November 1922 School Magazine



us, especially Beville Garner, are good at gymnastics, and all are fair. We were very proud to have lwo giris in the Inter-School Sports, anal they clid weII. On the whole rve are doing very well ar the Girts' Gram,mar School. Our deepest sym'pathy is offered to Miss Stodart, whose father, Mr. James Stodart, died on June 20th. For 15 years Mr. Stodart was a member of the Grammar School Board of Trustees. It was with deep regret that we learnt of the death of llrs. Brockway on Wednesday, 8th November, and we extencl to lliss Brock' 'rvay our heartfelt syrlpathy. Alt girls who rvill 'be leaving school this year should join the Association as soon as possirble. Send in your names and acldresses to Miss F. Storey, Bulimba street, Bullmiba' Subscri,ption, 5s. a Year. F)NCIAGEMENTS. Miss D. Synan to Mr. F. Ewing' Miss Nell Brenan is to be married ort 15th Novemher to Mr. B. Anderson' Miss Ethel Jones is to be married on 12th Dece'mlber to Mr. C. Chuter. MARR,IAGf,)S. Nliss G,wen Jones to Mr. O. O'Brien. ]]IBITHS. usual breaking up festivities, ancl Dutch girls' Boadiceas, tambourine players, fashion plates, and the like tormed a Yery motley anrl extremely hilarious throng. But._! the scene is ciranged, and the solemn air pervad- ing al1 things bespeaks that most unwelrcome season, examination period. In rueful re- membran'ce of our own trials, we wish all the B.G.G.S. cantlidates ior the Junior and Seniot' Ex.lminations the best of luck and all the suc- cess they deservQ' tIn(lergradess. which might assist in putting litfe into the Association. Mrs. T. Wallace-a daughter' l\{rs. T. Morris-a claughter.

L. IIL D. has a rerputation for always hav- ing plenly of flolvers in the class room, and rve do our 'best to keeD it uP. LOWEtrT, flI. D. There are thirty girls in Lower III. tr., Miss H,orton is our form mistress, an'd Linda Sven- sen our captain. We take algebra, history, arithmetic, tr'renlch, English, clrawing, tennis, Latin roots, singing, geo'graphy, and drill. Our contluQt is good as a rule, but some- times vr'e are rather boring to our misrress' Generally we do our work well, and most of us are success'ful in all our tests. There are two boarders in our form ancl we are in the new romm. which'we like -'lel"y well, though it is often very hot. Some of (Not,ice to ,subscribers.-The B'G'G'S' Magazine (issued half-yearly) is sent post free to Old Girls for 2/3 'per annum' The Ed'itor woul,cl be very glad to receive items oLf interest suitalble 'f or insertion in these col- u,mns.) Attenilance at OIcl Girls' meetings has been very slack lhis year. Of course most of the msmbers ibelong to various tennis clubs' and so have fejw Saturitay afternoons free, 'but the last meetinrg held at the school in October might have been better attendetl' Though many more girls have joine'l the Association during the last few years than previously, anil though we are fairly financial iust now' still we shoulil be grateful if more active interest were shown by the younger members The older ones would welcome any suggestions The number ot Olcl Girls at the University has neither increased nor tliminishe'l since we sent in our notes to the last number of the Magazine. Two of our lepresentatives are preparing for their Final Honours Examina- tions in March. May they cover thernselves and the school with glory. Of late the 'Varsity has been the scene of various events extremely tlissimiiar to one another in character. For instance' a week or so ago the women students cele{brated the


Old Girls' Association.


From the UniversitY.

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