November 1922 School Magazine
Basket Batl Shield, but, sad to relate, we have no s,wirmmers. The Inspect.ot', during hjs visit, 'called upor one of our menrrbers in the singing lesson for a solo, and she nobly responded (?) Our class room is very airy, and is gener_ ally gay rvith flowers, excopt 'when our vases Itave been pilferecl by raiders from other classes. \\re hope we shall get good results in the Junior, if only to repay our ,mistresses for the interest they have taken in us. Many of us are leavin,g at Christmas, ancl it is with sadness that we say ,,Vaiete,, to the dear olcl B.G.G.,S. lV. q. Our form consists o,f nineteen girls, who occu'py one of the rooms in the Cottage. We do not shine at 'Sport, althourgh out' form tennis teaim won a match against IV. A. We have two representatives in B basket ball team, one in the syr'in,ming team. We were all sorry at Midrwinter to lose our mistress, Miss Rolbinson, and our ca.ptain, E,dna Hen,ley, but rvere pleasecl to welcome Mrs. Weston as our new mistress. We wi'sh 'all the Junior and Senior girls the be,st of luclk in their exams, and that they will enjoy themselves in the coming holi- days. m. a. III. A. this year is compo'sed of thirty-two girls, all working in har,mony. Our ciass- room, which is on the far side of the main building, nearest the art, room, just holds us com,fortalbly. Oif late it seems to have been the rendezvou,s of all the stray dogs, as hardly a weelk pa' without a visit being paid us by one of the canine spelcies. .We are well represented in the field ot sport, where the emeralal green and black colours o,f our form are well to the fore. With the advent of the hot weather" the swimming classes have been resumed, anil many o,f our girls avall themselve.s of rhe opportunity of practising for the Carnival tr be helcl later. The forjm pursues the even tenor oif its wly throughout the term, the routine having been broken only by the visit of the Inspector, when it is to be hopecl, we 'acquittetl ourselves creditably. Under t,he capa'ble leatlershirp of Joyce Guthrie we are endeavouring loyally to upholal
the llonour of the school as far as possible. The approaching hallf-yearly examinations necessitate closer applicatlol 16 study, so sport must be relegated t,o the backgrounC for the tims 6sin,*, as we, all wish to do our best at the lorthcoming exams. III. B, This ter,m rve of III. B. are over in the Cottage, which is quite a pleasant, airy room. We did fairly well in the School Sports. com- intg seconal. trVe are thirty in nurmber, and are all nat- urally geniu,ses, but neve.rt,heiess all are quah- iug for feal' of the coming exam. In the Intersch,ool Sports we were repre- sented by three girls; one, Grace Zillman, who won the highest numlber of points in the school. We were rather unlucky in having to play X'i'f th X'orm f or the first tennis m,atrch, irut we did our best, and are practising hard for next year, and have also many entries for the tournarment. IIr. c. We are a form comrprised of seventeen girls. After Midwinter, o,iving to tho iarge numlber of ngwcomers we continue:1 our studies in the Lalboratory, but we are now in the Library. We had four representatives in the SchooI Athletic Team, and have a few promising tennis players. We are all sorry that, the baske,t ball season is over. At present we are thinkin'g a great deal about the co,ming gym. competition, and hope that we shall succeed in puttins; up a gooai display against the gymnasts of ,III. A. and III. '8. and trIrl. D. We are not at all looking forwarcl to the Christmas exams., lvhich are coming near'3l' everl' rl ay. UPPER III. T). After returning at Midrvinter we changeri our f ormer clasSroo,m f or ihe oue in the Stuilio. l['e like our new-classroom very muc]r, as it very cool in sum,mer. We have no brilliant sportsmen in our form, but lve all enjoy a good game' of tennis or baskelball We are alrl pleased that the swimming season has commenced, as we think it very pleasant 1s s'pi4sh round in the cool water,
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