June 1926 School Magazine

Bl'i. .batH' Oit·ls ' G t •am~IIH t' Selw111 )Ja~Hzi n<',

Bt·is lm n c G it·ls' G t·a n u t ta t • Sl"h o o l :'ll a:.;mdn c .

On J anuar y .Jth. "th e scho la s tic wo rld or Engla nd lost a brill iant scholar by the dea th of ?II Iss Syb il Raymond. .\I.A. .. (En ~l i sh pa per). Af t e r a dis ting u is he d sch ool ca1·ee r . s he en •e r ed Girton Co llege, Cambridge, where s he became senior o·ptime in • thE.> :\fathematlcal tripos. In 1 8 9 :~ s he was appointe d Second and i\la th ematica l :\lis tress of th E.> B.G.G. S.. a nd r e tain ed this posi tion for li ve yea r s . when she r et urned to E ng la ud . The r e s h e was Secon cl and :\laths .. :\1ist res~ a t Sydenha m Hig h Schoo l for 23 years . wi n ni ng the to\·e a nd e ~< t eem o f all t hose with w ho m s h e came in ('On tnct. Old Gramma l'ians of her time. some Ot them now t he m9th e r s ot' presen t g irl s. wi ll r emembe r t he g r ac ious In fl ue nce of this gen t le lady. Th e news of the dea th of lla ud Co ll in, In Syd ney. ou F e b rua ry 11th , brought a feel ing of rea l reg ret to her friend>! he r e. \\'ith he r friend . I r e ne Campbe ll . who has a lso c-rossed the Great Divide. she wa!' a pup il of the B.G.G.S. , a nd Iuter. the y we r e bo th member~ or t he Old Girls' Association Committee. . \ t sch ool. t hey we r e both s tra igjll, r e l iab le and c· heery. a nd e ver 1·eady to IE·ncl a he l!lin !!: h and. e ither to teache r s or school-mat <>s , a nd the same lo \·able quality c haract e rised them in afte1· l ife. In t h e early days o f the Old Girls' Assoc iation :\l auclt> worked unselfis h ly for i t. u nd was a m embe r both or th e• .\lusil'a l and Drnmu tlc Clubs, which we r e the n form~:d. I n Sydne y , whe r e s he we n t after the dea th of her par<>uts. l;he too l• up Kinde rgarten work . and the \\ e lfa r t> of ehile. DnT in~~: the war. ~:~ h e worked hard at Ued Cross woa·k, und fo r some year~ h e ld tht- posl ti ou of Hon. Direetor of thE.> N'.S. \\'ales Red Cro"!' ~xPcutive. ·whatever she did wus dotH> "with ull hl•r mi~ht. .. un~rud!!:in~­ ly. and with no thou~ht of ~elf. Ev ery year added to the life of the ::k hoo l . adds a lit tie murE' to Its hi!•tory It is. and always must be, the ulm o r cvPry inchv1dn.tl of u J;.n at tschool to see that nothing that hc1·omcs purt oi that history sha ll detract !rom its high tradition!;. Bu t as the list ot proud nrhlevement s gro ws. it i~ inevltuhle that with t he ~·ears 1111111) note!< or sadut>~s mmn he strut·k Th• pirent o( tlw Cl.S. For H y<>nrli l; he was Music }listress he re, a nd devoted h er wholp !IOnl to· lw1· work: Indeed. putting he r VI'I'Y llfl•'s hlon

OLD GffiL S' XOTES. :\l al-!:az ines w ill be fo rwarded tw ice yea rly to Old Girl:; . on r eeeipt of 2 3. Old Girls a r e r e ques t e d to send in to the Secr e- tary any in fo rmation concerning Old Girls that migh t be of intPrzst ... :\lagazine r eaders. Th e Anuual Meeting of the Old Girl s' Associa ti on was htld in the Sehoo l Hall o n th e e vening of i\ larc h 1 2th, and t he r e was a fair attend a nce. bu t not a s uffic ie nt ly r e presentative on e. T hE.> 01<1 Girls' Ass~ciation s hou ld be a powe r in the S tate, fo r thousa nd s oC women scatte r e d throughout QueenslanJI mus t have attended til e Schoo l , a n d s u t·e ly s ti ll feel affectio nate in te r es t in its we lfa r e. At t he meeting th e fo ll owing oftlcer s we r e elected for t he year 1926:-Presid ent, l\liss Lilley; \"ice- P r esid en t, Miss K . J o nes; Secretary. :\Tiss N. Campbell ; T reas u r e r. ;\I iss D. K enn ed\·: Com- mittee. :\llsses K . :_.yons. i\f. Pra tten , G. Spurg in. E. G~ge:,;. L. Dra ke. The ma in CJ uestion to be considered at the meeting was t he he«t mt>thod of investing the Jubilee Fund s. :\early a ll present were in favour of the establis hmen t or a Swimming Baths Fund. und a \'ur iety of way!! were suggested for s uppleme nting the money already in hand. H :>wever, the Trustees disa pproved or the icl t>a, and It had to be abandoned . And so It was dec ide d to pl al'e the money In 11xecl deposit until the end of th e rear. whi c h w as aec·orc.l- lnc:ly done. Tlw Annual T enn is and Baslret Ba ll afternoo n w i th t he Present l.irlo.:. \\""· ru; u~;ual. a huge sucress. und well nttended. The Old l.irl ... w•m l10lh llt<~lrlwli. and :\In;. Turne r, :\I n<. Hoe. nnd :\!!:-, K. Jrv!u~ 11av.. th .. Jli'N;•·nt !Pam many valunble hin ts. which the-y "rt',lf]y Hj>(!l'..l'iHIPCl. On Frldu~· cvcnln~. :lOth July. tlw Dramatic C lub. lately ('Onte into ht•ln~. will make Its debut with a pe rformancr of "Sd\ool tor !'<'a lulu I... !':a I ls!al'lory progress is l>eln~.: made In the reh•·:ar,;als. anllt'ugl'cl to contin ue its work. Furtlwr infurmutiun \\til RpJtear later in the paper!! and also in <·onmc·tion with thr> J>muer which. proving s uch an unqualified suc('e>ls last yt•ar. Is to he gi \'PI; a~ain this year. In the Schoo l Hall, on the Friday or Exh lhitlon \\'pek . to t>nahlP co untry members to attend. All intending members should communlcatP with thf' ScrrP· tary, and fonvnrd thl'ir subse rlptl ons Cfi /· a yl'ur).


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