June 1923 School Magazine



June, 1923.


1 :-------------------... ---------------------------------------------------~ : · . ' . : School l'retcct.s for 1 U2~. M. Bulcock


: I i ~I . : !

In the olden clays the only holidays were the saints' day.s, or clays of commemoration ln the calendar ol the Christian Churc'h; thus "holidays" is forme(\ from "Holy Days." A century ago holidays weJ·e very rare, in !act is was not until the la.t.er part o! thH nineteenth century that the necessity of holi- days was realised. 'Holidays are periods o! cessation from re!\'tt !.lr wo.rk, granted ·lor the purpose of re·· r.upc~ r:'.tion, recrealion, enjoyment, and rest. The Increase ol holidays is due to seve ral l ' ea:-;,~ ~ls. People '\YOrk much more· strenu- ous\~• than formerly. This with t•he massi ng o! the POt>ulat>ion in large towns, makes a t>el'ioil o! total rest an(\ change neeessary !or the workers. rrhr~ ratpld grOiwth and increase or modern t~ivl !!. ~l tion have est.u.l>lishecl a ens tom of ~·rant : u•g regular holidt~.ys, and the spirit o! !nun; 'lilY which exists in the present age, has led 1·, the extension ol the 1>rivilege to ull clas ..·es. 'f! · -: use::; or holiclay.s are very evident. Dur- in~ holi(lay t ime the wo1·ker is tree to enjoy the cl tdigh.t s or nature, scenery, anll trav~!l,

a.Jl of wh·ich help to educate and improve the mind. They are a source ol pleasure. 'l' hey are a mea·n~ or renewing health and strength alter the worry and l~y. ·"All work and no play ma·kes Ja c lc a dull boy." But on the other hand .Tack must not play too much . lf too much i::; atteri1ptetl in a holiday, or .i f the pleasure or a holiday n ·- sults in · more exhaustion than the daily lab- our, then holidays do more har-m than good. Al~o lr holldays produce a distaste for Ja.bour and a love or idleness then they have been abused. Holidays an~ a means or repairing health and strength phy~;ka ll y a nrl nHmtally, and nature has pruvi1lecl us with the two be::;t restorers, rreslt air and sunshine. 'The trues t test or the be u~fit . or a holi

M. Alder A. Crib.!J G. Jones

0 . Launder M. Melville E. Moyle E. Smith G. Spurgin


.ll'orn1 Cavtajus..

VI.-M. Bulcock \' .-M. Pratten

IV. A.-J . Guthrie IV. B.-D. Hawkins IV. C.-B. Svensen IlL A.-E. Munay II!. B.-E. Hoey

lll. C.-L. Cheesman Ill. D.-L. Rae!Jurn III. C.-I. Svensen Commercial-E. Banl~ley. L . IlL-E. Hill

Senior. D. Harding 0 . Launder Junior . K. Coleman M. Bode E. Venman

I : ' 'I

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The ""n sank low !Jehiri d the hill, And all th rough nature ran a thrll! or joy. l<'or .,ve her shade now cast O'e r n.ll that region hro:1d and vast. Aru\

The moon had risen, full like a queen, And poured her rays on earth serene. Now with the rising ol the moon, The nightingale awoke, and soon Her joyou.s song swellecl from the trees And there amidst t•he gentle breeze. The silence, . and the broad moonlight, The evening merged into the night.

0. Launder {Captc.!ill} K. Colema n M. Pratten D. Hawkins

. ' .

.b1mergency: H. Svenseu.

Busk<>t Ball. li : I l ~ . :. •' --------------------------·---------------------------=-=::·.. -:;:~~ K. Stfr!Jo, runner. M. Martin, thrower. G. Spurgin (captain) , front J. M!!F'arlane, back wing;. M. Alder, forward. M. !lucie, back. Emergency: ~- Smith. win g- .

-.-**-· l~XCHANGBS.

Hrisbaue Grammar Hehool. lpt:;·wit:h Girls' Grammar School. Maryboroug-h Git•ls' Gram1m:u· Sc:hool. Bris·~:~ne Girls' High Sc:hooL Ht. J·Iilda's, Soulht•ort. Presbyterian Girls' School, Warwi

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