June 1926 School Magazine

BJ·is baH<' Gh·ls ' G1·ammm· St'hool ~ la~azin l' .

Brisbanc Girls' G m lll )Hil l ' Sch oo l ~Jaga:r. i n(' ,

1\'. c. As this is t he first opportu n ity to tell you abou t oursel ves s ince we have rejo iced in the name of IV. C. , we must mak e t h e most of it. All last year's t hird fo rms a r e well re t>resented-we even t>ossess seven Commercia l g ir ls, whose assistance may be r e- q u ired in ou r money ma tte r s . if our vases con tinu e to br eak as ! req nen tly as t h ey h ave r ecen t ly. In s por t , t he fact t hat ou r captai n set s a good example in A T ennis team, h as its e ffect. T her e a re two other s i n A a nd one j n B Netba ll team , so IV. C is quite we ll kn own . We must wa it un til t he Tnte rform Spor ts to see wh a t ha ppe ns th en . A few membe rs of our form we nt to hea r t he Don Cossacks Ch oir. a n d we r e wafted fa r beyond this worl d o f lessons a nd exams . to o the r s pheres. . T he Alber t Ha ll a lso was t h e r endezvous or !'CYera l of our form when so many Grammar g il·!!; went to the Dickens Recita l. Perh a ps t he r ecital has inspired some of IV. (' to a t tempt a n essay fo r l h e Dicken s' Essay P r ize. Ou r geograp!l Y lesson s have beEn ver y inter<'sting lately. a:; wonde r fu l s pecimen s of t h e wor k of th e Pacific Island natives have been brough t by members of ou r fo rm wh o have r elatives-not natives-in t hose parts. Among t he Ilarty that is journeying to the Jenoluu Caves dur- ing midwinter t hree of out· g irls wil l be round. .\ 11 the less fortunat<' beings In I V. C hope t hat t h ey w ill be very observant and tE'll us a ll about it after wards. \Ve must concl ude n ow, wis hing evet·yon e a n en joyable h oli- day, egpecia ll y a ll those who are ~~;oing to t he J pno tan Caves. H ..\. It Is !arlers, but at thut timl' !II.,\ , \\as t'OlllfiO-d of different girls. The present Ill. A consh;t!! of twenty-nin,, children, all studious. but some quiet and othern inclined to hP m••rr_.'. The lnst half-year has been a very unevPntfu l one fnr onr form. as nothing outside the routine of les!O during last term we hade u tearful turPWP.IJ to one of our mistresses, who left u s to be married. Snell~' mindfu l of the fact that our note!> an• not very enter- taining. yf'l hop ing you will find umple c•onsolation in the oth<>r lt<•llli-! of our mnguzlne, we shall usk your lbtVt> to J'Ptlre. but before cloing 110 wP must not forget to offl'r to evt>r ynnP our heartiest WIM[H'!! for htlpJlY holidays du r ing thl' NIMillllg th l'!>l' Wt'€'li!!.

A number or us went wi t h TV. B to hea r the Don Cossack:; . and we spent a de lightfu l even in~?. \\"e are trying to s uppress o ur hig h spirits . a nd a r e devo tin ~ our time to stu dy, fo r t h e j uni cr exam . looms n ea r. a nd we hope to depart . remembered as t h e IV. A o f good wor k a n d good beh av io ur by every mlst1·ess. \\'e ~ i ris exten d our wish to oth e r forms t ha t fortune may sm ile on t hem, in t he examina t ions . TV. n. Le t us la lte a peep at IV. 8 a nd fi nd ou t wha t we ca n a bou t t h em . The c lasses are in mornin g assemb ly now , so we s hu ll wa lt in the classr oom unlil t hey come over. Situa t ed in t h e detach ed wing of the school , it is qui te a large, a iry 1·oom, well venti lated. bu t it can be col d sometimes. Assem bly is over now a n d the g irls a re com ing acr osH. The sight of their scu r r ying and scr ummaging brings to one's mind a very d ifferent vision of girls many yea rs ago-prim l it tl e g irls , who behaved so n icety. ~ow they are in t h e c lassroom. :.' shan't go In just yet: there Is a chance that our ea rs wilt not stand the strain. \\' o hear all kinds of conversation; examllla ti ons. t he weather. sport, teacher>< and ~w scuffles. From the mixture or conversation we may pi clt o u t a few rarh; worth rArorclllur. A :\flss Anderson is often mentioned. ancl Wt> rli"<<·ovel' fhaf slw wa.; their form mistress., whom t h ey unfor- lunat .. h lo>~t at F;""'''l'. nut they wish her well In Rplte of hPr base rlt>"t'rt ion \\'hen StJOrt Is mentioned we lwur that of I V. B ll azPI Shnnk Is in A :-\ctball team. Lillian .John!-nnis players arc mentioned. So the •·rwver!latlon goes on, a little softened. Two evenfng:;' entertainment!! are mentioned, which partie!\ from IV. B attenclPrt nnd enjoyed; one of the Don Cossacks' coneerts, and the Dicken~' FellO"-'Ship Concert. So IV. B are not entirely without dcep1•r fl'l'l- tn~ when they enjoy good concerts. Members of IV. C, the neighbouring class, come to beg, borrow or steal the duster. rlatming ownership. A heated argument on tJ,e }JOint arises, rach class claiming that the duster belongs to them. But Miss l

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