June 1926 School Magazine

Bt·is bnu (' G it·ls' Gt·amnuu• School :\IaguziJw.

Bri..;:IJa Ill' Gi l'l s' G t•;ut tllla t' Sdwul )la~azjuc.

The conve n t bell s chimed m us ica lly once more. Once again t he deserted t'lois Le rs became Jleopl ed with t h e black s toled , blac l\ hooded sisters, so ft-vo iced a nd lig ht-footed, who Cl'ossed t he mselves devoutly a s they hurried to a nd fro. 'Vhat was t h at hurst of exquis ite me lody tha t r ose from the ru ined c ha pe l '? Softly, softly, it reached me, in low mournful murmurs, ming ling weirdl y.. yet musica lly, with th e tremulous s ig h- ing of the wind. )low It rose loudl y, clearly, a nd exulta ntly as if [ 1·om a t11ousand t hroats. Again i t r eached m e in low mournful murmurings. and again i t rose exu ltan tly In pra ise: Th e exqu hslte harmon y he ld me eu t r a nced. My very be ing was t r ansfo rmed. and 1 seemed o r anothe r world as t he melod ious notes ran g in my ears and c1·ept into t he inmost cham bers of my sou I a nd linger ed lovingl y there. Sudde nly th e li ght of the moon was obscured. Th e music ceased. a nd the s pe ll was broken. 1 s tirred uneasil y, and with a s t a r t I r ea lised t h.at it wa s ve ry late, and th at my friend s would become a larmed at my I>ro longcd a bsence . Slowly a nd t houg htfully I wended my way home. A vague r emembra nce of t he wonde r f u l mus ic s till clun g ronn ll me as I thought of t h o marvell ous beauty of the nig h t, and t he influence it had exerted ove r me. " Luminous str eams of dPlight in the stlent immens ity fl owing. J ou rneying ::~ urgc l essl y on through impalpable ethers of Jlf'at•e; How can 1 th ink of myse lf wh e n Infinitude o'er m e iH g lowing. Glowing with tokens of love from the la na where my ~orrow Hha ll eeuse'I"-T. Brunton Stephens. LILIAN BOCK . IV. A. ---o---

'CHE P .-\h'll GRO\' E.

It wa s holiday time. and we were a t Ta mbo urine. Hav ing been to most of the places Jf inte rest except t he Pa lm Gro ,·e. we d el'ided to go t h ere. So. armed with s tout sticks (in ca se of s nakes). we se-1 out. Follow ing a narrow trac k. we made our ·way down hill. though ra1her s lowly. for we found ma ny ripe wild raspberries and goosC'- berries. At length we reached the Grove, a nd what a s ig h t met o ur eyes! We ('O ttld see dim . cool g lades w hich lool\ ed just a,; thoug h they we r e inviti ng exploration , a nd a long t h e tracl\ we- fol - lowed, grew gia n t maide n- ha ir, t ree- ferns, g reat stag-horns . ancl nume rou s othe r ferns. It was coo l a nd qu iet in among t h e palms. and soon t h e- ferns g r ew less. until. at last , we fou nd oursel ves walkin g on dark. han! ground, whil e round us . wherever we looker!. ta ll , graceful pa lms towered overhead, s h utti ng out the s un. There was no co loU I' he r e . except wh en a oright, sca rl e t !'ltr in g of berries hung from a s ma ll pa lm. F u rth er on , we found a clear s tream fl owing lazily a long. On its ban l;s ma iden -hair g1·ew. a ncl often tra!led its l ong fronds in the clea1· water. Passing the stream. we began to notice oth er fe rns growi ng again . and our guide told us that we \Yere nearing the other side. Then the palms grew less numerous: sma lle r ferns g r ew In profn- .slon. aud even some tiny creepers with !fright flowe rs sh owed them- selvt>s. So we c·amc Into lhP dazzllnl! sun light. and everyonP dt>darcl1 th;;t it had hf'f-11 H mo;;t PlljoyuhiP ' ' alh-P\.('t'Pt fo r tllf' mo><- qnitne". DOROTHY YOPNG, 11 1. ~ . ---o-- All was still tcl a~:ainst the ha~e nf the cliff. and IIH tl't!mn lons song of tlw nhdtl wind as it ~il!;hccl tendE:rly and ~arlly 1 hrough 1ht. tree-top>', HPhlnct me dlml~· outliuecl In the moonlight stood a ruiuc·d ('Onvent. and awa1• in the back$!TOUIHI was the, forest dar!; nncl forbidding of as]tec·t i~ the shadowy light. Alone. m•ath lhf' !itar-strewn t!liV, itJ the light or the flilve ry moon. with the HOUtHI of thP wuvl'li and wind ringing softly In my ear~. my thouJt;htH <'


'Fi ll•: BHOO I~ .

,\tin\\ 11 frnm till' lllllllllfaln, c:urgl inJ.: with glt•P, 'J'hl' hrnok!Pt Is laughing ltH Wit)' to tJHI ~l'H. I n s hndow und tmnl!ght, Thrn' J.:l!'ll t'lc.ll' and roo!, Hushing and Jpaplng Down to tho Jlnol. And on Its way dancing 'T'hro' meadow und l ea. 'T'h(' tale or Its lruvf>l!! To he•a r to 'uw R!'a.

fiUTII !\l ll~HO. Ill. D.

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