June 1923 School Magazine

June, 1923.



june, 192a.

Tasks of Fairyland.

Something Apout An~ient Egypt.

Til~ day was ver.y still and not a sound was b.eard, wb.en the air was sudden'ly filled with sweetc~t music . A tinkle of merry laughter •ounuew slung over hi'S .shoulder. The queen told him to make people that. had Quarrelled, loving towards each ot·ller again, 11.nd to unite dilferent souls. Cupid ·bowed and tlew to earth.

Queen Starlight then called in turn Joy- fulness, Goodness, and others, and sent them into the world to per·for.m· their di!Ierent tasks . H·ope.fulnes::; sped to a home where all wa~ sad . '£he husband could not find work; the wife WM ill, and the chtldren were starving;. The faiDy became invisible and fi"Jed with their success, and re- warded them. N.D. (Commercial).

Deeply interestin.g as we find Egypt to- day we cannot help reeling tltat tile true g·lory and greatness of Egypt lie in ancient Umeti . Let us mount to the top of the G1·eat Pyra- l:Uid an-d gaze down ·upon ~hei woncle'rf\11 panorama. There ·below us i~ tht· full, fto·w- ing Nile, which except in the bad famine sea- sou.s, has .'risen yearly rrom it.!:i L>ed ancl fer- tilised iJ•\J.e green and ye·llow fields witlt ils water . ·.:'Dur-ing all tl1e year·s, perhaps "ix thousand or more, the glorious suu has dai ly ri~::>en from out of the Lender glowing colour~ of the dawn be.youd the £•astet·n de~ert nntl has travelled ·across the bu:;y, fertile Nile · Valley to its evening setting· in a blaze ,,r g·oid and. cri·rnson behind the grim silent hills of the western desert. No wonder that the su~l held. ever ehie·f place among· the numlJer- le:-.;s gotls to w 1 ilom tlle ~gyi>tiall ,!-; prayed, anll · to whom they erected wondel'fnl teUJplc~ \\_'hiJ :~ e ru·ius :3 till form one or the sig ht:;; uf Egy[lt . 'l'he!'e is a great. group of tl1e. ~ e l CoiU1Jle:s 011 tile Nile where the n1agnif1cent t: . t.y o.L' ·rhe·!Je.:;; once stood . The great h::~ll...: , lliLilO~iug · grlte- way~, anLl rows ur pillars J'oJ m a. beautiful sight in brilliant ~un~hine and deep shadow. A::; we gaze a.t them we rau,:y them once mu:·e in their first beauty Wil·h long llroces- sion!:3 of chanting priest::; and IJl'iE.·ste.s.::;es, and

•tately monuments or gold and silver. Such a one i" the wonderful temple or the god Ammon at Karnak, which has ·bec:.·n restored in orl the -!JO.blest el'fort or architectural mag;nifitenc:e ·ever produced 'bY the hunli or m·an, and it give!:3 .some indica- tion of the might and advanced civilisation of L'he ancient Egyptians. An avenue of sphinxes leads llP to tile doorway, · and the ;;rent hall contuinH one hundred and lhirty-fo t.t' migltty p-illars, all ·brilliantly paint ell. Let tH:i now say something about the an- dent writings of Egypt. Learned 1nen, \Vho loved finding ottt the puzzles of the past, set l o work translating some nf the writing.:; and eng-raving. .s \\'hich have been found . Afte.·r years or hard study the meaning or the s ign::;· was discovered, and now we can · lis·teu to h·ict·og!yhpics being translated as eas.ly a ; English print. 'rhis discovery has also OlH:.·uetl tlll to us the olu ·bookti constantly lJein~ foun(l in the to·m·bs. 1'hey are in long rolls, or llapyri, so ealled f rom the papyrus on · which they are written. :B~.very year diggings and explorations are beil1g carried on in st:.:arch o·f more temple ..; antl tombs, inscriptions, and .papyri, to 1111 iu the gaps in our knowledge of the story of


gorgeous display of kingly Inagniticence when ancient Egypt . a king came to pay hi-s warship amidBt the

N. M., IV. B.

--**-- Limericks.

-**- The Rain Fairies.


'l'here wa:-; onee a Y

'£here was once a bad, bold cent.ipe

Good4bye, dear fairies! Go away Until another cloudy day,

And then come dancing l>ack aga.iu, AU down our shining winuow pane . LiWe feet., go patter home; Sunbeam fairies want to co1me, And take your raindrops, large auu small, To wear w·hen next ·you have a ball. H . B. (Commercial).

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Dreamy Dan, VI.

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