June 1923 School Magazine



June, 1923 .

June, .192tl.



The Way of An Ant.

a ~hort Lime, and also obtain 1nore strength lo carrJ• on our stud·ies, so as to ·reflect credil


Our form consists ot thirty-two girls, ant! we are in III. A. class room. Although we try to be quiet I am afraid we are sometimes very l}Oisy. 1Mis::; ~rall is our tor·m mi::;Lt·ess, and we tuition. Every \Vednesda..y we go to "gyll1" and on Frie lett behind. We are at present ~Ludying tor the mid-.wintel' examina- tion·•· and we hope we sllall all do well in them. We are 'IJroud to have Liu

• i

to me almost impossible with such a burden. lt mana·gec\ to get the <:rumb over to the sitfe at the t.ray. No.w, 1 t•hought, it would not be a;bJe to get any further . The ant backed up the side as far as it could reach without letting· go the crumb. and then it began pulling it. It pulled the crumb this way ant! that way; let go its h'olll o! it , and then got a better grasp, pulled again, but oC no avail. When I thought it must surely give u11 it suddenly stopped; then it !\Ot a finn ·hold or the side of the tray with it·> feet and of its burden wilh its claws, and made ~ final struggle. At last It had .su<:)Oeede

Have you ever watched an ant care·!ully? When one looks at an ant at first, it ~eems to be just a little insignificant creature that ruu" aibout on the face ot the earth. Some people, only know an ant as such and some:times won- der why it is here and what it is doing. 'rhere is, ot course, more than one kind of ant. For instance there is the green ant the liLlie com.morf~~nt, and the sugar ant. ' 'fhe narne of ·the c·~mmon ant I do not !mow, and I sutJpo-se the.re are many other kiucls or ants of which I kn<>w nothing at a II. There are many kinds in the bush which are to he round on the ground, on th~ trees, and such pla ces. 'l'he peop1e in Queensland--at lea st tlwsa who live about these 1p·arts-are mo~·t I a:niliar with the green ant, the sugar, ancl lhe com- mon ants, the green t \Yithout hint or the yawns thnt th e morninr.;- ·brings. There ' s a painful a.ehe in UUI' Wt::·..tl'Y re~!l, A:d their tread re-eehoes aiong· the stn:el': H the last tram leaves u:; to plod ·behiutl, They'll be wearier. still, hE:l'ore res t they t'intl. "F'ollow the tram-tracks! " w·ill be onr CI'Y , Till the tirec\ boys yawn ancl lhe tired ~;iris si·gh;

on our form.


Ill. I•J.

A::; the ' 'huchliug authoresses' ' in the rorm are ::miTering from excessive modesty, it has fallen lo the lot ol a·u incapa•ble person to -set t!own lhe vinues or other\vise o'f the aqove. rurm. Wt: a1·c uoL u. vel'Y brilliant cluss, but we Ul"t! a team ur lrien;, and we work steadily iu out' uwn quiet way. Our form is in the t:nllu~e. and we appreciate very .much . t111~ oullool<, whl<:h is pleasing aud restfltl. "No roBe wit'lloul its thorn," however, u:; we ul't! ju~t opposite the teacher:;' common room. and we ar~:~ often accused or being- rnlh~l' rowdy. The ~'irth rorm i• al•o in the same build- in~ . and lh~y ar~ l'egarllcd as "Snatchers-Ull or llllt.:(JilHitlt!l'ed trltlt::.•.s.' ' Consequently •W(! are uft~n missing va~:~e::~, etc. lnga ::ivemwu is our ronu ·<:avt~\in, and she J'ule::; U!'i with an iron baud. '!'he swimming season i.:5 over, but we did well as one or Uti was in tbe First Vl. Das)cE:!t 11all has commeuc~:~d, and we.' arc tryiu.g hurd lo keep up with the other rorm~. Ttmnis is also hel'e, aud one or our mem- bers is in B team. !:::io (ar nu genius llas been round a.mongsl us . but ·we hoi,e to see our na1ues in blad\ auok oul rur Ill. Jil . alter tile holidays.

Pr :~ ·~·:nltly it .appear, and can teach them many lessons of

·-**- The End of a Perfect Night.

But we'll keep reiJeating, as on we !!;O - "Are we tlo-wnheartt:::tl'!" "No! No! No!" But here come,:; a nam--it is our.3, we prove, Aud we l:lanrber aboard a~ it starts t -:1 move. Then a gloriuu~ rush 'gainst a JJitin~· wind, And we ~won leave Olll' troubles far behind .



Ho.me at last! to our l.ledti we• t.:reep, 'J'o 1iud all our joys again in ::;leep;

And there isn't a shade or a shadow ur doubt, 'l'hat's Ihe perfect end to a govd "Nig-ht out."

What· thoughts we have ol love and lite, No more we think or petty slrl!e, When far trom hustle, noise, anti dust, 'rhe ·Sunshine dies, a.s all tllings must. D. H., V.

'Jlhl~ 1::\'t.!llillh" (all::J HS gentle deW, Allcl IJL'!Il ' C L:IIShl'UUd:::s the OCE•an I.Jlue; The li~· ht fa

Dreamy ll.lll, V[.

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