November 1922 School Magazine
N otes. Now you have all our news, so we'll sign our- selves merely, With the best of good rvishes, Yours very sincerely, v. One of the trventy-five prodigies in our iorm recently discovered a motto for us; but although we had not thought of it before, rve knew that there must have been some unseen fe1'sg urgin,g us on in our daily toil. Alas ! we did not distinguish ourselves either in tennis or in hasket ball, but flve of our memrbeLs were in the Interschool Sports' Team, and they nobly utpheld the traditions of IV. A. At last rye have been a'ble to apply our arithmetical ( ? ) brains. X',or we can actually ss,y how many seventeenth's of the French Gram'mar we have revised. At the same rate v/e hope to publish these fraction,s within the next few weeks, in decimal form. Perhaps it is due to the expansive view fro,m our class roorm, but whatever it is, we knorrv that since Midwinter we have greatly witlened our outioo'k on life, for we do n'ot dwell in the mundane present, but in the rermote future of freedom from "stelving." It must not be forgotten that we are very merry people, for our next door neightbiours often hear bursts of laughter from our room, during lbssons, too. How envious they must be of such a haippy for'm! Everythirtg has an end and so have these notes, and in closing we 'wish the Senior girls the best of suocess in their exams. IV. B" At Michaelmas the majority of us had a house party at Redciiffe, and eDjoyed our- selves intmensely, having a couple of im- promptu plays to aLouse the envy of the inhahitants. I,Ve all came back thoroughly bracecl up tor the Junior. This telm u'e had a Fot in Picnic at North Pin e, rvhen the IV. 13. boa rclers, quite acci- dentally, of course, purloinecl all the santl- wiches, tirose $'hich had been prepared for a III. A picnic, as well as their own. In Sports we h ave been f airly successf 'Jl, having rvon Miss Mollison's Cup and the IV. A. "tr'or ever and I\r. A.t'
vtr. It will be with mu'ch sorrow that we shall say goodbye to the otd school at the end o'f the term. This year with all its "thrills" has flown and the Senior norv weighs heavily u'porr us. The event of the year was our dance, for rvhich we rwish to thank i\Iiss lMackay, also Miss Lyons, who helpetl us out of many diili cuities. With the proceeds we are 'purchasing a rocking boat for the Children's Hospital. X'ifth joinecl us in decorating the hall, whici Iooked very gay with strearmers, balloons, anC butterflies of the scl-tooI colours. Next day one of our members accidentally diScovered in a clesk a happy remnant of our enioymert, in the sha'pe of a few chocolates which soon di,sappealeil, in spite of the fact that there was a strong flavour of sitver paint albout them. We are pleased to say that Sixth Form is well representecl in all the Tearns, whilst the four Team caPtains belong to us. We are sorry that we have lo'st the Basket BaU Shieltl, but rve still live in holpes of gain- ing the Tennis CuP. We close these hasty notes by rvishing the Junior girls the best of success. v. Dear Magazine, I'm just writing t.o tell, That all in the V. Form are happy and well. In fact, ,we all fear we are getting too fat- We'tl rbe thin streaks of miserl' rather than that; For our dearest tlesire's to be t.ali and sedate' But undignified brevity seems our sad fate' 1n spite of our efforts, we dolr't shine at sport, And at basket ball also our work went for nought; But at tennis we have to plly si;
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