June 1921 School Magazine
June,1921 We hope to do well in sports this year, anil keep the cup which already reposes in our form-room. If Molly, whom we have wel- comecl back again ihis year, will run her harrlest, if Teddy wiII fly and win the long jump again, if Srluib and SIim 'rvill mer'ril,r prance in the chrriot race, and if a,ll the vari- oti's other members of the form will do theil bit,'we are sure to be successful. We must not forget to mention that we have Ettie who '{wings it" in the A basket-ball team, while Cicely and Doris have alreaily shoWn thcir pro\\'ess in the water. IV. B. IV B, the home of 29 ,brilliant members, occupies the ideal central class-room across the court-yard. We moclel 2 9 of ten wouder where the flowers g;o in the winter time, for one srcl rnorn we came to school tully prepared to admire in our room the floral decorations ,;f earlycomers, rilhen imagine our dismay at be- holding one smail flower "wasLing its sweet- ness" in an obscure corner on the top of our I oc kers. Why, oh why, are all good intentio.ns spoil? Even we IV !-ites have learnt that this is so. On a certain afternoon in the week (did Dame Rumour say it was Wednesday?) rvhen we are trying to "read, mark and in- wardly d,igest" certain Treaties such as the "Con.gress of Vienna" which will insist on appearing in the 15th century ins'tead of in its usual place, clear 'through the air comes- a bugle call. That bugle call!_=but happily it reaches only our sub-consciousness, and the monotony of its repetition soon restores our minds to their norm,al condition and nornral brilliancy ( ? ). IV B. too has a reputation in that no le;s than two members, Norma ancl ^Qileen, of B tcnnis telm, reside with us. In Basket Bali we are rt'proserrtecl also. One oI our members, Itrthel, is Iirst emergency to A team, ,and Grven and I'Iarjorie are in B te'am. But once again our illusions are destroyed; rve girls when trJ.ing to exercise our 1un;3s ancl thus strengthen our voices, are gen t.ly reminclecl that "silence is golden." Therefoi'e silence has becomQ habitual with us. But lessons I Departeci spirits of IV B, whence c:lme your inspirations? None. In- spirations, of course, seem fort,hcoming to us.
We need them fqr coming exams. which ca$t their shadow before them and leave their re- sults behind them. But after mid-winter, when we have pitted onr athletic powers against the other forms, 1\'e mean to settle down to study in a rvay tirat rvill surprise our neigh'bours and perhaps ourselves. Ilope with us that our devotion to stucly r''.ill be permlnent. tv c. In a select corner of the New Building one score anrt eight little maids diligently ( ? ) pursue their studies day by day. For do we noi knorv th,at the dreaded Junior iooms aheacl, and we are cqnrsrequently studying hard so as to be a credit to our School, our Form, and to Ourselves. We, of course, ex- peci merits in every su,bject, being inspirerl by that grancl old proverib of "aiming .at a planet ald hitting a tree." Let's hope we'll hir lhe tl'ee at Ieast. Not enly are we plodding at lessons, ,but at sports, and our form already boasts of sev- eral sports celebrities. Olga, our captain, is in A basket-ball team, and B tennis, while we are proucl of having Violet in the swimming, anil are sorry that she will be leaving us shortiy. Gym. is as ever a popular pur$uit amo,ngst us. So beware, oh ye IV A and B. Sensations were our lot last term, the most pxciting of which was when an intrepid young snake sallied forth to view the agonised coun- tenances of the IV C-ites, bul his little ex,pedi- tion encled in his sudclen and tragic death. We look bacli 'with pride when we realise that throughout that exciting incident none oI us lost our heads, but remainecl perfectly calm and collected as true heroines should. III A. Great was the joy of our Form III A-com- poseil o.f thirty-three girls-lr.hen we leart:t that we 'lvere to occupy the cias,s-room which we hacl last year. 'Ihis roo.m has many advan- tages, one being that some girls have jus.t to turn their heads ancl watch a game of tennis. llnf ortunately this is not allorved, and we Irlve ro bury ourselves in our books again, Some members of the Form seem to pos- sess a talent for the exercising of their voices. This generally takes place be,tween lessons, but we are gradually learning solf-control,
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