June 1921 School Magazine



Form Notes.


good example, so we cannot indulge in much fun: not, indeed, that we have time for it for we are continced that no other form in the school is as hard-worked a.s ours. The disad- vantages of our room lie in its pos,ition. We get all the cold breezes, which, no doubt, is delightful in summer, bu't is unplea,sant in winter. Then, if one of us leave,s anything behind, she has to clim,b the stairs, and thus expend some of the valuable energy which we neeil for sports. Last year's X'i.fth have left us the Tennrs Cup which, isince we have 3A team girls among us, we hope to retain. Then, we are reptesented in the Basket Ball teams, and in- tencl to run Sixth close for the Shield, while we al,so hope to do rvell in athletics, for which snme of our girls are already practising, and later on in s'lvimming. We tu'rn to the harder side of life, and viev lessons. Exams, are near; we know ver'/ Iittle; we dread rersults! The most amusing lesson we have is that in which we honorir Sixth with our presence, Ancient History. They provide much laughter, with our help, but we fear that it we attem,pted to learn our work from their answers, our trlxam. marks rvould be lorv. And so we encl our notes. In case no one noLjces this, we clesire to point out that they are a work of art. So, since they have cost us much trouble to prepare, we hope they wili be duly appreciated. IV. A. Midwinterl it is with mingled feelings of joy and sorrow that we hear that v/ord. Joy ibec'ause it means holidays for all and home for many of us who live far .away, and sorrow because it means exams. Exams. have a very bad eftect on the brain, so it is not our fault if our form notes are not up to the stanclard of others, because we are busily keeping up the reputation of IVA.. We are af ryid, though, that latterly this reputation has not quite arrived at the standard of our predeces- sors, for we seem to enjoy life more than is consistent with the qualities of earnest stu- dents. We have been spurred on to kee,ner competition'in lessons ,as some of the "geni- asses" of last year's IVa are with us as CiYjl Service Girls.

vr. We of the Sixth Form are working so hard that we fincl it cliffi'lutt to spare time even for lvriting our form notes' The clread of the coming Mitlwinter exams. oppresses us. II only the time -could now be measured by Ophelia! This noble heritage 'still ticks upoil the mantlepiece, but her hands neYer mov')-' -the Ancierrt H istory girls have decicled that her birth must date rback to something B'C" and we may rely upon them, for in'the matter of clates they set a good ex&mple to Fifth'' We clo not rvish to olTend Fiith, however' by saying whether. they take this example "o heart or not. As the rest of 'the schooi has probably noticecl, we are looking mere shadows orf our former selves, and 'we doubt whether the holi- days wiil give uis time' to' recuperate' How sorry rvould Lhose girls be who never by an)' chance have their gloves, it we were too weak lo return in the third terml Horvever, we are not only the most intel- lectual mcmbers of the schooi, but we excel ill sporl a]so. l.n. the Baske,t Ball teams thcre are five of us, fciur in the A, and one in the' B, ancl in tennis we have one in the A and one in the B. We could, incieecl, give many ex- amples of our greatnes's, but modesty bitls me bo siient. lVe clo no't rvish to appear boastf ul' ancl rve must., as usual, se! an example to::the lc.st of Lhc school. v. Fif rh is ag.rin a small lorm, though it,is Iargcr Ihan last year. We Legan the 1'rinr rvith 13 (is that lucky or not?)' ,bul our num- bels have since decreased, fo|two left after t.he filst term, antl there is the sad prospect of our Iosing another at Midwinter. We will still, however, have more ihan enough for oui Basket Ball team. Our form-room is much too large for us' as we occupy less than half the seats. This couicl, however, have some advantage's; thele rvould be rcom for a dance berfore the plat- f orm, while the mistress is toiling up the stlirs, anal we could chase each other rounil the room in comfort, wlthout raising fresh

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