June 1938 School Magazine

Brisbcrne Girls' Grammqr School lVlcgczine

!une. 1938

woolcocK ESSAY. 1937. "Come the ihree corners of the world in orms, And we sholl shock them: nought sholl moke us rue, I{ Enqlond to iiself remcrin but true.'' O Lord Almiqhty, turn not from Thy people But hove compossion on our helplessness Our eyes ore flesh, we see but dorkly: Smoll ore our heqrts, we cqnnot guess One tithe ol Thy godness or Thy wisdom Nor holf Thine oll forgiving gentleness This greot, smoll world is troubied very sorely. The notions know not whom to trust or feor. They wotch olert, they listen without ceosing Like beosts thot crouch ond tremble os thev h.-oor The shomeless fooisteps of the lowless roijer, His prey's deoth shrieks; nor dore to interlere. 'Tis perilous to grosp the hond of friendship Who knows but ii moy drog us to our doom? A11 foith twixt us is fled. Forgotten those thot bled Aird Icr our welfore found on eorlv tomb And some there cre who soy to me of Engicnd Thot she must {ollow where her peers ore gone, Thot she too must sufier devostotion, And drink the woters of oblivion. And her brove spirit thot hos burned so briqhtty, A guiding stor unto the world so long, Sholl fode, ond freeze, ond choke itsel{ with csh:s; And oli her glory be txringuish^d uile i1 . And her nome be unknown upon the eorth. "Sholi she", they soy, "olone be spored to triumph?,' For where is oncient Rome's imperiol swoy? .A.nd Hellos, wher^ is sh^ ho: ..oy hcrh conquer^d And hoth not Macedonio possed owcy? For oll greot empires thot on eorth hove ruled Hove wox^d slroag oro rpaned loworcj their {oll imogining in their heort's pride, "J on orrd there s no ^ oeside'. Exceeding wise ore they in their own eyes, Until within dissension fierce is borne; He-lene wi h H^llen^ horl v 6s, And Romqn conquers Rome. Or. drunken with the glory they hove won, And dizzy with the heights thot .ihey hove scoled. Ti ey rEqk r ot 1or rho stoi^ but lor hemselves, Till, by o mightier pou/er ot length ossoiled, Their ruins ore mode level wlth the giound.,, But Lord, Thou const preserve. We do not proy Thot Thou should'st keep in us mere breoth olone; But this sholl be our proyer, "Of.i os we stroy They would enjoy the friuts of victoryi And, with luxurlous surfeitinq regoled,



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