June 1938 School Magazine
Oprningsfor the Priuate Secretary (tw1> \ZOUNG people who enter Business to-dov r connot expect much success unless they hcrve previously received the requisite technicql trqinins. Especially does this crppiv to the Privote Secretary. Depcntmental Heods crnd, the chiefs o{ Professionoi qnd Commercicrl ,orgqnizctions qll insist thot those who qci for them in q secretcnial ccrpccity must be thorough- ly ccrpcrble. For this reqson, leoding City men fcrvour Groduates from Stoti's Business Collese' The Free Ernployment Deportmeni inqin- tqined by Stott's reports thcrt last yecn 641 posi- tions in the leoding offices of Brisbcrne were ploced ct the disposcl of the Collese Students' Stott's Collese Buildins is locqted crt 290 Adelcide Street (midwqy between Creek crnd Whcrrf Streets). Pqrents ond intendins students qre invited to coll ond discuss the motter with the Principcrl, Mr. K H. S. Kerr, F.I.C.A.
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