June 1921 School Magazine


BRISBANE GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL MAGAZINE being replacecl and many new ones added. in it, someone rvas heard to remark the other Ano'ther gre'at help in the pas't few woeks day that she ,rhacl read all the books in that has been the nerw regulation, accorcling to librery. " Of course i.t this is the case slre which the members go in single fite down has no need to read any turther', for she must one side of the table guidecl by an ernbryo assuredly be steeped in knowieclge. But we policeman (with a very loucl voice) who or- think such intelligent people as this must ders them to "the other side of the table." be ferv and far betwee.. We very much felr that the flning systeirl Therefore, let us hope that next quarter will have to be broughL illto force ag.ain, as will see a much fuller mnrnbers, li;i, i". people persist in forgetting t-heir boo,ks every naturally more mem,bers lnean more ne\v Friday' For they must remetnrber that obhers .books, rvhich shoulci be an encouragement to perhaps are waiting for them. To this we rhose rvho have ,,reacl everytiring.,, may add as a genlle reminder, that books J.B. are not built for rough handting, anrl that the proper place for them is rot on the floor. Books heve been presented to the li,brary But,.a.bove ,a11, stands out the fa,ct that ilro by: M. Trudgian, I. Slmith, I. podrnore, B. libtary is not patronised as it shoulcl be. Al- carr, !1. Davis, p. FraDcis, G. Goldsrnith, l{. though there are ove,.r seven hundred books I-Iurforcl, J. Dilbrough, D. Lang, Itr. Jones. I5

' Notes. tame 'possum which John persisted in callilg 'wi1d and holcling at arm,s lengt.h. After hav_ ing suflicienily viewed it, we returnecl to do our prep., ancl John then liberatetl our 'Native Brother'who disturbecl the niglrt repose of several birds in a fig_tree before dep.arting. Talking o,f ,poss.ums recalls to our memory the fact t'h.r't many oI our energetic athletics' have developed'possu,m-like hatbits, and their hands are beginning to resemble the natural "hanger-on,'of this Aus,tralian Native. Mid-Winter exam. is far too close for a,ll of us, but just af ter it come holiclt,ys, ancl the thought of them cheers us up when we are staring .blanily at irregular French verbs ancl sums that lyill not come ou,t, and some of our hearts sink when we think of the Junior. It is rvilh cheerf ul countensn .es, however, th,lt rve collect our numerous belongings, and visions of "Home Sweel Home" flo,at before our eyes. What, with raiding the box_room, running hither and thither for forgotten xr_ ticles, ancl trying to remember everything, we have a busy tifne the last couple of d,ays. At lrst the longeil-for rley al'rives; the cehj ar-e at the door, there is a .lYiltl ruslh and a hurried scramble, the cabs.rumbie awaJ., and the Iast sigh,t we see is the rvaving of m:Lny hancls ancl handkerchiefs frorn the front .gate and up-stairs windows_ Tout casse, tout passe, tout lasse, and so fa retvelL

Boarders Two more terms of our school life have passed by, and our brains are once more taxecl with the arduous task of concocting "Les notes des Internes.', O,wing to the wet week-ends which have been the rule rsther tlhan the exception since Easter, our favourite resorts have not been visited, except Sandgate, and the Dams at Toowong. One night, however, our ,,Enter_ tainment Committee,, gave a games evening, during which everyrbocly enjoyed herself ex_ ceedingly, the prize-winner being Vivien, . while the trvo babes secured the .booby .prize, much to their delight. During Altan Wilkie's visit to Rrisrbane all our members were al- lowed to attend two Shaikespearian ,plays, ancl to our further enjoyment we traversed eueeir street about five o'clock in tihe afternoon in order to secure front seats for the family in the "gods." This year we must not forget to mention . that three of our members (Olga, Norma and Aileen) are in the School B tennis team; Olga is also runner in the Basket Ball tearm, while the first emergency ( Ethel ) is a boarder too. Owing to the lengthy periocl since Easter we have harl a ,.week-end out" eaoh month, and lortunately for us we werr, able to have Eiglht Hour Day and the King's Birthday included in the.m. One night just as we weue setiling do,wir to prep., excited cries of " ,possum', vihra,ted our tympanums, and we rushed out to see :l

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