June 1921 School Magazine





OId Girls' Association'

is serrt post free

|].G.G.S. Ma'gzrzirre (issuotl lurilf'yearly)

Notico to Subscribers'-Thg to Otd Girls for 2/3 Per z\nrrum' uitiii"-" of intorest suit':rble for

gf"A it"Old tilt't" rvould forwa;rd

T;hs I)tlitor woultl be "uw insertion ful t;hese columrrs'

l\Iairs Daniels, A. Hoskin are cloing Third Year Arts; Una Morris, Katherine McGregor' itun"iu Drake, ancl Ruth Moore are in Sec- ond t"u. Arts, K. McGregor having olbtainetl Uerits ln Latin and Greek in her First Year' Doris Howlett, Gla'lys Srpu'rgin' Kathleen Camp,bett-grown are in their first year' hav- ing won Scholarships in 1920' We wish them aII every success throughout their course. WEDDINGS. Minnie DavY to Mr' A' tr'' HaYes' Rhona CamPbell to Mr' G' MurraY' Rita Cox Horan to Mr' V' N' BradY' Olive Adam to Mr' T' Thatcher' Agnes Moore to Mr' Skden' Phyllis Frankel to Major Peixotto' Elvina Lord to Mr' N' Nevitt' tttls. ninttum-Peren (Nee Madge Woolcock) to 1\[r. H. De TeutY. On 4th JulY, Jean Dollar is Sparkes. The engagement has been l.\'Iary Liltey to Mr. Cook' BIRTHS. To Mrs' Webb (nee H' Kenneciy)-a daugh- ter. To Mrs' CIem Fox (nee Ella Jack)-a daughter. fo Urs. Leitih (nee Betty Cockburn)-a son. - To Mrs. Wood (nee Leader Milne)-a rlaughter. DEA'IHS. We offer our sympathy to the parents of N[ona Chamrbers, who cliecl on 28th January' to marrY Mr. announced of

The Otd Girls' Association has received cluite a large number of new memlbers during lhe last few years, but in spite of this and of lhe fact that the subscription is now 5s' a year, funtls are exceedingly low' The Tennis Match this year was a very suc- cessful function, ancl resulted in a win for the Olit Girls, who had a very strong team' Mrs' ;;;, M... clark, M'rs' Turn'er' antl Miss cogh- lan ptaying in A team' and Misses Hart' DoI- ;;;, M."campbell, S' Drake plavins in B' Mrs. Roe and Miss M' Fowler were chosen t"'pi"y Interstater, anil we must congratulate Lhem on their success against N'S' Wales' The Medley afternoon' which +'ook place at tt" S"tt""f o,, f +tn May was weli attendecl.' A competition was held anct a delightful musical programme Provided' ' On 22nd July, a com:bineil Olcl Girls' and Oti Boys' Batl rvill be held in the South Bris- bane Technical CoIIege' Tickets maV !1 hacl on apptication to the Secretary' Miss Storey' Bulimba Street, Bulimrba' Clissa Wilson took her Degree in Arts at Sydney University al the entl of last year' U*ur"'Wrtuo,t and Dorothea Stevens are at n."t""t at Women's 'College' Syclney' Essie ieing in her thirtl year antl Dorothea in her secontl. We are represented at Queensland Univ€r- sity by nine girls, who are ably maintaining the standard set 'by members of the school "u". ,in"" the establishment of a University in our own Stete'

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