December 1941 School Magazine







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December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

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ijfqe ~aga?!hte of ijfqe l!Jlrishane ®iris' ®rammar ~tqool ------- EDITORIAL. Momentous are the changes which have taken place on the other side of the world, but we are still living in a land which, although at war, has not had its peaceful shores ravaged by the enemy. Russia is now our ally and so great is her indom- itable will and courage that she has been able to withstand one of the most barbarous assaults in the world's history. A little more than a century ago, Napoleon tried to crush this great nation, but fortified by that inherent love of country, that intense patriotism, which is helping her to endure in this present struggle, she successfully repelled this attack. We, in a land remote from all this fighting, can hardly realise the full significance of this strife, yet we must realise that sacrifices are necessary to help those countries less fortunate than our- selves. Ours is a land in which we see Nature predominant, it continues to be bright and beautiful whereas theirs is a world in which they are allowed to feel all the' wanton cruelties of mankind. Our thoughts are with those less happy schoolgirls who are acquiring their education amidst the shambles of their noble and historic monuments and our prayers are that their un- happy condition will soon be alleviated and that soon they will be able once more to live in safety and happiness. M.V.P.




Brisbane Girls' Gramma~ School Magazine

December, 194l

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

CURRENT EVENTS. Despite the fact that much of the School's energy and time was devoted to sport in the third term and is now being devoted to school-work, war-work has continued uninterrupted. Sleeve- less cardigans, socks, mittens, balaclavas, skull caps, gloves. and neck muffs are among the kr;_itted articles which have been sent to the ·Red Cross, the Merchant Navy und the Com- forts' Fund. To the Red Cross also three rugs and many cross- word puzzles have been sent. A variety of babies' and children's garments and waistcoat mufflers have been sent to the Air Relief Section of the Red Cross . Besides these, many Forms made brightly coloured knitted rugs which were sent to the Bush Nursing Association. At the end of the second term the School Concert was held at the Albert Hall. Everyone enthusiastically took part in making it a success. Half the proceeds were divided between the Red Cross and the Comforts' Fund. The members of the School who were able to hear Mr. Carey's recital in the Albert Hall had a most enjoyable after- noon. Not only was his rendering of the folk songs so enjoy- able but everyone was very interested to hear his account of the origin of these songs. Much of the third term was devoted to Athletics and due to Miss Elliott's and Miss Donaldson's untiring energy and the strenuous practice of all the teams, we were successful in win- ning the Associatoin Cup and the Senior Cup, the Junior Cup being won by Clayfield College. Everyone had a very pleasant morning at the Inter-Form Athletics last term, a nd competition has been very keen in the Inter-Form tenn is a nd net-ball matches. It is nice to know that Miss Wilkinson, a former Head- mistress, still remembers her old School and we were pleased to receive a London newspaper from her recently. The School would li ke to take this opportunity of saying goodbye to Miss Donaldson, who has been accepted for service as a V.A.D., and of wishing her the best of luck when she goes overseas . Her place is being taken by Miss Ann Baker whom we would like to welcome to the Staff.

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December, ..19.4-l

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941


Of Tennis and Athletics, And what the future brings.

Upon entering Sixth Form we achieved the goal of our secondary school life. Now this all too short year has passed and soon it will be just one of the happiest memories of our Form years spent at SchooL This year in sport we finished second in all three matches, being defeated each time by Fifth Form. Congratulations to them on their triple win! After a very exciting game they · defeated us at net-ball and we met a like fate in the tennis match. Here, although we would rather not mention it, we must record that a large number of our points on Athletics day was due to the "Old Ladies'" Race, in which we gained all three places, there being no competitors from other Forms. The Form threw itself enthusiastically into arrangements for the School Concert and those who did not sing or dance played their part as ushers and doorkeepers, contriving quite admirably to accommodate the large overflow in the audience. Everyone enjoyed the clubs this year and some of us found "swab-making" most interesting and enjoyed very much the little club which was formed with Miss Maclean for this pur- pose. Congratulations to those members of the Form who have passed their First Aid and Home Nursing Exams! In the intervals between our strenuous practice for the Athletics, we managed to make a rug for the Bush Nursing Scheme. This year, instead of a Dance, the Form, accompanied by Miss Lilley, Miss Macmillan and Mrs . Parsons, who were our guests, set out one bright May morn, (only it was October) for a picnic at Redcliffe. Not the least interesting part of the day was an "observation" competition, which proved our prowess as "observers" but out congratulations must go to Dorothy, who excelled in this noble art. · Soon the time will come when we will no longer be Gram- mar School girls except in spirit, and this spirit which links us with all Old Girls and all future ones, will help us to face· with courage the problems which will confront us in the future .. v. The time has come, The Fifth Form said, To talk of many things;

We've done quite well Throughout the year, In sport as we ll as work;

And shortly when the Sixth Form leave, Our duties we'll not shirk.

