December 1941 School Magazine

The.; Solutio'fl_, of the Business Training Problem for your daughter Stott Hoare & Dobell's BUSINESS COLLEGE There is a constant demand for our qualified students to fill positions in the ·. leading Business Houses of Brisbane Secretarial ,Course Individual Tuitio~ Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Commercial English, Arithmetic, Comptometer and Accountanting Machine Tuition Also Special Finishing Classes for Students requiring the higher speed in ... Shorthand and Typewriting. Correspondence Course in all Commercial Subjects- ask for particulars. Thorough Training all Office Routine . Free Prospectus on application. Principal : (Miss) C. H. MARTIN Only Addres·s : CREEK STREET. BRISBANE

December, 1941

Brisbane Girls' Grammar School Magazine


Vice-President: Mis~- Jones Treasurer: S. Scheni.foneck

President: Miss Lilley Secretary: D. McVinish

Mrs. Tully, M. Parsons, B-. Baylis, M. A . Aland, G. Fairbrother, N. Oliphant,

Committee: Miss Elliott, Mrs. Marshall, Call, D. McDonald, I. Jordan, A. Smith,

M. Freeman, E. Roden.


Presiden t: Miss Lilley Secretary: J, Stoodley

Vice-Presiden t: Mrs. Jackson

Treasurer: M. Catt Committee: M. Parsons, P. Bolger, A. Smith, D. Skelton, M. Southall, D. Wruck, R. Cox, J. Moorhead, J. Johnson, S. Wansborough.


M. Parsons B. Baylis M. Catt D. McDonald

D. McVinish !. . Jordan S. Schemioneck A. Smith


IV.E.- P. Pledger III.A.-V. &own III.B.-M. Freeman III.C.- E. Roden III.D.- R. Lear !II.E.-J. Massey JII.F. - B. Bolger

VI.-M. Parsons V.- E. Richardson Co!!'.mercial V.-A. Symons IV.A.-M. Campbe ll l.V.B.-J, Batchen IV.C.-P. Jones IV.D.-G. Fairbrother



TENNIS COACHING Improve yo.ur Tennis by taking lessons from Vince Kelly, Queens- land's leading Tennis Coach and Professional. For your next new racket, re- strings or repairs go to Vince Kelly, the most central Sports Store in Brisbane. VINCE I{ELLY SPORTS SPECIALIST AND TENNIS COACH 270 QUEEN ST.. BRISBANE (Opp. G.P.O.) Phones, B 4769 and J 3026


.I. Jordan

TENNIS TEAM. M. Parsons B. Young NET BALL TEAM. V. Pask N. Oliphant E. Vickers

.A . Aland (Capt.) M. Blanshard

D. McVinish (Capt.) ]'.Hack M. Hynd H. Mackenzie


H. Hartigan ). Johnson A. Lambert M. McWilliam E. Mitchell

D. Dunsta n (Capt.) B. Brennan J. Caswell

M. Chalk :S. Corrie A. Denniss G. Fairbrother A. Faroe

E. Roden B. Wilson

BLUES. E. Richardson, M. Freeman. H. Mackenzie, N. Oliphant. 52

Athletics Net Ba ll


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