November 1922 School Magazine
!-orm IV. IJ ,won the Shield itr the Inler- form contest. Their team colrsisted mostiy of A and B team glrls, and iu tb.elr iest match a,gainst Sixth Irornl t.he)' piayeJ a Yery goocl game. We owe a clebt ol gralitlrde [o I] ie&nl for their vigorous assistauce at ;lraotice and Lhe:r help on match days. 'lhe Boarders, too, by relievin'g us of the respolisi'bilitJ o{ lr|eparing, aft.ernoon tea cleserve oul gr'.lteflll lhtrnks' We airvays appreciate, ioo, tho lrlrle'given up by mistresses to training us all, r:s1rr:cially rby i\{iss Lyons, whO coilcltes t,he teailr. B.P. Swimming practice has been resumed thls term on the ,customary 'Iuesday alfternoon, and so tar there has been a goocl attendance; but. \ye would urge still more girls to co,me down, even il the bat,h,s do becotrne rather crowdecl, as srvimming is a useful and pleasant art. Ns,w gir'ls, too, must practise hard, if \Me are to regain the Bro'ckrrvay Cup next year, tor sorne of this ye,ar's team are leaving, irnd we shali neecl a specially good teanl to win the Cu.p and the Sx'immiug Pennant. Moreovet" the for,ms nust. gel tolgether teams oif four to swim irr the BuI'reI Cup race, whirlh lvil'1 take place at our Scirool Clarnival, dluing the last week of this term. 'fhere is an adclitional iilterest in swinrming noll,, in the form of a nerw contest. rvhiulr is being startecl ilext year. A Challenge Shield f or Life Saving has been oftered. f ol co'mpeti- tion among-st the Se'condary Girls'Schools' the (jolltest to be helcl at the Royal Life'-S3ving Societl,"s Carnival each year. A tearn of tour orrly is requirecl, Lbut we hope to have a large attenclance at |he life-saving tclass this year and theilceforward. Girts rvill thtrs he arble to enter for and olbt'ain the cerlilioates and meclallions whirch the Society ofters for proficieucy. We desire to thanrk NIiss Broch- $'ey for her unfailing help in teaching th*r gil'ls, a1lcl in training the best otles fot fltrl scltool team. M'P' --o*-*.- S\vIMlllNG NOit'lils.
T,ast term our Annual School Sporls lvere hetd as usual on the Boys' llur'f, and although there were more enthusiastic competitors than last year, there could have beeu mote entries fro'm the ne+v girls. IV. B easily secured the Mollisotr Cup, for rvhich they are to be 'r:on- grn tulated. As a re'sult of the greater iutelest taken iu the spofts t.his Year we were able to put in a much more rerpresentative team' After atr exciting struggle we regained the Steiphen's Cup from the High School, 'lvho came a close second. We were very proucl of the 220 yards cham- pionship, in which t'wo of our g^irls secutecl first and seconcl places' \Ve hope they rr'ill both be badk next year to repeat the perforlm- ance. .We were also very strong thi's year in most of Lhe under fifteen events, especially in the high jump. In this our girls ca'me first' seconrl. anct tie third. But as these girls will be over fllf teen next year, it is to'be hopetl that there wiil be plenty of the lower school girls aible to take their places in the under fitteen events. We rvish to thank Miss Brockvray and l{iss Weaver for the many arfternoons they gave up to training us,for the Sports' BASI{EI' BAI/' NOT'ES' The Michaeimas holidays saw the close of the Basket Ball season' We were very sorry lvhen it enclecl, as we all enjoyed the practices' and who are to remain at school are looking forLlvarcl to next season' 1'hg girls lvho have just arriverl will then 'begin prac- tisins^, and we are in hopes that there will be some promisiilg players among them The A and B teams pralctised valiautly up till the last, but in spite of all our hopes ancl labo[rs $'e lost the pennant' It rt'as u-restetl f ro,m us by the Ipswich Grammar School 'Ieam, as l,ve wsre 'lefeated in both rnatcbes against thenr. Tlley w re by f al' the strongest of the oprposing teams' and consiste'l of a number of big girls This is always an asset' Most of oul' team this year $'ere very light' and not verY tali' ho We owe our thanks to Olga Launtler' w playerl f or us in the last match against to"*t.o, ancl who did go'oil work as defendet'
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