June 1938 School Magazine
June, 1938
Brisbane Girls' Grammcr School Mcgczine
TIIE FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL. Whot o huge, stronqe world school is to newcomers? As I entered the gotes of the Brisbone Girls' Grommor School for the first tirne, I reoliscC the true meoninq of the word "lon.ely"' Fourth, Fifth ond Sixth Formers stood in sroups relotins holidoy experiences, while we, the new "Thirds", were stonCing round strongeiy olone, knowing nothinq of this mysterious secondqry school life. "Whot do we do?" "Where do we qo?" "Whot percentooe did you get in the scholorship?" "Whcrt subjects ore you tckins?" Th"r" were but o few of the unonswered quesiions which 'were pcssed from one to the other. None hod ony time 1o onswer the others' questions, they o11 wished to osk quesiions them- selves. The noisy bwzz of conversotion wos interrupted by the ring- inq o{ ihe sch'ool bell whose sound directed us to the Assembly Holl. After Miss Lilley hcrd oddressed us, she divided Lrs up into lorms, cnd we were sent to our clossroom. Whot omusement we found lookincJ round cri the vctrious qirls, ond forming our opinons ol eoch ond choosinq which we should like to be our intimote {riendsl I wos very fortunoie to know well four sirls in the form. Our survey of our clqss- moies rivos interrupted by the entry of our Form Mistress who told us thot her nome wos Miss Pork. Then the rnistresses come to exploin the course our studies were to toke while we were qt the School. After lunch we were dismissed so thot we could go home to mork oll our books ond uniforms. Whot pride we felt as we left the school for the first time weoring our new school uni- forms, ond how well we behcved so cs not to cost ony slur on the good nome of OUR school - The Brisbone Girls' Grcm- mqr School. Now thot the second term hos olmost finished, sone is the shyness which qssoiled us on the first doy. \Me hove found new friends cnd feel thot we ore now c port of this school with o greot trcrdition, ond we look forword to mony ho-opy yeors of tokinq port in its history. --Moureen Hissins, 3,{. aa
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