With royal-blue wool, And yellow too- We made a cosy rug, We sent it to the Red Cross Home To keep the soldiers snug.

In golden caps

With royal blue V's On Sports day we did run;

Assisted by our barrackers,

The shining cup we won.

With faces red,

And feet so sore, At net-ball we did play; And now we have the Net-ball Shield, To remind us of that day.

At tennis too,

We won the cup; And now we rightly know

That if we win the swimming We'll have four cups to show.

In tunics short

We spent the day, At Redcliffe by the sea; We ran and ate and played around Under a shady tree. The time has come, We now agree, For us to say adieu; We wish the Sixth the best of luck And all the Juniors, too. '



December, 1941

Brisbap.e . Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December. 1941

Br!.sbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

COMMERCIAL FIFTH. The year is rapidly drawing to a close and shortly each member of our Form w ill be sitting for her last examination as a Grammar School candidate. At the beginning of the year, Miss Cottew very kindly let us make u se of the Studio for our Form room, but we were very glad to be able to move into the room used by Commercial Fifth in 1939. Although we did not gain a place in Inter-form sports, we took a keen intere st in the contest. After very exciting games our Tenn is a nd Ne t-ball matches were lost to Fifth Form and we congratulate them on their three-fold victory. We were, how- e ver, well represented in a ll Inter-School Teams and congratu- iate those members of our Form who won the ir pockets. We should like to thank Miss Kennedy, Miss Maclean and l\1iss Tomlinson for accompanying us on our Form p icnic a nd, although the weather was not the brightest, we a ll h ad a happy t ime. During the winter terms, some of our members studied First A id, some Home Nursing, while others busily knitted for the soldiers. We were very glad we were b ack at School this year as .'Severa l of our members had the pleasure of taking part in a .delightful concert g iven in the Albert Hall. Fina lly, we extend our good wishes to Miss Lilley, Miss Kennedy, a nd the rest of the Staff, and hope that they have a very pleasant holiday. We thank them all for the interest they have shown in us during our time at the School. N.A. Thls year has been a very full year for IV. A. We came back from our Christmas holidays ready for work. Then began ecrrnest practice for the concert, in which almost every person i n lhe Form played some part. Ten girls, carefully trained by Miss Tomlinson, gave an excellent physical cluture display. Several girls represented the Form in the Inter-School Swimming and Athletics teams. To Joyce Hill we offer our congratulations on w inning her pocket in Athle tics, also to Norma Oliphant, who won another pocket this year for both Athletics and Net-ball.

Success was not with the Form's Tennis and Ne t-ba ll teams. and though our Athletics teams practised hard, we only suc- ceeded in gaining fourth place. We congratulate the winning teams in every sport. On October 18th, accompanied by IV. B. and IV. D., Miss Baker, Madame and Mrs. Jackson, our Form picnic was held at Scott's Point, where we spent a very interesting day, a lthough many returned home sunburnt and very sorry for themselves. All too quickly has the year passed and now we find the Junior looming in front of us. We are a ll working hard in order that we may repay those mistresses who have spent so much time he lping us. To our teacher and good friend, Miss Donaldson, who is leaving the School for overseas service w ith the V.A.D.'s, we say "au revoir" and know that the School's loss will be the A.I.F.'s gain. To those who will continue School next year we say "Happy schooling, " and to those who are leaving, we wish that good for tune will go w ith them. IV. B. Our Fourth Form days are rap idly drawing to a close and now consider ourselves fully entitled to tetm ourselves "~Dart of the Grammar School." Our year has been a pleasant o rne and this has been largely due to the interest and sympathy of Madame Smikoff to whom we tender our thanks. Next year will see our numbers somewhat depleted, much to our regret, for firm fri endships have been cemented. We did not distinguish ourselves at theinter-Form At0:letics, though we had four representatives in the Inter-School team. We gained third place in the Net-ba ll contest, beipg defeated by the invincible Fifth. Vilma Pask, June Elliott and Elsie Vickers secured poc::kets and to them we offer our congrc;rtu- la tions. We enj oyed. ourselves immensely at the Form Picnic:...:...JV, A. and IV. D. accompanied us , under the care of Madame Smikoff, Miss Baker and Mrs. Jackson. · Some half-dozen of us a ttended dancing classes througholit the year, and we trust are not quite so clumsy as we w~re at the beginning. We have also greatly enj oyed our lessoris on the apparatus in the gym, and our thanks are due to Miss Tom.- linson with whom we have drilled happily every week. · ·



