June 1926 School Magazine

Ht•isba n<' Git·ls' Gt•nmmm· Schoo l ;\lag-a.:r. hH•. -- --------------

l~R0;\1 T H ..: ' \ ' ,\ H S I T Y. \V(' ha ve sa id far ewell to Lex ie Dra ke, who graduated th is yea r . a nd to Frtda Oxnam. who s pe n t a part of last year with us. J ess ie Stephenson. who a lso g rad uatecl wi th seconds in Classics. has r et urned for nno th e r yea t·. Th e Third Years , l\larjorio Bulcock. Marger y Park , a nd Esme S rhith , look fo rwa rd to the e nd of Exam- ination per iods; th e Second Yea rs, Gladys Hals tead , Dora Ha rding. ~jllznbeth Nimmo , and In Sc ie nce Ena Ede n and Dorothy Hill, a r e living out t he ir time to t h e fu ll. And t hree Fresh e-rs have com e to s we ll our rnnlcs. Leslie Campbe ll-Br own, Es ther Loose. ana Patricia MacGrego r; we hope they a re now quite at home. and will i n time lll"OVe a va lua ble a ddition to 'Vars ity life. l hll ll Co llowlug- in t he rco ts t e ps of t he ir predecessor s. whose re putation sta nd s high. Doroth y. Gwe n . IDiizabeth a nd E sme play for the 'Vnr sily Hockey team. a nd J essie for the tennis . Gladys llllCI Gwen a r e important m embe rs of the Dr11mntic Society, whilst we nre •·epresented in De buting. and hav£> :1 Rtro ng following on the muHicn l side l n fnc ·t, wh!'J'ever the re Is a n available l'O illlnlttee. you may look to lind au Old Girl. Ou th e !;OCilll s idl'. t <-u. whic'h Is not without due effec-t in brouclening one's outlook and .e:ivin~ a mental tloi se- that mie;ht ot he rwise be lack in g (quite a t>art from all consi deration of the pleasure involved) our Old Girl s play a t>rominent part. And WE' would plead with the Old School to send us many more of tlw sam e s tamp as those who have pussecl out, or who are llt ill there. Th en• Is u niche fo r e veryone: thet·e Is worlt ror everyone: there Is a full life waiting. a nd t he pl eaHure t hat natura ll y r esu lts from a life lived to th e full. \\'e n1·e yet a youn~ University, but our rc tlltlation iH high. a nd must he tanil•d on by RU<' h us the Old ~k h oo l <'all ~end us.

('0:\DII<~UCl:\ L. Here, at last. we come in to the l imelighl. Ju st s ix mon t h.-; o~o WI' fornwd ou r ha 1>PY family, prac tically s trangers to each o th er; hut now, on thE' who le. we are all f r ie nds. Our t'oom !'I a vPry pl !'asa nt one, next t o 1h C' Rlucl io . \VI' n t·c- notl'll. :1111011~ th e miHlrl'ssPs. for having our vasps a lways f iiiNI w ith tlow('Ts whic h us ua ll y remind c.ne o[ the "Last Roses o[ Rumllltl'r." nnd our lodce r !:l ! Are they not the tidiest in t he sdwol ? Al t h oug h many fa ll to agree with us on that po inl. \Ve chose Kath leen Morley fo r our Form Captain, an d we a re of th e ununfmou !:l opinion t hut we ch<.'6e w!He ly. She tnk<'!! n grl' n1 interC'st In our form anti d eserves c t·ecl i t for he r t enni s. F:a rh onl' o r us is a g r Pnt !< port enthus ia s t , and we hope to malc e n naml' for ours<> lvl's in th r future. --- o--- HOt"SJ.~ XOTJ<~S . The Famllv this h alf-vear I s a large one. atH.I conseq uently dte quietness of ot;r leisure ~oments Is very orten disturbed hy thf' sound ot shrill voices raised in enthu stastfc a ltercation . Some of our mernhet·s are busily engaged In preparing for forthcoming music examinations. We wish them the very best or luC'k There have been two changes in the House s ince last year. ~tlss MacMillan came to us In Miss Weaver's stead a nd Miss White- way took thf' place or !\!Iss Blaine, who left u s t o be married. We> have had quite a numbe r of enjoyable o utin~s lately. W e wero all thrfllc cl with th1. Don Cossack Choir. and n lso on our r e turn rrc m Sr aramouch <> we practised the noble art or fencing· -wit h rulerii. On June :lrd we had a most delightful picnic to One-Tree Hill with :\lise Lockfn~ton. ~lisa Irving and ~Tiss :\1acl\1fllan. We stnrted from school at seve n o'clock and "trammed" to Paddfngton. Thence we walked to the Summit, having breakfast on the way. \Ve spent the rest or the day In this vicinity and returnf>d hom£> via Toowong. We should lfkP to takp this opportunity of thanking thl' ltC'HI · !lt~nt :\llstrPRSI'fl for this p!C'nic-not forget ting our mnt1·on. ;\lis~ \Yhito>way-uncl ul~o ror the amount or trouble thE'Y ltuvP always taken In orclf>r to lllllk!' our Saturrlay urternoon~ lllOHt E' Ji joyahiP The hoarciPI'Ii arP nrclPnt netba ll f>n;, a ncl OH a rPMult nf 1\ll~<~ It·ving'll untiring pffort~ u~ c·ou<·h we Hhould h11ve qutt er a lfoocl tPam whPn we meet 1 tlw Day Girl~ Ro Day nirlR, HPwllrP!

---o•-- -

J•: \'1•: :<.'1'1111•: Sl \ SET. The s uu h; shl\\ ly sink ilt A, ;;luhiug I n the n•d and lnvPiy "I'Ht; Tht hints an• holllP\IHrd flyin~:. !lying To their Young onPH in the Il lS I. ThP moon is sof tly rising. rismg, O'er the mountains blue a ud high ; Thc sta1·s are now upeeping, peeping In the clat'k and c·loudy sky,

N. (lNA'rt!K . Lo\\ l'r <.'ommcrdal.

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