June 1926 School Magazine

lkbban e Gir ls' Gmml lUil' Scl,ool )fagazine .

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TF.XXIS XOTJ<~ S. The Tennis season th is year bas resulted in one de feat at the:: hands of Southport. This loss. however. we have g r eat hopes I)( redeemin~ next half. Our Old Gir ls' match in the beginning of the term was a g r eat help to U!!, both in the practice gained and in the hin ts r eceived We should lil;e to thank the Old Girls for their valuable assistance. \\'hat the Grammar Schoo l is capable or doing is wen exem- pli fied by th e fact that fou r of Queens la nd 's inte rstate players a1·e o ld Grammarians . We shou ld lilce to tal\e t h is opportuni ty of con g ratu lating Kath Cole man, our 1924 Tenn is Captain. on her exce ll ent pl ay aga inst Mrs. Turner, whom we a r e al so proud to cla im as an Old Girl. and whom we should like to cong ratulate . sbe hPin l\ now lady champ ion of Qu eensland. :\I. Pratten a lsc• put in some excellent work against !llrs. Tu rne r . Our thanks are likewise due to the B.B.G.S. team for the het11 t hey have given us by coming over ever y week. Our 8 team bas had a successful season, winning three matchel:', the match with C. E. G. S. end ing in a draw. The results or this season's match es !tl'C: Points. Poir,rs. B.G.G.S. V. I.G.G.S. 22S 1!19 St. Hilda's v. B .G.G.S. 21S 1.4 B.G.G.S. v. B.G.H.S. :!:!2 195 R.S.H.S. v. B.G.G.S. . . 15S 248 u.c: .G.3. v. C.E.G.S. . . 246 lSI Y. (llas:-op has RC'rne particularly thw c·l'OliR-rourt drl\·p.-, Her se rve has a good le11gth. olthOu't'h the 111 •·ond !'Ould be faster. He1' nPt play I!'! wenk. and bcraust> or this. too mtwh work is left for JH•r partner. (). Fi ut(' o· has proved hcrsPI( a vulunhh• nlly hy hf'r st(:~rly play. whlt-h she ha,; lnpt Ull tbrou~bout tlw Rt'nson. She b han!lkappt•d hy her height in hoth hur lll'l )lluy nntl lwr s•·n·it•e. !IP.r hack- hand JICPCI~ il1l)lf0Vl'mE'llt. 'L l•tu·,t•·• is a stron!r playPr \\ith '''n~llunt h•nglh in hoth he1· ser\'ii'P and her drivt>. :o-;p( Jlloy is wt>Hk, nncl tlt~t·d~ mnl'h utten- tiCln. Buc·k-hancl I,; weHk. but thiq has llllJII'11tly.

L .LBR·A.RY. Ther e ha,·e been ma ny changes in the li brary syst em during the last two terms. Instead of the managem ent being in t he hands of \' I and \'. forms. there is now a definite committee- to be known as tlu• "Rean la nd ?.l e moria l Library Commitlee"-cons is tin g of P(e\'eu membe r s, ?.liss Li l ley. Miss Lyons, a nd r e presentatives from \'I.. \' ., and IV. forms. T he committee was forme d, pri maril y . in connection with t he manageme nt of any moneys which may come to the school as a res ult of Miss Beanla nd's gen e rous bequ est, and has a lso tal•c n c ha rge of t h e ex is ti ng li b rary. A new card system of r eco rding w hat boo ks are tal;en out has bee n commenced , and h a~ so far prove d sati s factory: an d n umbers of ne w books have been. a nd are to be, bought. The running or a li brary n ecess itates a large r amount of Wl)l' k. an d the schoo l s ho u ld take more a dva ntage of t he o ppo rtunities it has of reading good boo lis. The number of g i r ls who have cards is very s ma ll in c·omparison with t he numbe r o f girls in lhe seh ool: it is atrange that more do no t be lo ng, as eve r y girl in the sehool pays library tees with h e r ~ports money. Also, once again we wou ld rt•mind the school that. on leaving, it is customary to JHesen t a hor k to the lihntry From all till' gir ls who le ft la!!l yea r . abou t a dozen books have bcPn rPeeived. rt is to be hoped th a t those who leave this year will set a better {'Xample to t hose who follow I hem. PFJGGY JONES, ' sec reta ry. Wl\ 11 OF 1'tm ~OR'&R. \\.ilh ,, lli'Hr-•• .t.. in~.: lhulHlt·r rumhl<> roar ancl hi lls of ra~c·, Tltt· ltilln~o~ . )lh·rl'in~~: north "inf) hi" !'lHilt •llll \\Ur cloth wngo, II•• rltfll•"' thrttllKh th• · l'ity, lhf'll trav!'rst'" Ill!' pla in Th.. n lu a o;ort .. r nHllnt nl lw hrin~o:s th" farmC>l' rni n. lint wh .. n hP llltl'His in fury anrl sc·onr~;ps a ll thto land \\'jl)l W)(t) ltlltl hlll••flll tlllsi-,;forllls alltl "fOI'IllS of lJitillf, ,;anfl O, lht• north w lull is 11 t .. rro1·. an o\'<'rl'nling god, 0, th•• llorth "inti is ;o l•••Tor. wo• h• ncl lwfort• hb rod . ---0 - --

J. JIJ<:!If'DHY . Lower <.:omnlPI't 1al.


SWDDi l\"(l \ OTI•: !-4. \Vu were very di8appointed at losing th<' Rwimmlng this year- so was the !khool , To aid practice. pen nl•n;lou was kindly e;iven to I!'O Tu~cluy and l<~riday afternoons to RWimmlng. Tho h•am ~irl!i

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