December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

October, we went with IV. E. on our Form Picnic to Redcliffe. We were accompanied by our respective Form Mistresses, and also by Miss Tomlinson and Miss Cottew, and we must thank them all for the very enjoyable day we had. Although there were sunburnt faces at the end of the day, the happy time we had made up for all our discomforts. We were sorry to lose our Form Captain, Jennifer McManus, who left us after the Midwinter holidays, but our new Form Captain, Patricia Jones, is carrying on her work as efficiently as her predecessor. · In the Inter-Form Sports, although we were not successful, we enjoyed wearing our golden-brown bandanas. We lost our Net-ball and Tennis matches also, but we must congratu- late Valda Keefer on winning the Junior Singles, and, with her partner, the Junior Doubles Championships. We · were represented in the Inter-School Sports by Esme Kerr, who ran in one of the relays . On the day of the event we were very proud of our School and joined in cheering our teams on to success. Swimming has now taken the place of Athletics and every Friday afternoon ma~w of us enjoyed our swimming lessons with Miss Tomlinson. We are now waiting eagerly for the Inter-Form Swimming Carnival. In Second and Third Terms many of our girls were interest- ed in club work . We heartily congratulate all those girls who passed their First Aid and Home Nursing Examinations. After the second term, some girls joined the Handicrafts Club, where with the assistance of Miss Cottew, they learned to make useful articles. Others joined the Reading and Knitting Clubs. We wish the best of luck to all Junior and Senior Candidates, and we wish Miss Lilley, the Staff and the School a Merry Christmas and a 'Happy and Prosperous New Year. IV. D. We started this year to work hard for our goal, and that of every Fourth Former, the Junior examination. Our mistresses have been wonderful to us with their help and encouragement in our efforts, so we wish to take this chance to thank them most sincerely. We also extend to the Seniors and fellow Juniors our best wishes for their success in their respective examinations. In .March Mr. Purdie visited the School to ·act "A Midsum- mer Night's Dream," and "Hamlet," from which we derive'cil much pleasure and help.


Under the able training of Madame Smikoff, ·Miss Hether- ington and Miss Tomlinson, many of us took part in the School Concert. The remainder of us now sport First Aid or Home Nursing certificates. We wish to extend our thanks to Miss Lilley and all the Staff who have laboured with us throughout the year and con- clude wishing all a Merry Christmas and the best of luck in the New Year. IV. C. 1941! What new joys and hopes a New Year brings in, .and this last fleeting year, I think, has been one of the happiest of our School days. We owe this to Miss .Benney and to the other mistresses who have helped us during · the year. We hqpe to repay their work by our results in the Junior Examin- ation, and our motto, "Strive to Excel" greatly encourages us. IV. C. was very honoured to have the task of making and then selling baskets of sweets to willing (we hope) buyers at the School Concert in June, in which some of the Form took part in French Songs and the Folk Dancing. During the Midwinter Holidays, Miss Benney took a group of girls down to her cottage at Bribie where they had a lovely time. Also, some of us went with her for a picnic to St. John's Wood, where we enjoyed ourselves immensely. On llth



Brisbane' Girls' Grammar School Maqazine

December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Maqazine

December, 1941

Throughout the year our Form has been well represented in athletics, tennis, net-ball and swimming teams. Form V. had a record year in athletics, net-ball and tennis for which we offer them our hearty congratulations . The Inter-Form Swim- ming Carnival has yet to take place so we hope we can pre- vent their carrying off that Cup. We spent a very enjoyable day at Margate and Scott's Point with IV. A. and IV. B. and our respective Form Mistresses on 18th October, and were exceptionally happy to have a fine day, this year.

