June 1926 School Magazine

.Brlsbullt- Gh·ls ' G•~unJ-11.1 11 " !-klaool .\la;.:a;r.lm•.

R1•ishmu• Girl s' G•·anJJna t• School l\lagazill<'.

1.'HB Sl.J~OOWXJ<;Jt. The sunset g l ow was hidden behind great masses of darl\ grey clouds. and the wind sigh ed and moaned among th e g um lree!i . An old m an , sad. w ear y. bowed with the sorrows and disappoi nt- ments of li fe, t•·udged a long the road. H e looked up a t the ci arli stormy sky. mutter ed some thing to himsel(, and prepared to tai\C shelter for the night under an over-hang ing rock by the way-sid •~. That n ight h e dreamed that he had found peace and rP.sl in the well-remembered country town where he had passed his ch i l dhood. At dawn h e sta rted on t he road with a ligh t h eart, for h e was going back to his little grey home among the hills. Fo•· man,· y ears he had trudged aloug the roa,d which l ead s to an ywhere. see k- ing r est where none cou l d be found, while some unknown force within him compelled him to wander on. H e was v er y tired now. and his st eps l agged as he nea r ed the end of his journey, but he f elt sll·angely happy, and how his heart l eaped for joy a t the si gh t of t hose fami liar hill s. Why. there was the wattl e grove wher e. as a boy, he had dreamed go l den dream s of you t h, and buill castl e'! in the <~ ir. H e sat down in th e shade, and, over com e with w eariness, he f ell asleep . The birds wer e singing overh ead , the bees w ere hnmminA" among the wattle blooms. and a light breeze slirrert the bo ughs. !lcatter ing over the wear y traveller a shower of gold dust . Onet more the Run waH !:letting hehind the blue hills In the w est, l eaving an after-glow of fluming l' rinHion und gold m er g ing Into sortt>r shades as the light want>d. A glor i ous sunsel. The next flay they found an old man ly ing dear! in the wattlf' grove. His clothe~ were cluflty and t ra vel-worn, but hi s fa re, a l - though lined and furrowed with c·are, was calm and peacefu l. lle had come to thP PJHI of hi~ la'lt long journey. II. RY :\11<~ 9. \'. - --0---

' ' l'O B.POJSES!"

The sky g listening with the brilliant rays of the sun, oer tops . anrt sl opin g gently meets and mingl e!:! with th f' waters beneath . Nelltune, >~ootlH' cl h y 1he warm <·arPss('!:l of Phoebus. in HWCI'' s lu m bPr s lies. Not even th fl tiniPRt r ippl e d:trPS to clist urh the 'l l !'ep of f h r i r mi g ht y t yrant. nu t who a r c these that presume to invite l he wrat h o f the g r eat Sea-God'! Sl eek. rlnrk hocties t hat dart from the cleep wnter s. a nd n i mbly c l ea ve t he unbro lcen surfucc•. to r eturu Onl'e m o re ~ From th e lips o r t he on l ool disturber s of his peace t o his cool. translucent courl. T.B. & E. F . ---0--- FTI J•:Io: TI"L\XHJ.~ATIOX 01-' Onto: '1' 0 sn,PJ('L\ (Tihullus.) 0. :\1a r s. thou mi g hty God of Rattleficld! One, on thy Kalends, Plaims thy tribute rure. Gaze down upon Su l picia, hu t take t·u•·e. Lest in your rapture you l et fall ynur 11h i eld, Cupid, c ruel boy. at h er bright l'YI"H. Ligh ts torches t wain. wh en h!' rtoth wish to hul"ll

Till•: S \\" .\I , JAt\\"S S0:\0. "\\'inter I!! c·omin ~." lh!' Rwallow Raid, AM IH' flull l'I"Ccl with hi~ wing. "Away I 'll IW to a Wlll"llll'r climt•, But I'll c· again In the R11ring." I'll c·oml' ha<·k when 'tis wa rm agaiu , \Vhen tref'H do bud and flower, Wh<•n the da:vs are hrlgllt and long again, I'll come to the eav<'H, to my bower.

The Gods Divine, while at her every turn Grace follows a ll unseen, and round her flies. SometimeR Rhe w ears her hair unbound, and lo! I t seemtl that hair un!>ound shou ld always he. Rometimes she roirs it. t h en It seems to m"' That. rolfecl. T must hefore h er wort~hip l ow. If Tyrian r obe she clonH, or puri"H! whit e, I n both sh e ru l <>H my heart , en<'ll!l nlH my si g ht .

JJ\~AN i\IILNI<~. I\'.

F.. MURRAY. Fnr"m VL

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