June 1938 School Magazine

June, 1938

Brisb ane ci'r'' G'"t-g' s9!IlIgnjlll":=-:

AUTHOR OR ARTIST. "Now don't forget your mogozine contributions' girls'" The words echced, ond re-echoed in my mind' n".'i"ltf.zuffv promised' ond who recrlly wonls must begin to write something for the mogozine' Hoving procured pcrper ond pen' whot sholl I write? Ah, I knowl Somethins soothing' and verY descriptive:-- "T'he heovenly orb slowly sonk below the sea of iridescent bt'". "i;;;;rt-.iv -- er' the soft skY"' Oh bother, whot did the skv do? '-- ond besides' Yl-1:*tt"- *;r;'d;*r Xo,'"o*ttni"n in the wov of odventure rnrqnl be better.- "I swung into the sclddle of mY restless mount' ond brovely qolioped ccross the wide open spoces' Acronizing thouqhts floshed throuqh *v t-i"--!r'""iir-rt,in time? - or should I be too lote?" rtt i'i'i""r* *rt"Ii-grt l'm in trouble osoin! T hoven't the {ointest ti"" *fttiit"t'o"d *hy 1 wos so recklessiy qollopins. . --. Let's try crsoin ' ' ' ' ' Ahl Inspirotionl Whv not o poem L They ore so simple' Aii;;t h;t"i" do is to jot cr.{ew worcs down __ just os rtrrn cr=ifl"to tftomt' Iike-qood ond bod' Ch' I meon good ond *;cld" - ot =omethinq like thot' Let's see-- "The boy stood on the burnins deck"' No somehow thcrt doesn't sound o'lsi;f''" I "*"=t t""t heord it somewhere' AnywoY here's onother trY- "The down, tht;;*; the beoutiful down' '- (oh' much better). As one who to, i simPl'1

How qlod om I thot I om born' To see the qlorY of the morn And to smell the new-mown ccrn' No thot doesn't sound riqht' -i'm sure ond I'm.r".v dott'titios to whether it hos cr Thot hos exhousted three themes' I know! i'11 DRAW somethinsi Somethins think of the ' '"'']Ct"J"tt"f i forqot'-I']l Thhk of tr," o*" ?t'a

they don't mow corn'




reolly futuristic' ";J;;;ii;"- of mv fellow school sirls'

hove io coll it


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