IV. E. Our second year at the Grammar School draws to a close. For many of us it is our last. Others are looking forward to returning next year. We wish to thank Miss Lilley and all the Mistresses for their help and we hope that our Junior results will not be disappointing. IV. E. has shared in all School activities. Many of its mem- bers took part in the Concert which was held at the end of the second term. We wish to congratulate all participants on their excellent performance and to say how much we enjoyed it. We knitted a rug for the Bush Nursing Association and some are knitting for the soldiers. Four of the Form were · in the athletics team, others were emergencies for net-ball, swimming and athletics teams. Other- wise, IV. E. has not excelled in sport this year. We were de- feated in the first matches of both tennis and net-ball. We would like to congratulate Fifth on their numerous victories. We spent a very happy day at Sutton's Beach on October ll th with IV. C. We were all very sorry to lose our Form Captain, Olive Shepherd, early in the third term. We wish her every success in her business career. - · Musically, IV. E. is very talented. This talent Js appreciated in the right place at the right time (not in the class room during d_inner hour). IV. E. hopes to display its talent at the coming concert. We conclude by wishing Miss Lilley and all members of the Staff a Merry Christmas and a brighter New Year. Ill. A. It seems hard to realize how quickly the year has sped by, but we may easily think of many happy times we have had t_ogether during the year. Although we did not shine in the Inter-Form sports, we are able to give our~elves credit for having nine representatives in the Inter-School sports and one in the swimming team. With III. B. we hod_a very enjoyable picnic at Petrie, and we hope Miss Donaldson, Miss Jones, Miss Tomlinson and Miss Crooks enjoyed themselves as much as we did.


Many members of our Form have contributed knitted articles to the Comforts ' Fund and Bombed Children's Relief Fund and also made a knitted rug for the Bush Nursing Association. A new fund, established for the adoption of a Prisoner of War from the beginning of next year by contributions from the whole School, has been taken up very enthusiastically. This year we welcomed Miss Colvin, who became Form Mistress of the new III. F. But now we have lost Miss Donald- son, who left to join the V.A.D.'s, and whom we wish good luck in her future undertakings. In her place, we welcome our second Miss Baker to the Staff. As the close of our last year is very near for most of us, we sadly bid the School-Adieu! We wish Miss Lilley and the Staff health and happiness for Christmas and 1942, when ·we hope the outlook may be much brighter. n


Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

December. 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

During the year we have contributed many knitted articles and strips for rugs to the war effort, and a rug to the Bush Nursing Association. We thank Miss Donaldson for her help in making our first year at The Grammar School such a happy one, and .wish you all gocd luck and a happy holiday. ' .. :~ F~r many of us this has been the h~ppiest -year of our lives -our fi~st year at the Grammar School-and we wish to thank · Miss Jones for all the kindness and help she have given us. Our thanks are due, also, to our other subject mistresses, who have· toiled with us throughout ·the year. To the efforts of our many athletes we owe our place- fifth- in the Inter-Form sports; also we were well represented in the Inter-School athletics. Hastily leaving thoughts of our net-ball matches behind us, we dwell on the fine performances of our players. We hope Misses Jones, Donaldson, Crooks and Tomlinson are now fully recovered from the effects of the Form Picnic with III. A., and thank them for accompanying us. Our after effects, excluding those of sunburn and ant-bites, were extreme- ly pleasant. The ode written on the occasion really ought to go into an anthology of modern verse. We are sorry that, for various reasons, it cannot be inserted here. During the winter months we made two rugs-one of which went to the Bush Nursing Association and the other to the Red Cross. We offer our apologies to Miss Cottew for the disturbances which she has had to quell-these occurred in spite of our motto: "Facta non Verba." The truth of these words will be not!=ld in the ·exam. results~(we hope). We are very proud of Miss Donaldson and wish her the very best of luck in the future, and a safe return before very king. ·we hope also to be undivided in IV. B. next year continu- ing our studies with Madame--and our accustomed alacrity. : --We hope everyone has ~~st -enjoyable holiclqys a:pd that the .New Year -will bringvictory to the Allies. 111. B.

III. C. "Work for Victory." The girls in III. C. have tried very hard, if not always successfully to live up to this motto. We have been well represented in the various spo~ts throughout the year. We are very proud of Eleanor Rod~n and Marion Chalk, who displayed good swimming ability and sportsmanship in the various races in which they took part. We were all excitement when we obtained second place with Sixth Form in the Inter-Form Athletics. We offer our thanks to all our representatives and also to Miss Elliott, and our con- gratulations to Fifth on their success.


In the Inter-School Athletics Sports our Form was glad to know that we could do our share towards winning the Cups. Here again we thank Pat Hunter, Marion Chalk and Shirley Newnham for the way they worked in the events for which they were entered. Though we gathered no honours in the Net-ball, two of our members, Joan Nash and Joan Reedman were able to reach the finals in the Junior Doubles Championship in tennis, and we hope to get a place in the Inter-Form swimming sports, held at the end of the year. With Miss Lilley's permission, we chose Petrie for the scene of our Form Picnic, and we would like to thank Miss Elliott, Mrs. Gleghorn and Mrs. Marshall for accompanying us there.. and helping in the fun which we shared with III. D.


