June 1921 School Magazine

iune,1921. as the library occupies one end and the stock cupboard one side. ft is necessary for us to be quiet, as we have Sixth tr.or.m behind us, althorigh their presence seems to have no elfect on III C whose room opens into theirs. Owing to the smallness of our number we have some of our lessons with III C, also basket-ball on Friday afternoons. Rernove. There are ten girls in our form who have no regular cap,tain, but each rveek the moni- tress acts as caPtain. On Anzac Day we all came to school, ancl Miss Mackay told us about Anzac. Then we planted trees in memory of the brave nen rvho fell in the war. One of the girls in our form helped to plant a tree-a Moreton Bay fl9. We have "gy,m" every Monday, ancl we all look forward to it. On Wednesday we play tenuis after three o'clock. We are studying h'a,rd for the exams' now, and af ter Lhe exams. we shall have the M i,l- lvinter holidays. Af ter Midwinter the nerv scholarship girls will be with us. and we shall have to pluck up courage to show them how 1ve can n'ork when we like. The sports are drawing near now, and some of the girls in our form are already practising for them. We all wish them good luck. II A. At present our form consists of six giris, Elsa 'being the babY. On Anzac Day each form in the school ptanted a tree alown in our "Anzac Grove." We planted a Moreton Bay Fig which we hope will grow. Every Thursday we play tennis, but we seem to spend most of our time looking for balls. tf lt is too hot for tennis rve sit and tetl stories. On Friday dul'ing the dinner hour ','ve have gym. practice, and there is al- ways a scramble to see \Yho can get on the rings first. Our favourite subiects are Nature Study and History. We are ali looking forward anxiously to our Exams. which co,mmence on Friday. After Midwinter there wili not be any room for rve little ones in the ,school, and rve are all sorry we are leaving, especially as we had hoped to take part in the school srports.

BiirsBANix crhr,,s' eh.AMMAR soFiooL MAGAzINE.


and for the last tew d'ays (?) hard.ly a whis- per has issued from our roo[], All ot us enjoy our gym. and basket.ball. Some ,become Yery hot during the latter, but rvhat eise can we expect if we are always rurr- ning about in pl'aces where we should not be. The thought o'f the coming exams. has caused us to put some really hard work into the various su'biects, as rve all wish to achieve some success. III B. III B is composed of 32 angelic prodigies, noterl for their meekness of spirit and devo- tion to work. Incleecl, so hard do we exercise orrr brains that the Chemistry girls on one occasion rvere found 'by Miss Robinson eating parafiin rvax. This was evidently for the pur- pose of strengthening their brain po'wer. We play b.lskeL-ball once a week rvith Miss Brock- rvay, ancl we are improving' We are all prac- tising very hard tor the sports in which we hope to obtain at Ieast a Place. ur c. III C consists of 25 girls, but for several Iessons rve have III D rvith us, and as there are 13 rn that class we are quite a large f amiIy. We have not any special genius in oul class, antl it is a well known secret that the mistresses breathe a sigh of relief when they have finished trying to teach us. In sports we have a first emergency in the swimming team, and several good tennis pl.lyers. Once a 'lveek the girls assem'ble on the baskel-ball court and have a game of the sport they like best' tly ditigent practice we hopc to turn out a goocl team and to keep the oltl III C colours flYing. lll D. \\'e are otre of the smallest' classes in the school, consisting only of 13 giris who are too brilliart to be put in any form but III D' uur class-roolll is in the old studio, which is harctly privrte enough, as our vases mysteri- ous.y ciisappear, and many hats decorate the table at the end of the room, which is against the rules, and makes our room look very un- ticly. 'Ihe cloak-room is just near by, and during lessons we are forever being forced -'o turn taps which are left running by careless girls. Our class-rpom is very important, howevor'

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