November 1922 School Magazine

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Brisbane Girlr' Grammar School.

The Maga zine

of the Brisbane School.

Girls' Grammar


porary had to be increased considerably, and it N-as some time before rve settled down. Since then the new girls have grotwn more or less accus- tomed to our methods, and have entered wholeheartedly into the interests of the school. Several of the,m represented us in the Inter-school Athletic Sports. This year the Grammar succeeded in winning ontce more the ever-cherished S'tephen's Cup, which by con- tinual training we rmust strive to kee'p in our possession. Our oiwn sports were held in the morning this time owing to the difficulty of dbtainintg the t,urf, and this new arrangernent provecl very satisfactory. Everybody s'pent a most clelishtful rmorninrg, and the heat whicb. we had dreacled was for'gotten in the ex{:ite- ment. HE numtber of new girls who ca,me at lIid-winter f ar exceede.d that of previous years. This entailed many diffi,culties; not only had a nerw tem- buiiding t'o be erected, but. the staff

The Tennis and Basketbail teams were not ,so successtul t.his season. In spite oi aiie fatct that they worrkeai very hard urp till the last, they failed to wir the pennants for us, The swi'mming season has begun again, but the next inter_school contest does noL tali:.. place until early next year. There,fore, il rests with ihose who are croming ou to r.etr.ievo the disasters of this year. Our c,rvri s,winrrming carnival .n'i11 be held towards ilre enrl o,f ihe term. The Senior and Junior examinations are drawing steadiiy nearer, antl the git'ls ar.t, ali rvorking feverishly. We wish theilr tlte best of success and ho,ps that the results rvill prove satis,factory. The boarders, ,wir6 s1. sl.o,wly inlrreasinrg in nu,mber each year, certainly deserve to be mentioiled here. for many of them are en- thusiastic supporters of both the Basket Ball and Tennis teann,s, whilst we owe much to those who are in the Athletic tearn. They

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