; l.i l


Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

December, 1941

~risbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Of course, we have been knitting a good deal this year. \N e made a patchwork rug, and now take the opportunity of thank- ing Mrs. · Pratt, for so kindly helping ·us with the lining of it. We are very grateful, indeed, to . her: We . have also knitted many articles for the soldiers' comfort. We wish to thank Mrs. Tully, Miss Colvin, and III. F., for enabling us to have such an enjoyable picnic on the 18th October. . In conclusion, III. E. wish to pay the compliments of the season to Miss Lilley and Staff. III. F. We have the pleasure to present the First Form Notes of III. F., for our Form can only lay claim to one short, but enjoy- able year of existence. We occupy the room formerly used for Home Science and find the view of the Victoria Golf Links very p leasant, that is, when we have a moment to enjoy it. In both the net-ball and tennis Inter-Form matches we were fortunate enough to survive the first rounds, but in the second we were not so successful. We enjoyed these games very much and look forward to some more keen competition next year. We heartily congratulate Fifth Form who were successful in both net-ball and tennis. We found the Inter-Form Sports Day one of the most en- joyable events of the year and we must again congratulate Fifth. In the Inter-School athletics team our Form had three representatives, Norrr1a Coulter, Betty Bolger and Alison Moor- head; and in the swimming team, Ada Faroe, our sole repre- sentative, gained her pocket. Our Form picnic at Redcliffe with III. E. was a great success and we want to thank Miss Colvin and Mrs. Tully who accom- panied us; we hope they enjoyed themselves as much as we did. We are now looking forward to the swimming carnival, the concert, exams ., and the holidays, and to next year when we will be Fourth Formers.

We thank all the mistresses who have helped us in our work throughout the year, and we extend to them and all the School, our sincere wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happier and more Prosperous New Year. III. D. ' Well, and so we of III. D. have completed our first year! We all feel rather different from what we did on our first day. Pat Sewell represented 111. D. in the Inter-School athletics, and Hazel Hartigan in the swimming team. In the Inter-Form athletics we were not spectacular but in the tennis and net-ball we managed to get past the other Third Forms only to be de- feated by the Fourth Forms. On 11th October, III. D. combined with 111. C. for our annual picnic. We had a most enjoyable time at Petrie, and had the pleasure of having with us Mrs. Gleghorn, Mrs . Marshall, and Miss Elliott. We hope the patchwork rug knitted by us is a comfort to someone; it was given to the Bush Nursing Association. In the School Concert, which was a decided success, our Form sang in the choir, and Doris Wilson sang a solo in "Han- sel and Gretel." We thank Mrs. Gleghorn and our Form Mistress for her kind interest throughout the year, and our teachers for labour·· ing so hard with us . In conclusion, we wish Miss Lilley and the members of the Staff a very enjoyable holiday. III. E. As we look back over our first year here, we are very glad that we joined the ranks of the Brisbane Grammar School. As a Form, we have not secured any success on the sporting-field, but we have enjoyed , ourselves immensely at pratices. Indi- viduals.,l}(;lve had some success, and three of our members were chosen for the Inter-School Sports team. Also, one of us was in the winning pair in the Junior Doubles championship, and is also in the B. Tennis team. We are very proud of these girls, and are now looking forward to the Inter-Form swimming carnival, where we shall make our final bid for fame.



December. 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbaiw 'Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Sports Notes SWIMMING.

BOARDERS' NOTES-1941. This year we began with nine Senior boarders in the House. We were very sorry to lose Sylvia Corrie early in the year, and feel sure that she will make a success of her nursing career at the Alexandria Hospital in Sydney. Our numbers were also diminished when Shirley, Pat and Genifer left the House, but their places were filled by Joyce and Jean, later in the year. We have enoyed many outings to various picnic spots in- cluding Walton Bridge and Indooroopilly Bridge. One was a very pleasant day with Miss Lilley and Miss Hetherington at Mt. Coot-tha, where we successfully cooked sausages and toasted bread for our lunch-successfully, we say, since there were no ill effects. We greatly enjoyed the Gilbert and Sullivan operas, the Boys' Grammar School Dance, and our School play, "Hansel and Gretel," in which many of the boarders participated. We were well represented in School sport, eleven girls being in the various teams. We offer our congratulations to the day- girls for their victory in the net-ball match which we greatly enjoyed. We finished our knitted rug in record time, taking only three days; and cannot forbear to congratulate ourselves once again since it was the first to be finished. We are all sorry to hear that we are to lose Miss Donaldson and take this opportunity to thank her for her many kindnesses to us and to offer her our best wishes in her work as a V.A.D. We wish to thank Miss Lilley for arranging our various entertainments, and everyone else who helped with our pre- parations and contributed greatly to the pleasure of the out- ings. We hope they gained as much pleasure from them as we did. We wish the Juniors and Seniors success in their forthcoming examinations and extend Christmas greetings to all. I.J., VI.

