November 1922 School Magazine


Library In the ear,Iy part of this year we relieveil the present sixth of their duries as lihrarians. Although the memhership has increased, the perce'nta,ge is small in prorprortion to the size of the school, .and we horpe that next year many more of the Fourths will join. We take this opportunit.y of telling sdm6 of our memtbers that books are not meant to Since Midrwinter a great many changes have taken place. Every six nronths the ho,use see'ms to be different in many respecLs frorm what it was the.last six m,onths. One' of our mist.resses, Miss Robinson, left us to be mar- ried, while two new school m'i'stresses+Mrs. 'Weston and 1\{iss Horton-have corme into the house, Seven "nervies" increased our num- ber, but it is to 'be rergretted that the total has gone down again. Aileen, one of our house prefebts,'became a day girl, anil so did one of t.he nelwies, while Jes,sie lett us alto- gether. As usual, most of the rboarclers have takell a keen interest in sport. In the Inter-schools' we were lepresented'by Olrga, Dorothy, Grace, Margaret, Doris, and Joy. Grace sucrceeded in getting the largest nurmtber of points for the school. To celebrate the occasion of our win, \ye had solme of the B.G.S. oyer to an impromptu dance. Olga and Kathie still hold 2nd and 4tn places in the A Tennis Tealm, antl we all wish them luck in the contest f'or the U'pper School Doubles. Our ho,pes are also centering upon Olga's winning the ;Singles. We would like are also acquittin,g themselves credifably in lessons. fve still suprport two cot,s at the Chlldren's Hospital, but we are afraid that many girls fail to pui their pennies in the lbox on Monday mornings. We hope everyJbody vill contribute in the'tuture, for we llke to save up suftlcient rnoney to give the ,children a present at Chris'tmas. ,Ouf fund torrvards the Memorial Lirbrary, which is to be erected in the B,oys' ground,

is sloiwly increasing and the layinrg o[ the Foundation Stone is to take place"next Anzac Day. We take f his opportunity to thank pro_ fessor Priestley for the lecture he deliverecl to us on the Eclilpse. There was m,uclr exlcitemellt the girls on the afternoon of that v/onderful event, rfor it is not every- 'body lv19 has the ,chance o'f viewing an almoist tortal solar eclipse. Notes. be double,d back and slept on, as this, we belieye, is the cause of much of our mencling. We wish to remind each memher that, on re- turning her book she must be sure that the numiber is crossed off, othenrvise she cau,ses us much unnecessary labour. tr'orm V. Grace and Doris to win the Lower School Doub1es. ihe Basket Ball season is over now, but we were re,presented in A team by Everil. Several of us had places in B Team. Everlbocly is glad that swimming has recom- mencerl, and Tuesday afternoons are a sfcene of wilrl excitement after the 2.50 bell rings. We are sorry to ,say no poarder is a team girl. A great many of our. Saturday a.fternoons have been most enjoyably spent, o.n'ing chiefly to our lesident mis'tresses. No one could have had a better time than we had ,w,hen we went to Redcliffe, or on our moonlight exlpe- dition to One Tree Hill. We must express our appreciation of the frequent visits of our old girls. It shows that they like to keep in tou,ch rvith us, also that they are sorry to leave the' "dear, old house," for which we all have great affection. All of us will be very sorry 'lYhe1 the time comes for us to leave, and to embark upon the worlcl. This year we have not so many cantlidaies for the public exatmination. OnIy seven of our girls intend to sit for the Junior. Ere rve close we join in rvishing them the best ot luck, and trust that our wishe,s rvili help them in the exam.

-*{.- Boarders' Notes.

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