June 1938 School Magazine
June, 1938
Brisbcne Girls' Grommcrr School Mcgcrzine
OLD GIRLS' ASSOCIATION NOTES. So lorge ond enthusiqstic wos the qothering ot the Annuo1 Generol Meetinq held in the Assemblv Holl on Fridoy, llth Februory, thot the lote comers went without the customory ice creom. This meeting wos o promise of the interest which hos been shown in Associotion functions so for this yeor, ond which we hope will be continued. Mrs. Risson presided ond the Annuol Report recorded o foirly sotis{octory yeor's work' A stort hod been mode ot buiidinq up the Librory Furnishinq Fund, tentotive plons of the proposed olteroticns being shown to those present. It wos ogreed thot cr Fete should be held in the Sch'ool-qrounds loter in the yeor to ossist this {und, crbout which further informotion will be lound loter on. The ll4usic Club Report wos reod by Miss Evelyn McKellor. The winners of the Cld Girls' Prlzes for i937 were: -- Dorothy Arthur (Form IV.), Helen Drigvine (Llpper School Drcrw- ins ond Desiqn), Ann Gront (Llpper School Gymnostics)' The Winner of the Annie Mockoy Bursory for 1937 wos Betty Froser. The election of officers for 1938 resulted os follows:- President: Mrs. T. Benclce. C'ommittee: Miss Lilley, Mrs. J. E. Homley, Mrs. R. Pcrle- thorpe, Misses Burmc Ford, Hozel Muirheod, ond Shirley Thom. in Moy, Mrs. Homley wds forced to resiqn from the Com- mittee owing to her tronsfer from Brisbone cnd i\4iss Nell Comp- bell hos been elected to {i11 her ploce. We ioke this opporiun- ity o{ expressing our oppreciotion of the qocd work done by Mrs. Homley on the Committee ond of her keen interest in the work of the Associotlon. Fifty-nine new members hove been enrolled this yeor cnd two hove rejoined ofter on obsence {rom Brisbone, so thot our numbers now siond of six hundred ond three. ANNUAL DINNER, 1937. The Second Reunlon Dinner, held in Rowe's Bctnqueting Holl on Fridoy evenins 3rd December, 1936, mointoined the in- terest creoted in 1937, despite the {oct thot severol members were missing crs they hcrd been owoiting speciol invitotions. Mrs. Risson, who received the guests, wos presented with o sheof of qlodioli ond delphiniums, ond there were severol post Vice-President: Dr. Dorothy Llill. Hon. Sec.-Treos.: Miss Joon Allsop. Assisl. Sec.: \4iss .Ioon Pollock.
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