June 1926 School Magazine

Hl'i,;h u tH• (HI'Is' G t'HIIUttat' Sl'llnnl :llugnzittl' . ----- "Never mi nd. You two had better go to the g r and-sta nd . But lteep a way from Dad , for [ea r h e mi sses m e. I ' ll be back soon.' r A quarter or an hour later a boy, in j o c key's atti r e, went to• tht- two m e n and h a nd e d the m a note . after r E-a di ng whic h they knE-w this was the ride r Eth e l had sent. "I guess you ' r e r ath e r young. kid." said one; "but here. why the m ask?" " A w. ~liss Ethel w is h €·.; no one to J;now who I a Ill till after the race. Bes ides. :.\ l urd ock wo uld g uess if I didn't." "A."r ight. yo ur numbe r 's nine . out no w: it'll be s la t·ting so011. !< not Jon!" He 5tared stupidly at t h ,. "11111ll tl!~n•·e. au ! ciPmnndPd wlw he wus. The joel

THE "('.-\~' 'r" P.EHSO~.

Human b e iugs are of two kinds: c r eato rs a nd d estroye r s. No o n e can be n e u t r al. If you h ave no confid e nce. then you d estr oy. you a r e pa ras itic on the c r eator. It is impossib le for man to revel in s ilk y secl u s ion, to live t h e life of a cocoon . H e must ma ke or unmake. Inc-rease, ct·eate or dest r oy. Creating. h e t il - c r eases th e world 's h app in ess and prosperity; d est r oy ing. h e detire- ciate!! their values. He whose existence is o t·d e t·e d by the word "Can't' '- what is he? A d estroyer! H'e im pe d es progress. If he does happen to w o r k he does so half-h E11 rtedly. impe rfectly. at a l l times e n courag- ing fa ilure by his f l'a r of It: Ills fee bl e s trength It is whic h drags bacl< the creato r H e whose pa ssword is ' 'Can," this p e r son has a spine. Xo coward is b e, af r a id of the shadows ot Life . But petty mind!' harass him; h e creates. cre~Hes , crea tes; ye t they destroy . d estroy des troy. "Cau" Is th e fl E' r son whom I want y o u to b efrle nct n lwnys. Don't be a compa nion of "C'an't'-t ry, try. try. you Wtll create a n d progress , leaving "C'an't' ' In th E' clttt!t, but- r e member . "('un't" still Jives; you w ill meet him agu ln . K. B. STAHl\:. Y I.

-- o---

'l'H 1·: HT.Ul"l.

T lo\·e the Hta r ::~ whe n the cloucls ro ll past. Anct th e~· at·t' lt>ft to >{!Ille r. u t last. Bright us the ll !!: ht on the wot·Irl they l':.t!~ loud b last, That has mact.. tlw ft>urful world u~hu>H . I love t111• !\turs o n a rainy night. Whe n thl:'y pee JI, then hlclt•. a:- If in frl~ht At the s h udnw wnrld , shown hy tht•h· II E; lt t. Or by a r ay of tht> moonlight hrle:h t, Piercing the dnrk nf ,, r11iny nl~:hl. I IO\'e th e !ltu r !! when the ~ky'~ deep l.Jlue And they ~lenm a nd In ugh an!l thtnt·e une' ' ; ('lear a nd s teady. nnd bright to Yie w - mnt'L1 liJ,I' a 1!'Uat'tl to \\lltt'h o'er you. Or likt> :t frh.•tul who I~ warm :111d true.

I Eclltor'!l :\ote. Tiler•• Is a technica l ftnw In the detnlls of the piN. hut that must lw overlooked hy kindly critlcsl

'I \It\ l'OHTE!t . Y .

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