December 1941 School Magazine

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine

December, 1941

The committee was very sorry to lose the services of a most energetic member, Evelyn Mc:Kjellar, but we know she is spending her time well as a keen V.A.D. and we wish her luck in .her work. One more item of interest is that the Association is now affiliated with the National Council of Women. This move was made in the hope that the added weight of our support might be helpful to the Council. The committee sends its best Christmas wishes to you all.

WAR GROUP NOTES. The War Group has bee·n busy :his year. In all £51 has been distributed in donations to Patriotic Funds , and ovE.r £66 spent on Wool and Comforts. Many functions have been held during ihe year. Most of the proceeds of the Annual O.G.A . Dance went to -war Group Funds, and the successful work of the Dance committee was much appreciated. Miss Philp kindly lent her home at "Braelands" for a Garden Party, and Miss Felgate offered us a share in the proceeds of two plays by the "Twelfth Night Theatre ." The fi rst , "No Time for Comedy," resulted in adding over £16 to the funds of the Group. We thank Miss Felgate sincerely for these offers of assistance, and also for the use of the Twelfth Night Theatre Club Rooms in cases of eme-rgency . A ·Doll 's House, donated and raffled by Miss Dulcie Levy and won by Miss Gwen Fairbrother, brought in £7. Three new members have lately been a0ded to the committee . Mrs . Peters and Miss Betty Fraser have undertaken to look a fter a new department o! the Group's work, that of collecting a nd making clothes for the v ictims of bombing in Britain. If any Old Girls wou ld like to assis t in this work they could gel in touch with Mrs . Pe ters, Lanham Crescent, Newmarket; M 8062. Miss Nancy Denniss is the secre tary of the Prisoner of War Fund. The Old Girls have undertaken to 'adopt' a prisoner unde-r the Red Cross scheme at the cost of £1 per week, and have established a special fund for this purpose. Subscribers pay 3d. per week to a committee member, or take monthly envelopes, leaving them at the end of the month, a t the parcel counter a t Allan and Stark, (Queen St. entrance, below the ground floor, near the telephones}, addressed to Miss N. Denniss, Bowley St., Clayfield. We feel this is a very worthy and necessary part of the Group's work, and further subscribe·rs are urged to .communicate with Miss N. Denniss . To support Union Jack Club Day, a stall was held in Queen Street, con- vened by Miss Campbell, Miss Nevill, and Mrs. Peters, and assisted during the day by various Old Girls. A basket of groceries was raffled and won by Miss McLe-cd, Gregory Terrace . The Union Jack Club benefited to the extent of £15/10/-. The War Group has also donated to the Club a bed and cover. The Hygiene Section has been well looked after, and twenty-one parcels have been sent abroad containing mostly things to eat. Interesting le-tters have been received, one in particular from Captain Croll, who said that his unit had moved into mosquito infested areas, and that the Army Headquarters had found it necessary to issue nets to all the men, and had used as a pattern one of the nets made by the "Old Girls" in such feve·rish haste before the Hygiene Section left. As a War Group we are spec'ally interested in our Old Girls who are serving with forces e ither at home or abroad, and we would like their friends or relatives to forward us such information, addressed to Miss M Colvin, c;. Girls' Grammar School. The committee wish to offer their sincere thanks to their convenor, Miss Campbell, for her untiring efforts and enthusiastic support, and also to Miss Lilley for the encouragement of her generous interest.

RUTH WETHERELL, Hon. Sec.-Treas. BARBARA NIELSEN, Assist. Sec.-Treas.

Marianne Helena Brydon (nee Carson). A short time ago the Association lost one of its foundation members a nd a former Presiden t, Mrs. M. H. Brydon. Lena Carson, as she was to her friends before her marriage, won a Grammar School Scholarship at the age of ten, and entered the BiG.G.S. about sixty-five years ago. Some time later, she won the Senior Fairfax Prize of the Sydney University, and then taught a t the B.G.G.S. until she resigned to be married. She is "remembered as a successful and loved teacher. After Mr. Brydon's death, Mrs. Brydon opened a Day and Boarding School at Marly in Hampstead Road; and after mak- ing a success of that venture, she became Principal of the South Brisbane Technical College, and later of the Central Techr1ical Coilege. As Director of the Domestic Science School, she dis- played great organising ability; and her final appointment was · as Inspector of Domestic Schools in Schools throughout the State, in which work Mrs. Brydon was a pioneer. As a student, a pioneer, and a educationaiist, Mrs . Brydon did honour to her family, to her school, and to the State of Queensland.


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