June 1926 School Magazine

B r·iJ.. b a n •· G ir·l,; ' (;J ~IHUIIHI' Sl'iwo l )la:,:a :f.i n <' .

B•·is ban t• G il·ls ' Gr·anl)nm· Sc·hool Mng-az irt<' .

m. B. \Vlth zest we toil in form III. B. I n Gree k and Che rn. and History. F earing l est the m istr ess s tern, Shou ld g ive u s oth er t hings to learn. \\'e grasp our books in frantic h a s te. For th ere is never time t o was te; And noise lessly (?) we st rive t o cam , T h e good rega rd of each in t urn. Ou r c·a p tain t r ies wi th won ied frown , T o do h e r work a nd kee p us d own; Fo r mis t r esses a r e prone to thin!\, T hat not an eye s hou ld ever b l in lc Our Bess ie is the pride of all: AI te·n nis s h e neally sE>nd s the ball OYer the net in s piPncl id style. \\'l1 i!'h rna kes the others wonder awhil e. \re hope you'll pardon t his >< urmise, That form III n will Y~-'t sur prise All ntlwr fnrms. who think they t·un. TIPu

\\'e have q ui te a good r e puta tio n o n t h e s ports fie ld . our Form Capt a in being ve r y int erested; while ot h e rs a r e a lso e nthu- s ias tic in ten nis a nd swimming. l n fact , we are p roud t o own one o t' t h e s w imme r s in t h e schoo l team. \Ve are fo nd o f gymna s tics. ma n y o C o ur num hPr lwing fa iry- foo lNl whe n d !s play ing t h em se lv<'s o n l h o rin gs. At preHt>n t we s p'encl muc h t ime in s tud y ing. hut w h pn t h e exa ms . a r·e ove r a nd the ho lidays come, we shall not b e seen ca rry- Ing l es::~o n bootes until we commence s d1 001 agu in . w i t h m a n y new girls 1 Lowe r 'rh ii'CI ) , fo r whom WI' mus t Rt> l 11 good !'Xa m pl e ll y mnnnc •·s. if no t hy hi' !I In s. nT. n. We few! '"e h a p py few- wp hnncl of Grammars! \YE' of TTL D a r e a jolly lot o f- no, we c·annot say Qu!'en8land!'rs . fot• o n e or our l'Omra d es is a n E ng li s h girl. '"e dwe ll in the r oom cross t h e ten n is court, a nd o u r peace a nd q ui etness Is often broken by a n offending eng in e whi<'h senu~ lls c lear. m u s ica l n ote rin ging throug h the room. Our ta lent is remarkab le, especia lly in t h e way of music. We arc very fond flf c la ssics . too. "Show me t h e way to go home" :J c ing our favourite ((lsperia ll Y when we a r e ](ept In). On A p r il ~'oo l s' Day we. went to Petri!' with somE' mem he r s or o th!' r II f' s. un d o u r· For m 1\llst rcss , 1.\ll~s C'u m plw 11-I3rown. As we ll us foo li ng other s w<> W!'rP fool e d ourRelvc'l. fnr it pi'O\'ed a rai n y upon " "· whic·h <'\'£ n l w' nrp all iookin e; forward to with the utmost joy f(IPt'hapRl Hut h :.tunro Is our he lovcd rnptnin. and ~;ll t•t•n :\tnrdonnell and !<' Iorr ie ~l r Donald are vic< ·r pt.tlns Huth's ahlo ;; upporters. I n sports we are wel l reprcs« nted. ltuth ~lunro rlO!!s ull the jumping. over poles as we ll us at c·onduslous, and .J t.>a n B~·erley i~ nur runner. lu the gym. a bo everyhud~ knows wht>u III. D b ha\'- ing u le,;son . for many a resountling thumt> und thud Pdw through tlw hulltllt.'Ss of the srhnol , when we arc clown the re. \VP a r e none of 11 !1 fnil'if.ls. Thl' exam!!., as bt>fore men tioned, ure produring n g r ea t df"UI of lndus tt'Y on the. part of the poor vil'thns. who n rc f:lud that they do not come every month , for It suc·h was the CliStl there would he very fpw left in I ll. D. the s tress on the ir m e ntn l uhlllty IH'ems to he ulrt>nrly giving wa y,


Ill. ( '.

T..., ..hP "'"'"h"'-HII tl it >'X:tlll" flrC bf'l'(>, \\'e> t>!lll J. .. •p up th .. nput din11 ntr wt> learn or not, only o111' mbtl1>nd to . ~IIIC'll of our time. af ter exam". will h•• RpPnt ln. training t'or the Int cr- J.'orm S)lortll next !Prill , so that wt• may ket<(l tllP S po r t -. C'utl won hy L. Ill. ( ' In t )t~ our c·lasR room.


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