June 1923 School Magazine


June, 1923 .

June, 1923 .






i! she <:ould cat-ch the lball instead o~ h·itting it. 1\furgaret i• a good back; she stands round the . opposing thrower well and knows to who•m to pass ·her .ball an

SWL.)DJING NOTE~. Our swimming team ha·s not ·been at all successf.ul this year . \Ve were beaten in the Brocklway Cup, and came third in t•he int·er- school carn ival. We are hoping to do bt-t t e r next year, as there are a num1ber of proinising sw•im'mers in the third for.ms, and per haps there will be some amongst the new girls who ocome in after the holidays. It will •be necessary ·tor us to put in som e har-d practice when the season opens i! we wish to be successful in any event, because our captain left during the year . At the e!ld of the year •we w!ll 'hold our annual ::;wimn1ing carnival.. Last year Six th Form won the Burrell CnJl , but this time the fourth forms 1will have · a hard fight for it. and an oran.ge tree, and now Koong Shee sit; all day gazin·g at the orange blo ssoms . Poor Chang wishes to send her a .letter. but, alas! how is he to do it? At length he has a ·bright idea. On seein~ a cocoanut he picks it u,p and opens it . Ha puts a note iooide and !its a sail to it and then, placing it on the water, watches it fl oa t to his s weetheart , who sends an an~w e r . ·bael< to him, saying i( he is .brave enough to come and retch her, she. is willing to flee w,Itlt him. !Chang hesitates not a minute. hut goes across a nd brings her back. But, all! what a pity! Jus t a s they are crossing the bridge Which spans the stream beside Which g'l'OWS the famous willow tree , the mandarin se es them and chases them with a whip. They 15et ·away, however, and live happily together, till one d.ny the ri ch man who wanted to marry Koong Shee, finds the ir · home a ncl b11rns it, a nd no more is heard of Chang anti his wife . This is the •·nmantie little story which t he picture on the willow pat.tern c: hina tell < u<. M.S .W:, IV. ll.

BA5KET BA'LI, NOTES. •At the •beginning o! the year the prospects o·r the Basket Ball •ream were not very •chc·ar- tul, as G·wen and Everil •were the only ones left trom last year 's team. The old girls . however, came to the !ore, and challenged us, thus ·giving us excellent ·pract·ice. A team waa successful, but B team, arter a hard fi.gbt was 1beaten. Nevertheless, the B.'s are not disheartened as they 'had nearly all ole! A team people a·gainst them. 'The lower .school has not started tlractl s- ing, and amongst them are some very prol)l- isin·g players . They must remember that the future teams are to be picked ·!rom the!ll. The ~oalers amongst them might also remem- ber the old ·prover.b "Practice make.s perfect." •Our than~s are aJ.so due to the ·boarde•·s ror hel:pin.g with the artern·oon tea on Sat- urday afternoons; now, however, we have ar- ranged for the day girls to come and do their share. The other schools •must haV'e admired our costume last year, as "Imitation is tll~ sincerest .form a.r flattery." 'We won our .firsi two matches against tlte High •School and St. Margaret's, but the very thrill!ng ·game against Ipswich ended in a draw. HO ' : she sometimes loseti her heacl. .llcma hi making- u ~wlcndlll thrO\\'l: r, :; he i -; able to get tho ball a11d lceUll il, anti ~Clil:: r~ nlly h!IH a Htralght eye . l~\' t•a·il is a ~trong dercntlcr having greatl ~ improved this year, her methods are el'fec:tiv

1.'ENNL'> NOTES. The annual Old Girls' match .was played ·oil All ril 28th on a perfect afternoon , and resulted in a win f.oc them. All the same it was very · good •practice !or us as their te·am conta:ined two interstate players. Thi• year the vlayers in A lean:' (O.G. ) wet·e Mrs. Roe, Mi~s Haymen, Miss •&powers, . and Miss Lilley, and it was .good to see these old school champions .playing again on the court where t•hey had triumphed ail scl10ol git·ls, and to hear tlieir encoura.ging appreciatiott at the play o! their successors, who were very proud to · play with ' 'Inte·r- states .'' 'The B team (O.G.) cons·isting o! Miss Drnke, Miss Hart, Miss W·a:rr·a:ker, and Miss D a tendency to _recklessnes:; on Lhe rorehantl. 11. Hnwl

~- Matches (1st halt). ,,


B.G.H.S. B .G.G.S.

16 B .G.G.S.


14 10 27 18 36

Girls A ·Girls B

Present Present

Old Girls A . . Old Girls B .. 19

·21 18 22

B.G.G.S. B.G.G.S. B.Q.G.S.

St. Margaret's

Ipswich B.S.H.S.

-**- The Willow Pattern.

~ I ' , It

In olden days, the days or our gra·nd- H10thers , it was considered that. a home was not ce>mplete without a teaset or some china - ware o! the fa-mous willow pattern. 1'1l·is pattern is Jioked by all f·or the <:on- ception as well as !or the beauty of it. F'or Wh£·n we look at its quaint dark blue figures against the white ground o! the plate, and think o! the little story which is given us in picture, we !ind it q·ulte an interestin·g de- ~ign. On the right of the p·icture on a plate we see a pala-ce where the mandarin and his daughter Koong Shee live. The manclarin'.s secretary Chang has fallen in love with this beautiful daughter and wishes to marry her, but her father refuses to give his :permission . !or he wishes her to marry a rich man, not a poor fellow like Chang . Through the palace p;ro~tnd.s there is a . meandering brook, in t!Hi middle of whi ch stands a small is land. On this is'land a cottage has been built, and now the man - darin sends his daughter here, quite alone, uecause he is displeased with her reluctance· to comply with his wishes. Outside the win· dow of this lonely cottage is a willo•w ancl




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