June 1921 School Magazine



Beautiful Thoughts from Our Text Books.

)io quie,t mind is rir:her thar.n a cro,lr/n. w:ind, if winier comes, ca.n s:)r'ing be far Lrehind I a'ct terminating in itself constii,uies great- rless. This England never dicl, nor never sball, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror. Come the three corners of the world in afrns And we shall shock them. Naught shall make us rue If Eri$Iand to itself do rest ,but true. Art thou poor; yet hast tliou golden slum,bers? ? (Oh sweet contentl) lhou rich; yet is thy mind perplexed? (Oh, punis,h,rnent!) llou' far that liltle candle throlvs his beanrs! So shines a good tleed in a naughty world. -{rt Fairy Queen being taken to prison, and he rvhispered to her to be at her window at lwelYe o'c1oc'k'that night. Then he went back and l'aited with Dee. At twelve o'clock th;lt night Dicker anrl Dee went to the Queen's rvinrlolv antl placed a ladder under it for her to climb down. When she was safely on Dee'; back they all went back to Fairyland. Next clay there was a b.r'tlle between the l"airies and t.he Pixies, but the Pixie I{ing wa;s taken prisoner, and Dicker arrd Dee rvere knighted for t.heir brave cleeds. V.W. (aCe 11) Remove.

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They are never alone tha,t by noble thoughts.

There's nol the smallest behold'st Rut in his motion like an angel sings Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubiuts; Sucrh harmony is in imm-o'rtal souls; Brt whils,t lhis muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close us in, we cannot hear it" He is weil pald th,at is wdii saiisfied. orr'D rvhich thou It ls not growing like a tree, Iu bulk doth make man better be, In small proportions we iust beauties see; And in short measures life may perfect be Work is the grand lure for all the miseriā‚¬'s That ever beset mankind; honest work, rvhich You intend getting done. l'he !'airy Queen had been stolen ,by the Pixie King who was the fairies' greatest cnelny. There ^rvas great tumult eYerywhere in Fairyland, but Dicker anil Dee, two little fat fairies, said they would go and rescue their queen. Then they went to their littls house in the rvoods, and Dicker put on his labbit's coat and Dee put on his crorv's coat" Then they started out tor Pixieland. Dee was flying $'ith Dicker on his back' When they arrivetl at the Pixie King's palace, Dee sta;-ed in a tree near by, anrl Dicker u ent iulo the palace. He was only just in time to goe the

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