June 1923 School Magazine

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June, 19·23.


June, 1923 .




We ho11e to cele'brate our su<:ces·s in tlt.8 o.xaminations !Jy hold•iug a · form Jlicuic. The fountain of our inspiration runs dry, so we must end, ·hopin-g that we have not llored you too much. IV. C. •Like the dew u·pon the lilies, or the sceut ot the roses, is the impre .5sion we hope these form notes will produce. They will he like · them.; ]n one respect , Cor they have not much substance, aud we hope that they w·ill .!Je as deli-ghtful in other resp ~'"<> t s. .~The torn} itsel·f is mu<:h th e same a::; any ot 1 her form, but some or our members are in the tennis, basket ball, and s·wiunmin;.;- teams, whiuh is rather c: reclitable, aud we hope to have some sucee::>dCS in the exams. Sir Luncelot., whose picture hangs upon the wa"ll, is our .model, and we ti·y to emulate not always with too ·great oUccess , his deeds . If our notes were longer they would ·be tet!- ious, so this is the e1id. m.A. .A happy band of seventeen arc we, and w<: are very thankful that our form is so sma ll. Our form room, which i·s large and airy, holds us easily, and is next thE· studio. Vve shall lle sorry if we have to !.eave it after midwinter. .One .of our fo~m is r.he "'white" represen- · tat!ve o·f the "Bunyip" electorate, so we.· arc all looking for,ward with great interest to the result o·f the coming election, even the three of u.s ·who are 11 IUiuor.s. 11 None· of us are geniuses either at "po~t or lessons, but in :!Joth we mean to try to keep u11 the reputation establi!;heu by the old !II. A.'ti. Everything has been very quiet lately, especially our tongue::; and on rselves-~o Wt.! think, but others don't . We are often worried by map-seekers ancl rowdy artisLs. Unfortunate ly , the artists thiu1k it is we who mal< e more noi:;e. But we mean to t.urn over a new · lettf Hext term. m . n. I }I. B. conslsts o! thirty-one sc,holars . We are rather a large for•m, !Jut are all jolly an cl ·

ha.ppy when not thinking of the coming exams . Many ot u~ are practising keenly for the sports, in wh ich we hope to

Form Notes.

W-e 1wish to present our report. of the year's s-port. Our two representatives ac- quitted themselves nobly in basket ball, and frequently ted the goal mouth. wit·h "'t.he elu::;ive leather sphere·." The :follo-wers ot "'Suzanne" are stumbling in ·her footstep•, and they occasionally sh~w sparks of ~er genius. As we ·have no finan·cial report, aucl therefore -cannot present one, we declare the meeting closed.

\'I. On lll"t"iving bac:k atler the Christmas vaea- tion we •bade the •Shakespeare room farewell an 1 n.: rtn'IHlh·ulu1' un t·u.min~ Into l:.Hil with the vull:auic thought. wave~ ls.·mln~ (rom OUI" hl"UIJlS. (Loud applause from the pit . )

1\'. A. (Tune: "Auld Lang Syne.") If we Fourt•h-formers make a row, And -if we try to play, The mistl"esses don't hesitate, Bu-t pounce u-pon IV. -A. Chorus : ~'or ever and IV. A. ; my dears, For ever and IV. A., Our reputation is ·SO great, They pounce upon. IV. A. And when upou the field of s-port, 1.' he !School goes. out to play, You '11 find they all depend upon Choice spirits from IV. A. For ever and IV. A., my dears , F"or ever and IV. A., They al•way.s can depend u.pon Those spirits from I'V. A.

IV- B. We ·have long triecl to originate -some new · fashion o·f presenting our form uotes, but., alas! our efforts are of no avail. On an- other page you may see some evidence of our genius , ·but all we can present is a dull . record ol facts. We have re.presen-t_.t·lve•s in Lhe ·bas·lcN ball atHl tennis team.s. On one or our wall~ hangs a I.Jeautirul IHdntin~ hy :\1illet, from which we ::some- tim~:; ··~le<.1.11" Jnrur•mat1on, nnll whtm that (ulls w~ turn to tht- c·alt~lHlar, und count up :he llays to t lw· hullllays. vve hold trovhies won by our lH'edel:essor;; and intent! to try ancl keep them.


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