June 1938 School Magazine
Brisbane Girls' Grcmmqr School Mcgcrzine
June, 1939
I hope thot some of the more innocent members of the school will noie ond benefit by this worning. Bewore of swinging librory doors ond borriers of {orms ploced in front of them. To my sorrow i hove olreody leornt to do so ond I odvise my {ellow schoolmotes to lecrrn speedily. Cn s certoin Mondoy lasi term, I decided to chonge my librory book. I ventured into the librory room ond stood peer- ing into the bookcose in secrrch of scme fovourite outhor. But I did not continue my quest for long. Suddenly I wos rudel1. inlerrupted by the form which wqs to be used os o borrier being puiihed into my mid-riff. "Cuch!" I ejoculoted. "Sorry old thinq, but i couldn't help it," remorked the sixth former who wos monipuloting the form. When ot lost the borrier wos in position in front of the book-cose, I looked eogerly forwqrd to the opening of the doors. "About time," I thouqht srumpily when the giris in chorge begon to unlock them, for os you con understond, my feelinss were rother ru{fled. However, my misfortunes were for {rom over. A door swinging on its hinges, unkindly rushed forword ond bcxed my left eor while i wos reochins for ihe desired book. "Cw", I mooned, "how much more of this do I hove to stond. Reolly you know", sternly oddressing the inoffensive looking door, "there ore limitsl" Eventuolly, I escoped with my book, ond went to hunt for my cord. When I finolly obtoined it, I discovered thot I hod occidentolly put the book I wos returnins bock into the book- ccrsq. Resiqnedly I returned qnd brovely dored the drogon osoin. Fixinq thot swinqing d'oor with o belliqerent eye, I mode o chqrge post it, grcrsped the book, ond flunq myself bock qoin, without, I moy proudly odd, fcllinq over the borrier. \Mhen my cord wcs doted, I of lost monoged to escope from thot ploce where I seemed doomed to be brutqlly os- soulted. Mutterinq "Never Aqoin", I rushed out into the gor- den to regoin my equilibrium. But on the followinq Mondoy I wos bcrck for onother book. -Moris Kinq, V. 32
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