June 1938 School Magazine
lune, 1938
Brisbane Girls' Grammqr School Mcgczine
somethingl I con't just drow -- or should I soy creote - squores ond circles ond blots without interpreting them. Whoi ccn it represent? "A school qirl wrestllnq with on ottempt to write somethinq for the Mogozine!" -V. N{unro, IV.c.
HA,TS. The hols ol to-doy moke the gentlemen smirk They furnish the critics with meoi Thot is food {or o topic mid work ond mid ploy, And offord oll the preochers o treot. When you're next wolking out in the hurrying street, Toke o glonce os you're ombling by; From the midst of o veil on o tqll hoi so neot. You'li be lucky if you see one.eye.
Oh. there's toll hots, ond short hots, ond squot hots, ond smol}, Wiih ridiculous trimmings ond bows, We're lucky if we see the hot ot ol1, For the ribbon, the tossel, the rose. -Jeon Lowson, iV.A.
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