell to Mr. T. B. Roberts. 28ih Moy Jeon Wright to Mr. Hom.
i93B -
I 937- 2nd Dec. To Mr. ond Mrs. W. B. Fleming (nee Edno Compbeli) o dough rer. 4th Dec.-To Mr. ond IVIrs. A. H. Strong (nee Joyce Denniss)--o douqhter. 6th Dec. To N4r. ond Mrs. E. Lowson (nee Gobrielle Woygood) o son. lOth Dec.-To Mr. ond Mrs. E. Iv1. Shcw (nee Lucy Morriott) o son. 12th Dec. To Mr. ond Mrs. F. C. Croig (nee Glcdys }lullen) , a son. l3th D,-c.-To Mr. ond Mrs. C. A. Ailmon (nee Dophne Schubert) _'o son. I 938 l- 17th Jon. To Mr. ond Mrs. J. B. Horne (nee Coth Henderson)--,o doughter. 17th Jon..-To Mr. ond Mrs. V. J. Murrcy (nee Edith Wogner) o son. 2nd Feb.-To Mr. ond Mrs. C. Clork (nee Morgoret McConochie) . o son 2nd Feb.-To Mr. ond Mrs. A. L. Peck (nee Dulcie Sbow) o cioughter. 6th Feb.- To Mr. ond Mrs. R. Dovies Grohom (nee Thyro Nlmmo)--o doughter. 7th Feb.-To Mr. ond Mrs. R. W- Becrdmore (nee Doris Wilson)-o son. 2nd Mcrch-To Mr. ond Mrs. L. E. Litchfield (nee Edno Beniley) o son. 26th Morch-To Mr. ond Mrs. A. Hirst (nee Kothleen Rodford) - o doughter. l2th April To Mr. orrd Mrs. R. H. Homilion (nee Florence Armstrong) --o soll. 4T
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