June 1938 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' qr"ryry4.l9 9r Yjog ll"_ __
June, 1939
Sweets Mrs. Henzell. BobY-N4iss G. Jewell' Flower NoncY Pollock' DiPs Joon MoneY
"Honkies" Burmo Ford Aunt SollY N4rs Risson' Joms ond Pickles Tholio KennedY Kitchen. Jocelyn Groves FoncY Work The Commitiee' B.G.G.S.O.G.A. MI=NSIC CLI'IB NOTES.
The Club hcrs continu-ed lts meetings in Mr' Sompson's Study this yeor, oncl ot present we ore reheorsing for cl concert ;h.h we hope will be produced in \Tovember' The work is .r..f int.r..tinq, ond we invite os mony Otd Girls os Dossible to ccme olong crnd join in with us. The subscription is only 3d. per eveninq, ond oil music is poid for by the Club' Seven of our members hove been chosen to sing vrith the Stote ond Municipol Choir when they present "Elijoh" in August, under the conductorship of Dr' Molcolm Sorgent' ond olthoush we ore sorry oll our members could not hove pcrti- cipoteJ in this concert, we feel thot it is one more step forworC'' since the Broodcosting commission hcr.re oskeci for chorisiers from "well known Brisbone Choirs". Any o{ you v'/ho will join will be heortly welcomed' cnd if yor-r *ill sei in touch with me ot 67 Brisbone Street' Annerley' i "on qi.r. you ony {uriher porticulors you moy desire to hove' Evelyn \4cK-^11or' SENIOR MEMBHRS' GROTJP. For some trme c number of the Senior N4embers of the O.G.A. hove felt thot they would like on opportunity of -meetins Members of their o\/n generotion, ond they thouqht tho.l pos- sibly the formotion of o smoller body, limitins membership to those oid Girls who hod left schooi twelve yeors ond more, oso, *orrtd meet the ccse, ond. thot on externol object' such "" "o*. form o{ Sociol Service would help to keep them together. Consequently o meeting wos colled on 14th Morch ond crl tended by quite o lorge number of Cld Girls, who were most enthusiosiic. A Provisionol Committe-o wos formed to deol with crny business thot miqht be necesscrry ond in wh'ose honds wqs tefi outhority to crrronse for the First Generol N4eetins' The Meeting subsequently took ploce on 3rd Moy ot N{iss Rhodcr Felsote's Room'ond 5O Cta Girls responded to the Cir- ""f"i. which hod been distributed, ond unonimouslv osreed thot o Senior Group fulfilled o lons felt wcmt' 38
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