June 1926 School Magazine
lkis l.>11 ou · {~il'ls ' Go·a IIIJ llat' Sc·hnol ;\fH;;nz iH<' .
llt•isbunc Girls ' G•·am.ltull' Rcltoo l ;\(ag-nz im•.
s urroundings; but. a las! so ma ny h a ve been inspired before us. t h at t he re is noth ing ori g ina l left in the atmosphe r e for us to absorb. A l t h ough our form is composed of g irls from the sepa rate F ourth forms of last year, we a re now loya l membe r s o! t h e Fifth . t;sually we a r e all very ha ppy , but at present we fee l a nything but light-hearted , for our s p i r i ts are overclouded by t he shadow of the approaching exams. The. furn i t u re in our room is a source of g r eat t rot;ble and annoyance, for the seats creak hor r ib ly when w e sit down, and the blackboard persists in f a lling at critical moments. But the p ictures of scenes from Shakespeare's plays which adorn our walls make up for t hese s l ig ht inconven iences. or course, we do n ot need to te ll yc u that beside!. L>eing repr~ seuted In A and B Tennis. a nd B Ketl>all teams, we h ave in our form t he Sports and Swimming Captains: and Ma ud Gubby, la! FORM NOTES. n. \Vc arr now grappli ng with <'xaminntion prt Jlel·s . and inricl e nt- n lly. compos in g fo rm n o t ps fo r 011r Magazin C', a ncl to onc or u~ at least. the latte r tas k is t he more pe rplexin g. Th er e a re re fe rence hoo ks a nd g u ide bootes on eve r y conce iv- nhle s ubj ec t , a nd yet we may sea r ch w h ole l ibr a r ies in va in fo1· n s in g le sugg<'sllon !or our form notes. Is t h e re no wo1· thy p rofE>ssor w ho w ill c·ompil e a text-book fo r us on t h is pa in f ul s ubj ect ? \Vf' O!!SUl'e h im that h is name wou ld be inarr iherl hi gh Jn the ~~· ··o il or fnmP. anrl t h a t surceeding grn er atlonR would ri Rf' up lo do him hon our. Yet the philosophers tell us t hat " whe n the m in d g rap ples with n g r ea t ann in t r icate probl em, it mnlc es its advancea. it secu r es itR posit ions s t e p by !il ep, with but li ttle r ea lisati on of the ga ins I t haR made, unti l suddenly, with a n e ft'er t of a brupt Ill umination. it realises Its victory." So let us hope we are p rog1·esslng. \Ve have had quite a number or e njoyable ou tings this year. During the first term we went down to Sankey-Fraser·s. accom- panied by ~1lss Lyons, to see the lovel y collection or Wodgewood rh Ina. that they had lately secured. And toler, we we nt ,..,.it h h er to lh~> l'nlvl'rlilty to hear a very interesting lt>C'l ur c> on the- ruins of Pompeii A party of 11. aiM went to th~! concert lately arranged hy thn DiC>kPn., FPIIow~;hlp Soc·lety. anrl to hear the Don Cossack <. hoi•· Th ... r .. wa,; , hf',;icle!! the vl,;ll to the Queensland .i\rt f
Made with FlippingBook Publishing Software nuo us hulf-hour on the nethall court. anti thou1-h most ot us nre novices, we nn • very enth uHiusli<' Tlw '1\ nu l ;~ ('up ha~ lweu left to us by our fort:lrunners, and we mran to do our b£~t to J'eta in It thi>~ year . l\J iss Loc klngton is our form mistres~. Mi~s Stet)dmnn ,·ery k ind ly g ives us haH-nn-hour of h er lehmre on Thur~tluy aftt•rnoous, when Abe readfl us inter<'Rting llt erutnrP, This Readiu,~: Circle i H'l'~ much npprel·lnted hy thP ~il'ls.