June 1938 School Magazine
Brisbqne Girls' Grqmmqr School Mcgczine . Itlr_19?9 mistresses present. Miss Brockr,vcry, -v,ieil remembered by mony of the older members, wos unoble to come, but sent olong her best wishes io those who stiil remember her. The guests of the evening were Dr. Dorothy Hill, who spoke inter- estinsly on "Student Llfe oi Combridse", ond the lote Miss Kitty Stork who gove o vivid tolk on the work of the Leoque o{ Noiions Union in Sydney. REUNION DAY" The Annuol Motches osoinst the Schooj were held on Scturdoy, 2nd April, the Associoiion beins the hostesses for the ofternoon. Three tennis teoms were orronged by Mrs. Polethorpe, ond three nelboll teoms by Miss Joon Pollock. l,4otches were ployed on the school courts os well os on severol ot the Boys' School, kindly lent to us by \4r. Corson Co'olinq. A lorge ond welcome number of spectotors wos present ond severol hund- red Doy Girls. The Sixth Form, os usucrl, copobly took chorqe of the ofternoon teo orrongements, under the direction of Mlss Jones, in orrcrnging ihe three sittinqs thcrt were {ou,nd necessory. The Commlitee of{ers them our sincere thonlcs ond oppreciotion. For some time, the Committee hos felt thot this doy of the Annuol N4otches should be mode much more oJ o reunion for OId Girls thon it hos been in the post, so thot sev*orol new feotures were introduced this yeor. These proved s,o success- ful ond met wiih such opprovol thot il is hoped io moke them o permonenl leoture o{ our progromme. Those who hod been present during the ofternoon qnd severol who hod been ploying in outside fixiures, numhering over seventy in o11, greotly enjoyed o Tliqh Tecr thot wos pro- vided by the Committee with the help of o smoji bcLnd of en- thusiosis. The whole menu w-os ihe work cf these members ond those who showed their cooking obilities for the occosion ore to be hiqhly conqrotuloted. Their efforts went o lonqr woy towords moking the function the success it rvcrs. We ore deeply indebted to Miss Vero Coitew for the splen- did exhlbition of school drowins qnd desiqn which she so kindly orrqnged in the Librory for us. Both in the ofternoon ond of nisht there wos o constont streom of onlookers who hod nothinq but proise for the excellent work on show. It rs o fine thinq ihoi members ,oJ the Stoff ore olwoys so willinq to co-operote with the Cld Girls. By B o'clock the Assembly Holl wos filled to the lost seot for the evening performonce ond we were pleosed, on this occosion, to welcome ihe mole friends ond husbonds o{ our 36
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