This year quite a number of girls interested themselves in Life·Saving and under the coaching of Miss Y orston and Mrs. McMaster, Beryl Brennan and Barbara Wilson each gained the Queensland Cross, while Eileen Mitchell, Joan Caswell, Margaret McWilliam and Marion Chalk gained Bronze medals; Beryl Brennan also won her B. grade Instructor's Certificate. In·spite of the enthusiastic coaching of Mr. Collin, Miss Tom- linson, Miss Y orston and Mrs. McMaster and the help of Mrs. Marshall, our teams were unsuccessful in the various Inter- School competitions; however, several of our competitors gained places in events a nd all the team showed fine spirit. Sylvia Corrie, a member of our team has left School and is now nursing, but she is still continuing her swimming.


A. Lambert H. Hartigan

M. McWilliam E. Mitchell

G. Fairbrother D. Dunstan (capt.)

M . Chalk A. Faroe

B. Brennan.

The School seems to take a great interest in swimming and Miss Tomlinson always has her hands full of enthusiastic would-be swimmers. Since the beginning of the year they 29


December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Brisbano Girls' Grammar School Magazine

have all succeeded if not in mastering the art, in at least gain- ing a knowledge of how to dci so and are beginning to apply it. Because of this there should be very keen competition in the Inter-Form Swimming Carnival to be held at the end of the year. D.D., V. TENNIS. Owing to the fact that Old Girls' Day was wet this year, we were unable to enjoy the usual matches against the Old Girls. However, we spent a pleasant afternoon watching the net-ball matches. The matches played against the other Schools in the As- sociation were very interesting, and the teams wish to con- gratulate the Somerville House "A" team on winning the "A" grade pennant, and St. Aidan's team on winning the "B" grade pennant. The teams are very grateful to Miss Lilley and the


V . Kaefer

R. Deak in ,

R. Lea r

M. Halford

E. . Rich ardson (Capt:)

Sports Club for arranging for coaching from Mr. England dur- ing the season, and we know that that training will give those girls who return next year added skill and confidence in their play. · The competition in the Inter-Form matches was very keen, indeed, IV. D. narrowly defeated III. D. by one game, after tying in the first match.- Fifth was successful against Sixth in the finals . In the Junior Singles, Valda Keefer defeated Valda Hendren. Alison Aland won the Senior Singles from Rosalind Lear on a forfeit. The Junior Doubles were won by Valda Keefer and Rhelma Deakin from Joan Nash and Joan Reedman. Alison Aland was successful against Valda Keefer in the School championship. · During the.year, M;. Engiand continued his ~oaching classes and many girls have benefited. .


B. Young


A . Aland (Ca pt.)


M. Blanshard



December, 1941

~risbc;me Girls' Grammar School Magazine

Brisbc;:m€1 Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

In conclusion, we wish to thank Miss Jones for the untiring interest she has taken in the teams, and for the advice she so willingly gave us. We also wish to thank all the gi~ls who so unselfishly assisted on Saturday afternoons, helping with teas' and scoring. CRITICISM OF THE' TEAM. M. Parsons has been an energetic member of the team, and has played with excellent spirit. Her forehand drive and net strokes have greatly im· proved. Her service and backhand need attention. B. Young is a greatly improved player. By steady practice she has brought her service to a sound standard. She should give more attention to developing a strong backhand, and her net work needs to be controlled. M. Blanshard plays forcefully and with style, but her playing is sometimes erratic. Her forehand drive is well controlled. and she shows good judgment in placing her balls. She should concentrate on making her second service as forceful as the first. A .A ., V. Alison Aland (captain) plays a sound game usually. Her driving could be improved by the use of a longe·r swing and more careful foot-work. She has been a thoughtful and energetic captain. E.M. J. NET-BALL. This year, our first Net-ball match of the season was against the Old Girls. It resulted in a victory for both the Present Girls' teams. The plciy was kee~ and enjoyable in spite of the slippery court and threatening rain. . The Inter-School matches began soon after Easter. The . competition was · very keen and we heartily congratulate the State High School in winning the A. pennant and Somerville House in winning the B. pennant. Our A. team tied for second place with the State Commercial High School and our B. tied for third place with St. Margaret's. This year we visited St. Hilda's and enjoyed our trip immensely. The Inter-Form matches provided the School with much ex- citement especially in the final match when Fifth Form de- feated Sixth Form. Another exciting match was that of the Day Girls against - the Boarders. The Day Girl~ won but it was ari enjOY(ll?le struggle. . We were very sorry when the season ended for we en- joyed our practices and matches very much, thanks to the help Mrs. Tully gave us. We would also like to thank those girls who helped so willingly with the afternoon teas. We wish next year's teams every success.


