June 1921 School Magazine
In the Secondary Schools' Carnival the High School secured first place a'gain' wilh Soutirport a very close second' The team was' very enthusiastic, antl o'|wes a great de'al to Jessie Stephenson's breast stroke' and to Vioiet Smith who secured a pla'ce in the race for girls over sixteen. So in the end we managed to come third in order of points' Nliss Brockway coached the tea'm rvhich al- rvays pra.ctised three or f our times weehly' Srvimming at this time of the year is never thought of, but when the.season begins again in the four'th term, all the forms wiil com- mence arranging their terms for the Buruell Cup Race in the carnival' Fourth Form holtls this cup at present, but every other form in- tends to do its best to win it from them this yeai. I't seems a long time before the end ot tit" year, when the carnival will be helil' but once the season opens time simply flies' When the nelw girls come after the mid- rvinter holialays, there may be some very goo'l swimmers among them; we all hope to have a stronger team next year' so perhaps so'me more swimmer$ witl come along' . Although we were clefeated this year' we stiil live in hopes of some day huilding up a lsnm like last year's vietorious one'
S'he shoulcl begin in the seconcl
uncrringlY. rounii !
liybil's llethod of attaching her oppouent is effective rather than pretty' She can ahvays be reiiecl on. Thelma is a very satisf'actory 'torward' rvould make a good wing too, bu't is more fni as a supporter for MarY' Irene, after long years of practice' is quite rn expert defender, antl knows her ruies ancl regulations as a good defencler shoul'd' She is inclined to snarl a little, ho'wever' when she lhinks the other side is be'sting her' But providecl she cioesn't snarl too loudly' we overlook this little defect' K.L SWIIIMING NOTES. This year unfortunately we were not suc- cessful in winning the Brockway Cup' which was taken from us by the High School' We helcl it for two years previo[s to this year' ancl the keenest competition has always ex- istetl bet'lveen the High Schoo{ antl ourselves' However, we manage'I to 'secure secontl place only coming in a touch before St' Hiltla's' A11 the girls s'wam very well' especially Isab':l Bonrl, lvho swam last in the team' She use- The usual interest is ,being taken in gym- nastics, especially by the lower forms' this year. There is a special piactice day for each form, and of'ten many gir'ls mey be seen to rush into Assembly breathless and very reil in the face after their exertions' The lower forms have been imitating the V. alcl VI. by having jumping rings on t'heir practice days. It is wise to sew your belts on io yoo. gym. costumes, for it is a habit to
_--**:- - Gymnastic Notes.
borrow 'belts anal "forget" to return them' We have recently hatl a pair of rings re- newed in the gym., but rvhat needs to be repaired at present is Miss Brockway's stand rvhich canngt be moved tor fear of its collaps- ing. br tut" the gvm. has not been frequented at lunch time so much, on account of the girls practising f or sPolts' N.H.
-*&--_ Library N otes
{ The glorious splendour of new glass cloors coulcl not possibly he entrusted at once to t.he youthful Fifth, but after Miclwinte'r' when their age, and, we hope, their responsibility' will have percep'tib1y increasetl' with great
regret (?) we will hand over the heys after an undispute'cl reign of eighteen months' In orcler to feciiitate the work of the Iibrarians, Sixth, with 1\{iss Dath's help' re- catalogueal the books, most of the lost ones
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