June 1923 School Magazine
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.1une, 1S23 .
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June, 1923.
From the University.
Old· Girls' Association.
Three . more old B.G.•G.S . girls have tie· parted rrpm our midst, a·fter having none their bit to crown the old seh_ool with glory and honour. Congratulations to 011r uewly- . tledv;ed graduates , Katherine McGregor, Una Morris , anti Stancie Drake- Katherine with first-class 1.1onours in Classics, and Una with thirds in Mathematios. ·Doriihrawlett also lett. us in l•'e·bru:l•'" lor a space,'"'and is at present teaching a; Sl. Catherine's Stanthorpe. However, in spite of all this our numhers have not suffered, tor at the begiuning or ~he year six freshers arrived from the Q..ram·m:u· School-Jessie Stephenson, Lexie Drake, Lyle . Johnson, Kathleen Wearne, Marjorr Park, and Ellen Doak. All or them have talten up an Arts course, exeept Ellen. who ti a b·bles In Science, and all or them, with ,JUt exception. show unmistakallle sig-ns o! e nj.) y- in.g themselves very much. For the rest, Mary Stepheu•on, l!]lizal> ~ th Hart, Amy 'M·onkhouse, an(l li'reda Oxnam are, in t•heir several wa.ys, mak ing the most 'l'he L>ush wns asleep. '£he only sounU.s lre:trd were the restless murmurin-g ot the little •tream, · or the distant hoot or an owl. All around hung the dm·k purple sortnes.o! af a beautiful Australian night. l1,ar ovctherLd the stars shonl! faintly. Below, all lH\ ~ u r0 lay s!eepin·g· . Slowly a change came. The darkness wa·s lifting. Gradually t.h"' stars faded out of sight and grey shad~ws · slo1Wly crept across the skY. A beauti!nl rosY pink soon took the place ot these shadows. Day was breakill.g. 'J'he first or the bush folk to "waken was . the kookooburra. As soon a·s the first blush of pin•k appeared in the sky he awoke and gazed sleepily arou1Hl. Then suddenly, as if mindful or his duty or waking the rest or the bu•h life, he tilled the •bush wilh •his langh- ter. At once a'll the uther birds awoke, nn or their second year of 'Varsity life, wllil~ Kathle·en Camp!Jeli-Brown and Gladys Spur- g-in, though the thought or a.pproaching finals haug·s over them like tl;e sword o:f Damo<:les, are making h~Y while the sun s hines, and enjoying th emselv e :> as much as they can before third term arr ives. Most or the societies -~Musical. Dramatic, Debating-are gracGd h.v the lllt"·lllhet·sbip of some or other• or u.s. Stanci e Dral_(e has just returned from a trip to Adela ide wi!.!l t.he 'Var•ity tennis team; while L. Johnson, 111. Pari< , and G. Spurgin may be s een per.iod!cat:y disporting them.sc;-lves upon the hockey field. Anyon e who has had the energy to do a little• mental arithmetic will have diseovered that there are altogether twe lve or us d:lill ,:~ our best to carry on at the 'Vars ity . Our h·ope is that·the powers that l>e. connected with the Senior, will be kind in Nove·mber . and that a l>lentiful sut>ply of recruits Yr,Hll th~ G·ram- mar will ·he forthcoming nexl year. UI'ldergradess. soon the fo1·est wa::; fille.·d with their morning song. The little rabbits crept out u[ th e ir c:osy burrows while the kang·aroos and otiler bu-sh folk woke up and hurried oft' ill ::.; earch or rb.reakf'a"t. Gre.-at gu.m trees stretched f6rth their arms to the air , and gentll! little winds awoke and playe'l thl'ough their leave::~. The sun rose higher and the !Jeauti!ul pink colouring of the sky .gave way before his gloriou.s light. Little sunbeams flitted dowti through the lattice work o.f leaves and called the flowers to play with them. F'ar off a lyre- l!ird was calling. The little stream joyfully babbled on, while the trees null ferns sprea(l out their leave• to greet the ·moming sun . Every-wllere the litt.le birds tlitted and san~; while soft breezes W:hispered songs o·f hve to the tlo:wers. Joy and happip.ess W3l'€: s n~ preme. The bush wa!5 a.wal{e. · E . L., IV. A:,. Throu.gh all my worl(, 1 have felt the iu- 1\uelice or the Old .School very strongly. 'l'he whole moral atmosphere o·f the Sc)loot will intluenc:e me allways . As a pur>il of the Gram- mar School , I never truly understood or at>t>reciated the worth of attending such a Jiue Institution, but when I lert, I reali•ed wl1at it hatl done for tne." rrhe !llHHll·l.JI!l'Shi.p lh·is year has increased IJy 3 5, and so tar our .meetings have been most encouraging. At the cntl o! April, A and D teams !rom the Old G iris' A"sociation met l'l1e teams or the JJI'esent ;;iris, and the OW Girls were vlcloriou~ in both matches. 'l'his can scarcely be. wondered at when our team containecl two iuter.stale players. The baHket rball match held in May was another decided succe>is. In spite.- at the ta<'L that very rew girt. ·play basket ball after leaving school, our teams put up a splendid light, and considerable interest i.n ·IJolh matchE·.i was shown. by the onlookers. The A team of the lll'eHent girls won by 11 poinrs an l•}!I'GAGEllli!:N'rS. Jean Sincla·ir to Mr. Bennett. Mavi-s Daniels to Mr . Murray Cox. Helen Sto•bo to Mr Bruce Halli(\ay. IHida Jackson to M,r. Glen Voller. Clare Henzel! to :1-1r. L. Coyle. J,yle J ohnsou to l\1r. Dou·glus Harding. May Ji"'~rancis to I\lr. 8rnest Edmit>tOn. Dora Macta•ggart to . Mr. Alastair Macgre- gor. \\'I~)) I)) N _,. .. ~ . --**-- The Awakening of the Bush. Wtl Lender our deepest oympathy to .Jo;· · all
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