June 1921 School Magazine




Sports Notes.

I}ASKI''r. I}AI]I] NO'I'HS. Basket B,all practice commenced ,this sea- son three weeks before the first match, so that there was only a very short space oi time in rvhich to choose four netw memrbers for the A team, but rye have norv had a f,air amount of practice, and both A .and B teams aie grea,Lly improved. Knotving that we hacl only a short time to practise before $'e en- countered Ipswich, we all worked very strenu- ously and won our match by two poinLs. In our matches against the High School and Technical Col'lege aiso, 1ve were successf ul, but at St. Margaret's we were beaten by six points, so we shall h'ave to work harder than we have been doing. Perhaps the reason fol this defeat was that we were not sufficiently familiar with our new friend. "Job." The Upper School are already preparing enthusiastically for the inter-form matches for the possession of the Shietd. The Third Forms also take a keen interest in the g,ame, and one of their num,ber is a member of the B team. The team need more self-reliance. In the event of the absence of Mi,ss Lyons, the practice should be as vigorous and harmon- ious as when she is there. Unfortunately the members are not as responsiye to the direc- tions of the captain as they might be. I.I. Cr.iticisrns. Olga always plays her ,best in matches. She could often, however, tire herself a litile more in practices. Victory depends on the whole te rnr exerting its bejt efTorts at all times. She shoulil guard against putting two arms rounC hor opponent's waisl. Ettie is a neat, quick little player. Often her size is against her, but she is always at hancl to catch the ball from delender or back, I:yle's work as a wing has been weah. She .cannot get rid of her ball, which is a very bacl f ault. We are giying E,thel Cook a chance to show rvhat she can do. lfary has a straight eye and gives a de- fencler plenty of work to do; but in matches she takes rather too long to gain control over her nerves. In the second haU she throws

'I'I'NNIS NOTI'S. This year the whole of last year's A team carne back, so we were able to start pr.actice straight away. \['e heve played one rounil, and have so far won every match. A very goocl O1d Girls' team played us one Saturclay before the Inter-school matches began. Their team containecl two'interstate players, so the ma trh naturally resulted in a wirr for them. The OId Girls' also brou,ght up a B team, but our B team defeated thegr by three games, Roth A and B teams are sLronger than they have been for some time, bui the rest of the school are not taking as keen an in- terest in tennis as they might. The For,m Ilatches and School Tournament wili be played next half, and as Basket Ba.l1 will be over, there ou.ght to be a large numrber oi entries. We h,a,ve been trying to arrange jl team matches with the other schools, but sJ fer haye only been able to play the High School. Our team defeated them by 68 points. E. Doak has improved in her net play, and her back-hand is also much stronger. N. Hebden's ,back-hand has improveal, and her drives nolv have more force, but she must try not to get out of position on the court. E. Walsh has improved all round, prrticu- larly in her fore-hand drives, and now ,t.akes more interest in the game. She must start to run for a bal'l sooner, as she often wsstes valua'ble time getting off the mark. T. Drake, J. Stephenson, 1\{. Pratten, E. Oook, lnd K. Coleman deserve mention as promising players. M. H. M. Haymen has proved a most efflc.ient arrd enthusiastic ca,ptain, her enthusiasm carrying her so far that she has no compunction in reft- ing members from the form Baskel-ball team Lo practice tennis, when they should be prepar- ing for inter-form Basket-Ball matches. Her play is excellent, but she should guard again.st her little habit of serving the {irst ball into the nel. B. S.

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