June 1938 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammcr School Mcgczine =Iv.1ls18 It was ogreed thot the nome of the Group should be the ihe Brisbone Girls Grcrmmor School Cld Girls' Associotion-- Senior Members Group, ond it oims ot drowing in those who hove drifted owoy becouse they felt thot they hod lost touch with old School mctes. The oims of the Group ore (o) Continued ossociotion oI post pupils of the School by meons of Sociol Gotherinss ond (b) Some form of Soclol Service. At the Meetlns ol 3rd Moy two post pupils, Dr. Dorothy Hil1, ond Miss Mory McMlnn gcve interesting oddresses. Cf course ot present, only Brisbone girls hove been invited tc join the Group, but post pupils in the Country, or without the Commonweolth, who miqht be visitinq Brisbone, will ol- woys be ossured of o worm welcome. The Second Meetlns is scheduled for 2lst June when Con- tributions for the Bush Book Club wlll be received, ond Com- petitions orronged. Foculty of Arts: B.A., Gwen Brunckhorst, Mirvo Colvin, Eunice Jomes, Theo Pickvonce. Second Closs Honours. (Modern Lonquoges ond Literoture): Joon Chcrdwick. Second Closs Honours. (Clossics): Iluth Fieidinq. M.A., Morqoret Gipps. Foculty o{ Science: UNIVENSITY OF QUEENSLAND.

B.Sc., Joyce Berq. M.Sc., Moy Cross.

'HtDY' Z-lA\>

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