June 1938 School Magazine
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members. To on oppreciotive oudience Miss Rhodo Felgote' ;;; ;f ;;t own old-Cirls, presented the mirth-provokjns "Cot's Cr"dl.". Included in the cost wos lMiss Poi Steedmcrn' one of the promising young octresses omongst our members' The ,1o,.a*a of worh wos high, ond we were only sorry thot the oudience wos not twice crs lorge' At the conciusion' the Secre- ;;-;;;.;"ted o bouquet of fronsiponi to Miss Felsote in ;;;r.-.;;il;i th. help she hod qiven the Associoticn' To th*.*hotookportwe,o{ferourgrotefulthonks,foritwosbl' ih.ii "t{ott. thot o hoppy finish wos put to whot everyone ogreed hod been o -*i enjoyoble ond successlul doy' BRIDGE AND MONOPCTY PARTY. A {oirly successful Bridse ond Monopo}y Porty-wos held ot tt.-l."oton Cole on Fridoy, 6th Moy' ir4rs' T' Bencke re- ceived the guests ond there were obout forty present' Tf" Bridse prize wos won by N4rs' T' E' Jomes ond the lr4onopoly prize by Mr. Georqe Ploisled ANNUAT DANCE. As these notes go to print we ore preporing for the- An-nuol Donce to be held in the Assembly Holl on Fridoy, I0th June' By oll oppeoronces it promises to be the mosi successful for r"".t"f v.o.t, ond the report thereon wiil oppeor in the next notes. FETE. To help the Librory Furnishins Fund ond with the permis- sion o{ \,4isrs Lillev, o iete will be held in the Schooi Grounds' o"- Stt"ta"v, Bth Cctober, commencinq aI 2 p'm' At the i"fl." Fet,= held in 1935, over 1300 wos roised ond we ore i-ropl"s thot this yeor's will be even more successful' 'AtomeetingofconvenersheldintheLibroryRoomonthe 1Sth Morch, N4rs. Homley wos elected the Secretory, c position she so suc,:essfully corried out in 1935' Unfortunotely' owing f. f-t.. deporture fiom Brisbone, we must find scmeone to fill her ploce, ond cr meeting will be held shortly for this purpose' -SpLJ-i ""tices will be sent to oll conveners of stolls orid oll oth.., inlerested ore invited to wotch ihe doily press for {urther notices. The {ollowinq stcrlls hove so for been promised' ond we would welcome ony further suggestions:-- Afternoon Teo-The School MYsterY Stoll Miss ComPbell' Coke-Music Club' Ice Creom--GlodYs GreY
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