June 1938 School Magazine
Brisbqne Girls' Grammor School Mcaazine
June, 1938
PERSONAT NOTES. Jeon Trundle (ltlrs. Vic. Horgreqves) is to produce A.lice Sit By the Fire Gorrie) shortly. Joon Chodwick who wos Assistont Secretory foriwo yeors ls teoching ot Bothurst. Theo Pickvonce is ot Nombour. Lourel Gill is bock in Austrolio, hovins occepted tl speciol position in doncing in Melbourne. Interesting letters continue to be r:eceived by the Secretory from Mrs. Perichon (Cicely Field) who lives in ir4ondoted Nevr Guineo ond {rom Eno Dolton who is teoching ot the l{otherine. Dorotheq Stephens wrote recently from N4odros where she is in chorge of o biq girls' school. She hopes to return on fur- louqh in severol yeors' time. Mrs. Tudberry ftexie Drcr]
Wilmo Dovenport to Mr. W. Fone. Joon Derbyshire to Mr. W. J. Solter. Joyce Dunlop to Mr. H. H. Denny. Jeon Frczer to Mr. G. Grohom. loon Gowthrop to Mr. A. C. MocAuloy. Phyllis Hobbs to Mr. F. H. Rock. Glen Jewell to Mr. H. R. McKechnie. Joyce Kent to Mr. C. C. P. McDonold. Alison Kno#les to Mr. R. L. Brock. Olive Lovers to Mr. C. T. Crowley. Joyce Le Morchond to }lr. B. F. Kennedy. Vodo Mocpherson to Mr. P. Corroll. Phyllis Mojor to Mr. D. T. Croigheod. Aileen McKoy to Mr. R. H. Borroclough. Morie Middle to Mr. J. Johnson. Jeon Moodle io Mr. R. J. Ashton. Doroihy Polethorpe to Mr. F. Annond. Miidred Show to Mr. J. H. Lee. Jeon Smiih to Mr. J. W. Morkey. Ang-.ls 51ot1.y 1o Mr. B. Gili. Joon Steele to Mr. E. T. Moriorty. Mcry Stephenson to Mr. IrI. A. Price. Sheilo Thompson to Mr. D. Avery. Ruth Trickeit to Mr. E. j. Kydd. Iscrbel Vonn to Mr. A. E. Hortlond. 40
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