June 1938 School Magazine
Brisbcne Girls' Grsmmqr School Mcrgczine
!Ile' 1919
Fointly it {olls, os dew on o lcwn. Like o veil of finest silk It ripples in the eorlY morn; Goily it drops o'er moss ond rock - Murmuring o musicol song Tt sollies down to o torn beneoth, Where it {lows owoY owoY to ihe sec Nevermore to leop ogoin.
Iro Thurlbv, lll.C
OUR ENTERTAINER. Our entertoiner resides in o house opposite the schocl' Sometimes, he entertoins us with o wireless progromme, ond ot others with o cornei. While we opprecioie his eflorts on our beholf, it is rother o mixture when you ore trying to think why one ongle equols onother ongle, ond you crre told by the wireless, "You've got to smile, when you soy qood-bye"' I expect mony of us would like to sdy "qood-bye" to some cf the onqlesl Another difficult occosion is when you ore trying to leorn Geoqrophy ond your entertoiner tries to reoch top "C" on his cornet (which sounds rother flot to me). Just when you remem- ber where thot wretched town is situoted, he comes down the scole ogoin, ond so do you, for the town hos crgoin vonished {rom vour memory' -vero Killick, Form III.B.
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