Norma Oliphant (goaler) was a very fast player who goaled well through- out the season. Her play was brilliant in some matches and she combined effective-ly w ith the assistant goaler and centre court. For this good play she wins a Blue. Elsie Vickers (assistant gaoler) played a very reliable game throughout the season. Her catching and goaling were good. Vilma Pask (attack wing) was a fast and efficient attack wing who strengthened the combination between the centre court and the goalie. Her jumping was good and she should prove a valuable membe-r of next year's team. Heather Mackenzie (centre) played consistently throughout the whole season. Her passing, intercepting and jumping were very good and she was always a most dependable centre. She well deserves her Blue. Joyce Hack (assistant defende·r) used her height to advantage . Her i.nter- ception improved greatly after the first few matches and she combined well with the other defenders and proved a very reliable defender. Margaret Hynd (defender) also improved after the first few matches. Her jumping was good and she is quick. By the end of the season she was doing excellent work. D.McV., VI. Dorothy McVinish (defence wing) has been not only a good team player but as captain of the team ·has helped to make the season very enjoyable and smooth. She has been most reliable and unselfish in every way. H.T.

f I

A. NET-BALL TEAM, 1941. V. Pask M. Hynd D. McVinish H. Mackenzie E. Vickers N. Oliphant

J. Hack



Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

B.risbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

December. 1941


The competition was very good. Our girls gave a splendid performance, both in team work and in individual events. We won the Senior A. and the Junior B. races. Enid Richardson won her Blue by gaining lst place in the 75 yards (17 years), Marie Freeman won hers in the 75 yards (under 14 years), and Margaret Hynd qualified again for hers in the 75 yards for 15 years. Pockets were won by Joan Beech, Alison Aland, Patricia Hunter, Norma Oliphant, Mollie Booth, June Elliott, Margaret Hynd, Enid Richardson, Patricia Sewell, Margaret Brown, Joyce Hill, Pa tricia Boustead, Shirley Newnham, Valerie Ridge, Mar- jorie Roberts, Rona Kirwood, Nona Anderson and Veylian McDonald. Next year the competition will be even keener. We wish the team every success and hope that they will keep on with the splendid work begun this year. We would like to express our gratitude to Miss Donaldson for all the assistance she has given to us throughout the season, and we wish her the very best of luck in her work as a V.A.D. D.McV., VI.

B. NET-BALL TEJlM, 194L D. Dunstan, J. Saunders, R. Micheli, C. Crofts, S. Woodward, P. Bolger, P. Truesdale ATHLETICS. As soon as we returned to School after the Easter holidays, Athletics practices began in earnest. Every morning and lunch hour girls were practising hard on the track and this enthusiasm promised well for our Inter-Form Sports and for our Inter-School Athletics Team. This year a new game-Leader Ball-was introduced and it proved to be very popular, especially amongst the Third Formers. Our Inter-Form Sports were held on Exhibition Friday on the B.G.S. oval which Mr. Carson-Cooling so kindly lent to us. Miss Elliott's, Miss Donaldson's and Miss Tomlinson's keen training resulted in very close competition. We congratulate Fifth Form on winning Miss Mollison's Cup. Sixth Form and Third C. tied for second place. It was a most enjoyable day and we wish to thank all the Staff who helped to mokc it so successful. On Saturday, September 6th, the Inter-School Sports were held and for the first time since 1936 we were successful, win- ning the Senior Cup, the Stephens Cup and the Association Pennant. We congratulate Clayfield College on winning the Junior Cup.




Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Brisbano Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Marie Freeman winning the 75 yds. Race under 14 years . By courtesy "The Te legraph"


Early this year, at Miss Lilley's suggestion, a War Vvork Committee was !'armed to organise the buying of and distributing of wool and knitted articles . A meeting of the Upper School was held in the Laboratory, Miss Lilley con- sented to act as President and Miss Kennedy and Mrs. Jackson as Vice- Presidents. The Committee was to include in addition six members of Sixth Form, four of Fifth and two of Commercial Fifth. The following were then elected:-VI., B. Bayliss, P. Bolger, M. Higgins, !. Jordan, P. Truesdale, A . Zaver. V., A. Claridge, R. Dart, E. Richardson, C. Whitmee·. Com. V., P. Bryce, M. Ravdell . At the first meeting of the Committee, Irene Jordan was elected Secretary and Patricia Bolger TreasurBT. During the year over £31 has been collected and £27 spent on wool. Material was also bought for the making of swabs. Parcels have been sent away to the Red Cross, Australian Comforts Fund, Air-Raid Relief Section of Red Cross, and Merchant Navy. Crossword puzzles were also collected and sen t in to the Red Cross, and books were brought in and sent to the Women of the University War Work Group, who help to supply soldiers at isolated places in Australia and overseas w ith reading matter. Rugs have been knitted by the various Forms. Thirteen of these· were sent to the Bush Nursing Association, two to the Red Cross, and one of Fifth Forms to the Red Cross Convalescent Home. Fifth we·re very pleased to hear from the soldier who was the first to have the use of this rug. Towards the end of the year we have been knitting unpicked wool from the Air-Raid Relief Section of the Red Cross into strips for rugs. We are lining these with patch- work linings in gay coloured cottons .

We would like to thank Miss Lilley for arranging the Kennedy and Mrs. Jackson for their never failing help given all those girls who have helped in any way. 37

Committee, Miss at any time and ].J., VI.


Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

· Decemper, 1941

Club Notes

MUSIC CLUB. During the first two terms of this year the Music Club de- voted its time to practising for the School Concert which was held in the Albert Hall on the night of 23rd July. The Club pre- sented an adaptation of the fairy operetta, "Hansel and Gretel,"' by Humperdinck-which was the first occasion that this oper- etta has been presented in Australi.a. It was a great success and we wish to thank Miss He therington and Miss Felgate who helped us to make it so by spending many hours with us at rehearsals . Marie Parsons, Jean Potter, Moir Campbell, Thora Wilson and Bery l Weaver acquitted themselves well in their respective parts · cind the accompaniments were played by Ruth Dart and Mavis Hinckley. During third term we spent J;Ilany happy hours practising excerpts from "The Maid of the Mountains" and "Lilac Time" and in the fourth term, excerpts from "The Mikado" and "The Gondoliers." . Those who are leaving School this year will cherish happy mmeories of the afternoons spent in the Music Club and we hope that those who will be joining the Club next year will enjoy themselves as much as we have under Miss Hethering- ton's guidance. M.H., VI.

FIRST AID. We members of the First Aid Club have enjoyed our in- teresting lectures on Friday afternoon and, we are very grate- ful to Dr. Dart and Mr. Hosier for their kind and helpful tuition. Everyone of us passed in our recent examinations and we feel that we have taken the first step towards becoming useful members of the community in being able to render First- Aid in times of distress. The world at present being in such a state of unrest, we look upon our certificates as doubly precious, for they entitle us to continue our- studies in this direction, so that one day we may be proud to hold a position in the ranks of the V.A.D.'s, following in the footsteps of Miss Donaldson, to whom we w ish the very best of luck in her future work overseas. We all wish to thank Miss Lilley very much for making these classes available to us and so providing us with an opportunity of acquiring such useful knowledge. S.S ., VI. HOME NURSING CLUB. As most of us had-been first-aiders last year we were eager to continue our studies in that direction and we are grateful to Miss Lilley for arranging a Home Nursing Club, and to Dr. Dart and Mr. Hosier for sparing so much of their valuable time for our lectures. We were introduced to roller bandages and had it not been for the rollers supplied by Mr. Hosier, we would still be disen- tangling ourselves from yards and yards of calico. However, the long standing proverb, "practice makes perfect," has been realised to a certain extent. In our recent Home Nursing examination most of us were successful and we feel sure that the knowledge gained from these lectures will be most helpful in the future We would like to thank Miss Donaldson for her enthusiastic help; having recently studied the course herself, she gave us very valuable assistance. We would also like to congratu- late her on being appointed to serve overseas as a V.A.D. , and wish her the very best of luck. I.J., VI.

In the Dressing Room at the Scho_ol Concert .



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