June 1923 School Magazine
June, 1923.
june, 192a.
Tasks of Fairyland.
Something Apout An~ient Egypt.
Til~ day was ver.y still and not a sound was b.eard, wb.en the air was sudden'ly filled with sweetc~t music . A tinkle of merry laughter •ounue
Queen Starlight then called in turn Joy- fulness, Goodness, and others, and sent them into the world to per·for.m· their di!Ierent tasks . H·ope.fulnes::; sped to a home where all wa~ sad . '£he husband could not find work; the wife WM ill, and the chtldren were starving;. The faiDy became invisible and fi"
Deeply interestin.g as we find Egypt to- day we cannot help reeling tltat tile true g·lory and greatness of Egypt lie in ancient Umeti . Let us mount to the top of the G1·eat Pyra- l:Uid an-d gaze down ·upon ~hei woncle'rf\11 panorama. There ·below us i~ tht· full, fto·w- ing Nile, which except in the bad famine sea- sou.s, has .'risen yearly rrom it.!:i L>ed ancl fer- tilised iJ•\J.e green and ye·llow fields witlt ils water . ·.:'Dur-ing all tl1e year·s, perhaps "ix thousand or more, the glorious suu has dai ly ri~::>en from out of the Lender glowing colour~ of the dawn be.youd the £•astet·n de~ert nntl has travelled ·across the bu:;y, fertile Nile · Valley to its evening setting· in a blaze ,,r g·oid and. cri·rnson behind the grim silent hills of the western desert. No wonder that the su~l held. ever ehie·f place among· the numlJer- le:-.;s gotls to w 1 ilom tlle ~gyi>tiall ,!-; prayed, anll · to whom they erected wondel'fnl teUJplc~ \\_'hiJ :~ e ru·ius :3 till form one or the sig ht:;; uf Egy[lt . 'l'he!'e is a great. group of tl1e. ~ e l CoiU1Jle:s 011 tile Nile where the n1agnif1cent t: . t.y o.L' ·rhe·!Je.:;; once stood . The great h::~ll...: , lliLilO~iug · grlte- way~, anLl rows ur pillars J'oJ m a. beautiful sight in brilliant ~un~hine and deep shadow. A::; we gaze a.t them we rau,:y them once mu:·e in their first beauty Wil·h long llroces- sion!:3 of chanting priest::; and IJl'iE.·ste.s.::;es, and
•tately monuments or gold and silver. Such a one i" the wonderful temple or the god Ammon at Karnak, which has ·bec:.·n restored in or
gorgeous display of kingly Inagniticence when ancient Egypt . a king came to pay hi-s warship amidBt the
N. M., IV. B.
--**-- Limericks.
-**- The Rain Fairies.
'l'here wa:-; onee a Y '£here was once a bad, bold cent.ipe Good4bye, dear fairies! Go away Until another cloudy day, And then come dancing l>ack aga.iu, AU down our shining winuow pane . LiWe feet., go patter home; Sunbeam fairies want to co1me, And take your raindrops, large auu small, To wear w·hen next ·you have a ball. H . B. (Commercial). l ' Dreamy Dan, VI. .~ •.· I .. ....iJ L.--...:._..._...__ ~_ J ~-
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