November 1922 School Magazine



ITO\VER, IIl. C. The calt for forrm notes has colne to us lol' the first time, alld rve nlust ,brace ourselves for the task. We are a very industrious forln of 3{i girls, most of ivhoni think that as they have done nothin,g but. work, there is nothilrg Lo rvrite about. Oul teachers .say we ale the noisiest form in the schocl; anal they ouSht to knoiw. We had a trying expgrience one day. We made too ,much noise during the sixth form exams., and we wele made to sil quite still during part of tlre dinner holr as a Bunishment, aud \\'e iound it ralher tlitficult. We haye been told that we are very 'gootl in Arithnetic, 'lvith Jhe exception of one or Xlve girls. We must now settle down a1ld worh hard for the exams., rvhich are dra,lving very near'. We are looking fonwarril to the holidays, and rvish everyone a l\Ielry Ohrist,mas and a good holiday. We are a form of thirty-six, And we 'play very many tridks; But now exans are clrarwing nigh, To turn our th.oughts to work \ve'll try. Although we like a little fun, We do not want our form to co,me, So lorv that other fortns will jeer, Aud say, "'Ihey have no brains, we fear." No, that wouid never, uevet do, So come, let's get our books and "stew," Ancl rvhen the big I'eJuIts ,come out, Let's hol)e our f olm rnay cheel and shout. I,O\VIIIi III. I). Our torrm L. III. D. is the smallest of the Lorver Thircls. When it was chosen, practic- ally all the'girls were strangers to each other, but very soon became triends. Althourgh we are the smallest, we lry our best to equal the others iu lessons, sports, aDd gymnastics. IAre clicl not h?lve many com'pelitors in the re,cent school spol'ts, hut rT'e hope Lo have more gills competillg rvhetr the next sports come along. We ]rave several good tennis players, ancl several lil'omising beginners. The olher forms wil] need to put their best on the colll'ts to have a cltance of equalling, let alone beating us. 'lhere are also some gootl srvi'mmels lvho, we ilope, rvill lt'in hououl for the form. In the serious part of the business, namely, our stuilies, nuch Drogress ha's been macle by all the class.

Occasionatly rve have to compose verses foi' our English lesson, but trone of ua will evr)t be briliiant poets. We spent eng pnrgiish les,son debating on "The advantages of towu a,nil country life." The speakers became ve:'y elcitecl anal towards the end the meeting grerw rather noisy. We are all lookir-rg forwarri to the exams', for a'fter the,nr rvill come the holidays. LO\\IIXR, IlI,. A' Our forim is Lower lII A., our f orrm mistress Miss Benney, ancl our c&ptain is l'Iiriatn Brown. Thele are thirty-eight gir'ls in our clas,s. It is one of the Inrgest. On Monclays we irave Gvm.; 1Ye are cliviciecL up inlo fo'rr sections and very soon we shali be com'peting against each other. l\liss ]{ennedy takcs us for tennis on'Iuestlirys, anrl aftet'school we go to swimming. Tlre exa'rns. rvi11 be startiug in a little while and we are not loo)ring forrverd to tlrem vc'ry much- ]\[iss Rrockway is havin'g a l'ife-saving class, anal some girls out of our t:lass are going lo attencl. One of our girls was in the school srports ancl she came thircl in the thlee-le'gged race rvith 2. girl out of L.III.I:1., and she was also in the iuters'chooi sports in the I'eliry ra ce, IIO\VER III' I]. We are thirty-toul in number, and lather a jolly crerv. AlthouCir not very g^ootl at les- sons, \\'e hope to do better soon' We all love sport ancl tlictl hirrtl in the "Interschools" to contrilbute a tet' points' The olcl girls of the LoIMel' III''s rr'iil have to be caretul, for lve are iteveloping quite a nurntbe! of good srviurmers, tel)nis pla-Yers' ancl gy1rlnasts. In the cott'ting l'rompetition for ll-ymnastics rve hope to beat the 'ther Lorver III.'s. This is oru' first atlemDt at lrorm Notes' aucl rve hope that lv lext time \\ie sha1l be able to make them much better and more in- teresting. It is now a short time before the exl"'rs' take place, and u-e ale all worlring vel"r h jl i for we intend to rlo our best' N.ext conte ihc holidays, rvhich most o'f us are looking for'- rvarcl to, for then rve'll have a good rest' attl come back with ou1' brains r:Iearecl' ready trr start a lrew Yeal"

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